Forums Discussions I seriously need some words of encouragement!!

  • I seriously need some words of encouragement!!

    Posted by stephnicoleex3 on May 13, 2013 at 7:10 pm

    I am ALREADY thinking of taking down my pole. It's been two weeks, I saw a little bit of improvement strength wise at first, and now nothing, I'm at a standstill. I was doing the 30 day take off, and I found I was just dreading the workout every single night…because that's all it was, a workout. I completely understand that you need the strength to be able to do pole, but I guess I was just hoping there'd be more strength gaining BY poling. I've only tried two things on my own, which are the pole climb & pole sit….I still cannot get them & am still terrible at any and all spins. I just feel discouraged, because it's not fun. It hurts really bad, I haven't learned anything yet, yes I have gained a little strength…but that's it.

    Plus, it takes me at least 15 minutes to get my lil mynx pole from spinning back to static. It is right now stuck on spinny, because I don't know the "proper" way to get it back to static….unless I am using the proper way & my pole is just messed up or something? I just can't get that little screw back up. I've tried screwing it myself, I tried using a screwdriver….and it's not working.

    Ugh. I'm sorry for the vent, I'm just feeling so discouraged & so mad at myself for feeling this way.

    I'm just frustrated with it all. EVERYONE told me not to get a pole & thought it was the stupidest idea ever because they thought I wouldn't stick with it…and I thought that they were going to be wrong, but it seems like they were completely right. Two weeks & I don't want to continue anymore :/.

    ORGANIC ANGEL replied 11 years, 5 months ago 30 Members · 52 Replies
  • 52 Replies
  • Autumn Sky

    May 13, 2013 at 7:42 pm

    The beginning is going to be hard, especially if you are starting out with little upper body strength. If I had not taken classes at a studio, I probably would have given up too, but I am so glad I didn't. IT IS A WORKOUT. It looks beautiful and pretty but a lot a training and strength building goes into it. I didn't learn how to climb the pole until 5 months into poling. Then it took a few months to get it down. Do not get discouraged. I know you want to jump in and do all kinds of cool stuff, but I highly recommend doing the moves in the order Veena has them. They are in an order for a reason. If you trying moves you are not ready for, it is only setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. Okay, this probably doesn't sound encouraging right now, but if you keep at it, I promise the pay off will come! We have all had to push through the frustration, soreness, bruises, and sometimes pain. No matter what move you are working on, whether the pole sit or iron x, the same determination is needed for both. You are not alone.


  • Scooby

    May 13, 2013 at 9:10 pm

    Hi There –

    This is my time posting to anything on the site, but I felt I had to say something. I totally understand how you feel. I am a plus-size woman with little upper body strength and I got a lot of discouragement from family when I told them I wanted to try poling. I take private lessons and even though it is the hardest thing I've done, I wouldn't stop doing it. I am blessed to have a very supportive friend in my corner that pushes me when I feel like taking short cuts. She has saved me in so many ways. I am in the middle of Level 3 classes and there are moves from level 2 that I still can't get. Most of the one-handed spins are still impossible for me to do. It is hard, but keep at it. Everyone learns things at a different rate, so you have to keep that in mind. I learned the pole sit almost instantly, but I still have issues with performing a front hook spin. I am still working on my upper body and hand strength even now. Trust me…it is hard, but take it slow and before you know it – you'll look back at this moment and smile at how far you've come. 🙂

  • Lyme Lyte

    May 13, 2013 at 9:40 pm

    Nothing says u have to do the 30 day take off. Just dance w the pole and do whatever u find fun! I was just like you…..almost took my pole down. But I got SV lessons and started to learn some spins etc. She didn’t have the 30 day take off back then. Also it was a huge thing for me to get a big mirror so I could see proper form. Don’t give up yet, but if ur not liking ur regiment right now, change it up! The 30 day take off is only a recommendation, not a requirement…..especially if your getting frustrated w it.

  • Sassypants

    May 13, 2013 at 9:56 pm

    Girl– I'm with ya. When I first started poling, everyone said "build your strength, build your strength" so I went with the Veena strength exercises. That may be the fastest way to build strength, but I'll tell you… I was BORED within 5 minutes! So I said screw that, I'm just gunna throw on some music I love, mess around on the pole, see what I can do and see what I can't, and build my strength the slow way.  And not once have I done pole lift repetitions since. 

    If it feels wrong, you're doing it wrong (for you). There is no right or wrong way to learn pole (only safe and unsafe). Dance around. Don't be afraid to mess up and get ugly. If it's not fun, stop and try again the next day. 

  • Lee lee

    May 13, 2013 at 11:48 pm

    Strength training and conditioning are my least favourite parts of my workouts but I do see a difference from it. One of the things that motivates me is watching videos of my favourite dancers. I know I will only be able to make it further if I train. If you really want to continue with pole dancing, then it might be time to take a mini break and concentrate on things like your freestyling and floorwork?


    I can't help with fixing your pole, but maybe if you take a video of what the problem is, someone here might be able to help you.

  • abcollins1

    May 13, 2013 at 11:56 pm

    First, you need to realize that 2 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things. For some one starting out, its going to take a long time to build strength, muscle, and endurance and pole requires all three. Top it off with the fact that you must eat for strength and muscle as well, you do need adequate protein and overall calories. You also need rest, cause that is where the real magic happens.

    All this isnt going to be pulled together in 2 weeks or maybe even 2 months.

    I dont say this to discourage, but more to have you see that you are normal.

    Work on the things that you can, the conditioning, the stretching, what spins you can. You can even take this time to try a dance class and work on dance moves and "flow"

    I have been working on building muscle and strength for more than 3 years now, its a slow process and im still not to the point i want to be. Its a long hard road, some days are not fun, some days really are work. But nothing comes free. you either put the time into the beginning building a solid foundation to work with, or you say this isnt fun and you give up.

    The beautiful and pretty part comes because that girl has done it 100xs and perfected it. It only looks easy because they put the work into making it seem effortless. A lot of people underestimate the strength, time and work that goes into poling or building strength/muscle.

  • azblanco

    May 14, 2013 at 12:17 am

    man oh man… if you could have met me almost 2 years ago when i started pole… same boat… 

    blood, bruises, sweat, and lots of tears (for me anyways)

    i swear on my OWN grave that is gets better… 

  • korinne

    May 14, 2013 at 3:04 am

    If you can, find a studio near you to take a few lessons. I think the reason I kept with it so long was the community! Also, if you're frustrated with strength, freestyle and practice flow… I think someone already mentioned that. It doesn't take any strength to turn on your favorite song and dance like no one's watching. You don't need to be doing tricks to make a dance fun. 

  • chemgoddess1

    May 14, 2013 at 5:53 am

    As for your LM, there is a small set screw by where the spin/static button is located.  You need to adjust this.  It sets the ease of that button.  You do not want it too loose so that it can easily be put in spin with just accidentally hitting it, but you also do not want it as tight as it obviously is.


    I highly suggest you going through the threads here and reading about women who have felt EXACTLY like you.  Who said this was going to be easy?  If it was it would not be so rewarding!  2 weeks is NOTHING…even if you were going to the gym you would see little gains after only 2 weeks.  Not to be a wench, but be realistic.  Would you expect to be able to run a marathon with only 2 weeks of training?

  • Veena

    May 14, 2013 at 10:10 am

    If you're using the SV pole it should only take a second to switch from static to spin. I would suggest contacting LM if you're having issue's with your pole.

    I think I replied with some suggestions, to a similar post from you a day or two ago?? the lessons and the 30 days are as they are, to allow the user to build the necessary strength and flexibility needed to pole decreasing risk of injury. My suggestion before was to do the "day" then, if you wanted more, to continue on by choosing other lessons, but sticking with the order of progression. Working on pole climbs when you are very new to pole will be defeating. Also remember there are other sections you can work on like the routine section!! These are not placed in any particular order, but you can feel free to browse and try any of the "beginner" routines. But only if you were 2 weeks into the 30 days, if you are only to day 5 then wait on the routines until you have a better understanding of body mechanics.    

    If pole dance were easy there would be no need for strength building and proper form. You need to understand the basics in order to protect your body, then you can start dancing around once you have the basics. Even if you don't "do" the lessons for the 30 days please take the time to at least watch them. They all contain very important info for pole, including how to create your own workout or dance routine. Read the descriptions as well. If pole dance were easy it wouldn't feel as satisfying as it does to accomplish a move

  • stephnicoleex3

    May 14, 2013 at 12:35 pm

    Thank you all! This helped a lot. I figured out my pole and "fixed" it so it is easily changed from spin to static.

    I always have been one to give up easily, and I was hoping to not feel that way about pole because of how much I wanted to do it. I guess I was just expecting to jump in there & at least be able to do SOME things…which was is unrealistic, and I guess it discouraged me a little. It's just frustrating when I don't see any progress…but I do have to remember that it's ONLY been two weeks. Veena, I do love the 30 day takeoff, there are a lot of workouts that I've never done or have seen, and it helps. I personally just was imagining a more "hands on" learning tricks and spins right away lol, I had no idea…and still have no idea..the "correct" place to start with pole. I definitely need to gain strength, and that is why I appreciate the 30 day. I think I may try and do my own workouts, and incorporate different strength training moves from the days, just so I don't feel so reluctant to do it & feel like I don't want to do it.

    So, I also have a question for everyone, where did YOU start? What did you start with, and how long did you practice the one specific thing before you threw ANYTHING at all else in? I am going to continue strength training, even at the gym if I can get there, just to increase my upper body strength especially, but I'd really like to do more pole stuff. A few of you are saying I should not be doing pole climbs or sits…and I thought those were one of the first "beginner" things I should learn, so really I am still confused and learning & everything else. What do you suggest I do pole wise? Spins? I've tried a few different floor work things, and with those I've caught on pretty quickly, and am really wanting to do anything on the pole, I want to feel like I'm learning something new along with building my strength. Is this a good idea, or should I just strictly build my strength first.

    Sorry for the novel, and thank you to whoever reads this lol, and to everyone who has responded 🙂

  • azblanco

    May 14, 2013 at 12:47 pm

    It took me 3 months to climb and most 2 years to have a strong basic invert 🙂
    ive mastered my fow, body rolls, and hip circles in between.
    In my opinion, (and this may or may not offend some people) but I personally think a routine with trick after trick is ugly… Yes the strength is amazing and that blows me away.. But give me the sexy, slinky rolls and floor work in between.
    Self expression- thats what pole dance is 🙂

  • azblanco

    May 14, 2013 at 12:47 pm


  • azblanco

    May 14, 2013 at 12:53 pm

    its better to have 1-5 tricks in your bag that you feel comfortable to work towards that is within your range, and master them.
    Then you can start setting other goals once you reach them.
    Always start small.
    I was frustrated when i started and ended up not doing it so often (once a week or every other week). My progress was very slow, but I tried not to think about it and I gave myself props for making any type of progress.
    Now im at the point that i pole 3-4 times a weekly lately.
    I dont have my first ever videos of pole on this site… But if you could see them, you wouldnt feel so bad. 🙂

    I really hope i could help because I’ve been where you are

  • Veena

    May 14, 2013 at 1:04 pm

    I you’re unsure where or how to get started try looking back again at each of the “Getting Started” lessons. They are all located at the beginning of each section. They contain info on much of what you’re looking for. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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