Forums Discussions I seriously need some words of encouragement!!

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:37 am

    All will
    Come with time u have to have patience . And u will be so happy when u look back later . It’s very rewarding especially when u get a trick. Down packed. Good work out fun and u will love it. I was discouraged too when I first started and saw what everyone else can do and I can’t. Just don’t compare your self to others . Everyone learns at their own pace and there’s no rush. So keep on. It helps with your endorphins and physically and mentally and even has boosted my level of self esteem. And I do it as a hobby. I’m a full time nurse and single mom. Don’t quit ! Give it a chance . Lots if people felt that way in the beginning . It’s a journey and a fun one and helps u disconnect with the real world. Good luck xo

  • Yanille79

    May 16, 2013 at 8:39 am

    Lol having technical issues my post posted 10 times

  • Athena30

    May 16, 2013 at 12:26 pm

    it's okay Yanille we needed to read it ten times to really get it through our heads

  • stephnicoleex3

    May 16, 2013 at 7:15 pm

    Thank you Yanille! lol.


    I posted my first video……ahhhh *blush*. 😮

  • Ly Kieu Le

    May 16, 2013 at 10:06 pm

    10 months ago when I started, it took me 2 months to climb the pole. You nailed it down in 2 weeks that was super fast. In the video you look very fit, just a bit of practice, patience and commitment, I guarantee you’ll dance like a pro in a couple of years. Veena’s site is great to learn tricks, stretching and conditioning, but if you want to learn transitions between the tricks, how to connect them and all the sexy dance moves and floorwork, I recommend Wish I had known this site sooner cuz I was bored out of my mind practicing pole at the beginner’s level before lol
    Hang in there and keep up the good work. Your body has a memory and the muscles are smart. The more you do a move, the faster your body will figure out itself how to do it best. I thought I would need more body strength so I rock climbed and went to the gym to build more strength to be able to do tricks better. But no, there’s only one way to it: Keep on doing it 😀

  • Charley

    May 17, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    When I get down, I ask myself "why did I begin this journey?"  Was it to be the best pole dancer on the planet?  For others approval?  To show off flashy tricks?  No.  I kept poling day in and day out because it made me feel good, strong, powerful and sexy.  I got trick addicted because I found an online community and started comparing myself to others in a time in my life where my femininity was bruised and battered.  My self esteem was incredibly low and for a minute pole made it lower.  Then came a moment when I realized that I pole for me, it's ok if I'm not strong and coordinated, if I beat ,us elf up Imwill never get to whee I want to go.  I started letting go and opening my mind, heart and body to learning movement and it felt good.  I rarely learn new tricks, I rarely use tricks in my dance and I love pole more today than ever.  It was a long journey, but an amazing one.  I've used my lack of strength to create versions and variations for myself, some have been great others not so great but now for pole is a creative outlet.  

    Mynadvice is ask yourself why you started, what really drew you in, and write it down place in your pole room and never forget that 🙂


    May 17, 2013 at 1:03 pm

    Don't be discouraged! We all question it at one point or another. It takes a long time to build strength to do the "big" things like climbing and inverting. Some people a yr some a month. You have to listen to your own body. I danced w/ pole for 4 yrs before I even found a studio!!! I didn't even know there were people out there better than me lol. I thought I invented tons of moves like the figure 4 layback and a back hook spin lol! Ha- the most fun I have is just dancing. When things become too controlled, too structured a lot of fun is lost. Just forget about the lessons for a little bit and "connect with your pole". Pretend it's your dancing partner and your outlet and just be free! This may not mean one single trick but will be just as powerful and beneficial! xxxx

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