Forums Discussions I never thought I could ask anyone about this stuff!

  • stars2shame

    July 23, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    My pole is also right in front of my front door! Whenever the super comes in to check something (we have had 3 this year) I always think, "oh god! what is he going to think" But most people who come in don’t even notice it for like 30 minutes and then they are like "whoa! where did this come from!" lol. My son is 6 and he just thinks it is for fun, I even do a move I call the spiderman, cuz it kinda looks like spiderman hanging on his spiderthread, he likes it and he knows I am dying to do the superman and asks me all the time, "can you do it yet?" Other than that he has no interest in playing on it, and I do nothing sexy when he is around. Although I do worry about when he first learns about pole dancing in strip clubs but I figure by the time he does it will probably be more mainstream and he will also be used to seeing it as a thing of dance and sport.

  • deberrah

    July 24, 2010 at 8:42 am

    Hi Guys, im new at pole dancing just recently got a pole, i’m a mother of 5 sons ages 13 -24y i dont hide the pole, actually i encourge them to workout on the pole now it’s a family thing ……
    I can tell you my sons could give me some lessons on the pole
    Pole dancing used to be a stripers clubs thing but now thats a thing of the past, it’s becoming more mainstream for dance and sport.
    My sons they know about the pole who does’nt "Have FUN and don’t worry what other people think "

  • Roadkillgerbil

    July 24, 2010 at 10:53 am

    I had my first ever pole show a few months ago, and invited my mum, her partner and his 15 year old son. And they came! ~glee~

    For me, it was lovely to have people supporting me in the audience, but I think it was probably a good thing for him, too. It wasn’t a slutty show but it was full of great dancing and awesome moves. Realising that these women (one of whom was only a little older than him) were stronger and more highly skilled than him, not to mention confident, seems to have increased his respect for women, rather than decreasing it. We also had a few conversations about why this wasn’t something I did only for my bf. Admittedly, he’s already had to understand that I have two bfs and one gf, so he’s more prepared than most to understand slightly ‘alternative’ lifestyles, but explaining that "No, Alex isn’t ‘allowing’ me to dance in front of people. This is something I enjoy, and no-one gets to give me permission to do it" and having Alex reinforce that by saying how pleased he is that I could perform made it clear at an emotional level as well as an intellectual one. Not only is poledancing a perfectly acceptable activity, but women make their own decisions, and don’t need permission to show off.

    So yeah, I say leave it up.

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