Forums Discussions I promise I’m not a gold digging hooker!?

  • Shanghai Coaster

    October 11, 2011 at 5:31 am

    Look, if they truly are his friends then eventually they will come around and realise that you are together because you love him, that you are good for him and they will accept you. Try to look at it from the positive side, he has friends that care about his well being.

    If they dont come around and refuse to get to know you properly then what kind of friends are they to him anyways? I always make the best effort to become friends and get to know my friends boyfriends /husbands even if I dont like them at first. I think it is important if you have any respect and care for your friend to do so. 

    If they cant be bothered to invest energy in getting to know YOU then dont bother wasting energy on what they think about you.

    Easier said than done, but you should try at least 🙂 hope things work out!

  • Shanghai Coaster

    October 11, 2011 at 5:37 am

    Oh and secondly, who are we to judge gold diggers anyways. A relationship consists of two consenting adults who have the right to decide exactly what type of relationship they want. As long as both partners know what's up (no one being fooled to think that it is true love) then why should they not be allowed to be together even if it's just for money/beauty/status etc.?


  • Anonyma

    October 11, 2011 at 9:29 am

    they re just jaleous… climb that pole and they ll be even MORE…lol

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