Forums Discussions I seriously need some words of encouragement!!

  • portableninja

    May 15, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    If you ever feel yourself getting bummed out about what you can't do, just put on some music and dance. Forget about form and tricks and making everything perfect and just have a blast. It may feel a bit forced at first, but you'll get there. Part of the reason that pole appealed to me, at least in my first couple lessons, was that it was so much fun that I forgot I was even exercising. Drilling strength moves, etc. is good and important if you have a specific goal to achieve. But if I find myself getting discouraged, the huge mountain before me seems that much harder to climb. And it feels better just to go for a nice stroll instead, and remember why I started in the first place.

    Having the studio environment at first was so helpful for me because we could all laugh and talk and have fun together. And also see that everyone else was struggling too. When you're by yourself, it's easy to feel like a failure because you focus on what's troubling you. When you're in a studio, you might see someone going through your own struggle, so you give them a tip… and then someone else gives you a tip. Suddenly you're all doing better and have each other to thank for it. SV is the closest thing to that experience that I've found in any online community.

  • byrdgrrl

    May 15, 2013 at 4:24 pm

    I got a huge boost the other day.  One of my friends who has no idea about aerial stuff came over while I was working out the other day, and was totally blown away by me doing a simple climb up the silk and standing.  I feel like sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I am working on and practicing and trying to make work that I forget just what it is that I can do, and how it looks to others.  

  • suigintou

    May 15, 2013 at 4:43 pm

    I'm sorry you feel this way.  I know how it feels and it really sucks.  Are you feeling discouraged because it's difficult to do stuff or do you just not enjoy doing pole?  There's a bit of difference in there.  


    If you hate it because you are having difficulties, it's completely normal, we all feel like that in the beginning and to be honest, two weeks isn't that long!  It will take a long time to become "good."  But when you get there (and I very sure you will), it will be that much more rewarding.  Just think of it this way, anything in life that is worth doing involves a lot of hard work (and sometimes some blood, sweat and pain).  When I was starting off, I was the WORST of the bunch in my class.  I sucked at everything and I sucked the MOST at EVERYTHING.  I would watch others elegantly do spins while I did not have the strength and was also (and still am) hopelessly uncoordinated. BUT!  Here I am one year later, still never the top of class but always striving to catch up…and that's ok because I keep at it and little by little I see myself improving.  You just need to push past the rough patch.


    Now…aside, while I don't encourage you to stop, but if you find that it's just not something you enjoy then…maybe it's not your thing.  You should try going to a studio with a friend (or make friends there).  It's more fun with company!  Give that a try and all the feelings of not enjoying pole will go away.  Again, just need to spiff it out a bit.  Don't worry, you got this.  =]

    Oh one last thing, do Veena's Pole Strength Routine.  Most.  Awesome.  Workout.  Ever.  It works and takes ~month to see significant results. 

  • dancing in the gray

    May 15, 2013 at 11:11 pm

    I totally know how discouraging it can be.  I'm not flexible, have super short arms and legs, and get sick so offen I lose a lot of strength.  It took me 16 weeks to climb! I kept trying and could only get to one pull, until one day it just became easy for me toget to the top.  I still struggle with inverts on days that I'm tired.  It's been over a year and a half for me.  

    It's cliche, but KEEP GOING!  Things will get easier.  And if you need to take a break from a particular move, do it! Took 8 months off from reverse grabs, adpnd tried one yesterday and was magically able to do it 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    May 16, 2013 at 12:31 am

    Ive been poling since Feb of this year and some things came easier to me because i have always had good upper body strength but horrible leg strength and not very good flexibility. I could barely touch my toes and then for only a second or two but now i can interlace my fingers behind my feet! Now, my legs are getting a lot better, my whole body is changing, and I feel amazing! I was too headstrong and started jumping right into things i shouldn't have tried and not warming up properly and I hurt myself. My trapezious (bad spelling?) is getting better from being pulled, my hips got messed up and it hurt to just push in my e-brake, and I got tennis elbow. I realized i was moving to fast and trying things my body wasnt ready for, I didnt listen to it! Now I warm up better and take it a little easier and my body has thanked me! I can't really give advice because im a newb still but be patient, trying to do things too fast will only set you back. And like previous posters, everyone learns at a different pace, and you'll eventually get the strength and muscle memory to do the things you want. I also practice body rolls, floorwork, etc..I have no dance background but practicing that kind of stuff def helps fluidity, conditioning, and flexibility which will help you with looking good on the pole 🙂  Def record yourself if you can, it has helped me a lot!! I think…. lol

  • RockNAngel

    May 16, 2013 at 12:31 am

    There are a lot of excellent suggestions here!!! I used to teach beginners and it can be so frustrating when others are getting it and you feel you are not…. It is sooo important that you are having fun!  Enjoy your pole and the flow you get in your body… who cares if it isn't perfect or you don't get it right away… It takes so much time to be pro status!!!  I like the suggestion of dancing every time… I feel like such a dork when I dance but it can be liberating as well… but if you don't have fun you wont do it regardless of the workout so make it FUN!

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:31 am

    Don’t give up!! You will see as time goes on and with practice and these lessons. Are the best thing and if u go to a studio too even better. I never had any history of dancing gymnastics or even going to a gym or working out ever in my life and now I can at least to beginner moves and intermediate moves. Still working on basic inverts but all will come with time evey

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:36 am

    All will
    Come with time u have to have patience . And u will be so happy when u look back later . It’s very rewarding especially when u get a trick. Down packed. Good work out fun and u will love it. I was discouraged too when I first started and saw what everyone else can do and I can’t. Just don’t compare your self to others . Everyone learns at their own pace and there’s no rush. So keep on. It helps with your endorphins and physically and mentally and even has boosted my level of self esteem. And I do it as a hobby. I’m a full time nurse and single mom. Don’t quit ! Give it a chance . Lots if people felt that way in the beginning . It’s a journey and a fun one and helps u disconnect with the real world. Good luck xo

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:36 am

    All will
    Come with time u have to have patience . And u will be so happy when u look back later . It’s very rewarding especially when u get a trick. Down packed. Good work out fun and u will love it. I was discouraged too when I first started and saw what everyone else can do and I can’t. Just don’t compare your self to others . Everyone learns at their own pace and there’s no rush. So keep on. It helps with your endorphins and physically and mentally and even has boosted my level of self esteem. And I do it as a hobby. I’m a full time nurse and single mom. Don’t quit ! Give it a chance . Lots if people felt that way in the beginning . It’s a journey and a fun one and helps u disconnect with the real world. Good luck xo

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:36 am

    All will
    Come with time u have to have patience . And u will be so happy when u look back later . It’s very rewarding especially when u get a trick. Down packed. Good work out fun and u will love it. I was discouraged too when I first started and saw what everyone else can do and I can’t. Just don’t compare your self to others . Everyone learns at their own pace and there’s no rush. So keep on. It helps with your endorphins and physically and mentally and even has boosted my level of self esteem. And I do it as a hobby. I’m a full time nurse and single mom. Don’t quit ! Give it a chance . Lots if people felt that way in the beginning . It’s a journey and a fun one and helps u disconnect with the real world. Good luck xo

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:36 am

    All will
    Come with time u have to have patience . And u will be so happy when u look back later . It’s very rewarding especially when u get a trick. Down packed. Good work out fun and u will love it. I was discouraged too when I first started and saw what everyone else can do and I can’t. Just don’t compare your self to others . Everyone learns at their own pace and there’s no rush. So keep on. It helps with your endorphins and physically and mentally and even has boosted my level of self esteem. And I do it as a hobby. I’m a full time nurse and single mom. Don’t quit ! Give it a chance . Lots if people felt that way in the beginning . It’s a journey and a fun one and helps u disconnect with the real world. Good luck xo

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:36 am

    All will
    Come with time u have to have patience . And u will be so happy when u look back later . It’s very rewarding especially when u get a trick. Down packed. Good work out fun and u will love it. I was discouraged too when I first started and saw what everyone else can do and I can’t. Just don’t compare your self to others . Everyone learns at their own pace and there’s no rush. So keep on. It helps with your endorphins and physically and mentally and even has boosted my level of self esteem. And I do it as a hobby. I’m a full time nurse and single mom. Don’t quit ! Give it a chance . Lots if people felt that way in the beginning . It’s a journey and a fun one and helps u disconnect with the real world. Good luck xo

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:36 am

    All will
    Come with time u have to have patience . And u will be so happy when u look back later . It’s very rewarding especially when u get a trick. Down packed. Good work out fun and u will love it. I was discouraged too when I first started and saw what everyone else can do and I can’t. Just don’t compare your self to others . Everyone learns at their own pace and there’s no rush. So keep on. It helps with your endorphins and physically and mentally and even has boosted my level of self esteem. And I do it as a hobby. I’m a full time nurse and single mom. Don’t quit ! Give it a chance . Lots if people felt that way in the beginning . It’s a journey and a fun one and helps u disconnect with the real world. Good luck xo

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:36 am

    All will
    Come with time u have to have patience . And u will be so happy when u look back later . It’s very rewarding especially when u get a trick. Down packed. Good work out fun and u will love it. I was discouraged too when I first started and saw what everyone else can do and I can’t. Just don’t compare your self to others . Everyone learns at their own pace and there’s no rush. So keep on. It helps with your endorphins and physically and mentally and even has boosted my level of self esteem. And I do it as a hobby. I’m a full time nurse and single mom. Don’t quit ! Give it a chance . Lots if people felt that way in the beginning . It’s a journey and a fun one and helps u disconnect with the real world. Good luck xo

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:37 am

    All will
    Come with time u have to have patience . And u will be so happy when u look back later . It’s very rewarding especially when u get a trick. Down packed. Good work out fun and u will love it. I was discouraged too when I first started and saw what everyone else can do and I can’t. Just don’t compare your self to others . Everyone learns at their own pace and there’s no rush. So keep on. It helps with your endorphins and physically and mentally and even has boosted my level of self esteem. And I do it as a hobby. I’m a full time nurse and single mom. Don’t quit ! Give it a chance . Lots if people felt that way in the beginning . It’s a journey and a fun one and helps u disconnect with the real world. Good luck xo

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