Forums Discussions I need your help with a very simple spin please

  • Monz

    April 9, 2010 at 1:06 am

    My only suggestion is to start off slow where you are not banging your leg into the pole. You are not actually going to spin but you will get comfortable with the position. The gradually add momentum. Keep studying RedKE’s vid on hand and leg placement. You’ll get it!

  • Journey

    April 9, 2010 at 1:41 am

    I believe that’s called a Dizzy Lizzy, among other names.

    Which knee are you worried about hitting? The one on the extended leg??

    I’ve only done this one like, maybe twice ever… lol. I just hold on tight with that top hand, hook the knee, let yourself fall forward as you grab the pole with the other hand under your knee, and just keep the other leg straight as it comes out from under you and keep it lifted. If you keep it lifted up, you shouldn’t hit your knee.

    Most people’s problems with spins like this are committing to going sideways (I still have problems with the cradle spin because of that…), but if you’re not worried about that part, I would say just try it. There’s one of those Expert Village videos on YouTube of this move, too.

  • Runemist34

    April 9, 2010 at 4:10 am

    I actually have had a strange experience with this move. As soon as I figured out where the bottom hand went, I said "Ooooh!" and got it right away…and then I stopped getting it at all! I could do it for the first couple of days, but ever since, I’ve never been able to get it right without slipping or doing something funny with something. I think it might be the sideways thing…I’m thinking about it too much, so I’m actually messing myself up.
    Also, things are only simple to some people, and not to others.

  • polergirl

    April 9, 2010 at 12:01 pm

    Is the Dizzy Lizzy the side spin? The problem I see with most people on this is that they try to lead with the head, which effectively kills any and all momentum, which I think is how you end up banging knees and such against the pole. If you lead with your hips, then swing your head down and dive into it, you will have crazy momentum and your position kinda takes care of itself, at least IME. This is one of my favorite spins but it wasn’t until I learned to lead hips first, then dive, that it ever really spun and/or I stopped whacking things against the pole when I went sideways.

  • PoleDanceABCs

    April 9, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Yeah I call it the side spin too.

    For me it was all about the top hand… I just kept it too high in the beginning. I learned that lowering my top arm closer to where my bent/top leg was made it easier. And I agree about not trying to get your head/top body close to the pole… extend out and "flat".

  • tiggertail

    April 10, 2010 at 7:33 pm

    my problem with this one is the hand between my legs. I’m so scare to crash that I hold too tight and this hand don’t go down Yes it look strange

  • x Sakura x

    April 10, 2010 at 11:41 pm

    We didn’t actually learn this spin with the hand between the legs.. I can’t even think how I do it now.
    But I remember when we first did it we did in slow motion lol. The hardest part was lifting the straight leg.
    We hooked the right leg, then lean forwards until your left leg touches the pole (hence the slow motion so this doesn’t become a bashing of the pole) and then lift the left leg to be horizontal.
    This method does mean NO momentum for the first few tries, but once you get the feel for where everything should be it’s much easier to add the spin. Of course this is just one opinion and is just how I found it easiest to learn.

  • polefairy

    April 10, 2010 at 11:50 pm

    That is exactly how my instructor showed me too. There was no low hand at all and she said for the first few tries to just hook your leg and fall until your straight leg comes in contact with the pole. I can do it very slowly but I honestly feel like if I used ANY momentum that I’d break my knee. I think I’m just not bringing my straight leg up which is exactly what you said. I’m glad someone else has found this move a bit difficult too, I think I’m just too afraid!

  • amcut

    April 11, 2010 at 1:19 am

    Yeah, the bottom hand isn’t required unless you’re switching legs…

    I was thinking that I need to be doing this one BACKWARDS a lot more, but whenever I get to the pole I’m confused beyond words.

    Anyone have a backwards side spin into something tutorial?

  • polergirl

    April 11, 2010 at 1:29 am

    Yeah, the bottom hand isn’t required unless you’re switching legs…

    I was thinking that I need to be doing this one BACKWARDS a lot more, but whenever I get to the pole I’m confused beyond words.

    Anyone have a backwards side spin into something tutorial?

    Check out the videos here from the USPDF comp–someone, I don’t remember who–does an awesome back hook-ish thing to a backwards side spin into a leg hang. It’s super fast and *awesome.* I haven’t quite figured out where she puts her legs and how, but you can bet I’ll be trying it!

  • miss fern

    April 11, 2010 at 3:13 am

    This is actually not a simple spin at all. I don’t teach this spin to my student until they are intermediate.

    You need a lot of strength in the top hand and your hammies to be able to lift your bottom (straight) leg off the floor AND also it is indeed difficult to get the momentum working on this one.

    Here’s an expert village tutorial on dizzy lizzy: (she bends the back leg, but it’s just one small difference).

  • x Sakura x

    April 11, 2010 at 6:11 am

    Don’t you worry at all huni! For weeks our entire class just had their back legs dragging along the floor until we finally managed to lift them up!
    It’s just going to take time, don’t do something you don’t want to, just take your time and wait until you feel brave enough. The fact that you’ve got the first part means that you CAN do the move so don’t worry x

  • tiggertail

    April 11, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    no low hand??? it’s gonna be more easy the next time thanks

  • polefairy

    April 11, 2010 at 10:56 pm

    This is actually not a simple spin at all. I don’t teach this spin to my student until they are intermediate.
    Oooh okay, well that makes me feel better then, it was in a beginner class that we were shown this one, I think it was the 4th class. Then the next class was climbing the pole and the last one was sitting on the pole and turning one move into another one. (dunno if there’s a name for that ) Then after that class we could decide if we wanted to join the intermediate one or not.

    Thanks Georgiamarie, I’ll keep on trying!

    For weeks our entire class just had their back legs dragging along the floor until we finally managed to lift them up!
    Best mental image… EVER!! x

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