Forums Discussions I taught my first pole party!

  • I taught my first pole party!

    Posted by JBStarryEyedGirl on October 3, 2010 at 2:40 am

    Hey everyone! It’s now official! I’m an instructor at Fitchix! I taught my first 2 pole parties tonight!!! It was such a blast (even though I was a little nervous!) and the girls all had a great time! So excited to learn more, and it was fun to realize how much I can already do!

    Nanette replied 11 years ago 7 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • MrsNaughtywed

    October 3, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    Congrats!!! I think it would be fun to teach pole dancing.

  • MochaKat

    October 4, 2010 at 7:33 am

    Congrats…we’re kinda in the same boat.. I taught my first pole party also last weekend. I had the same feeling that I know a hold lot more then I gave myself credit for. There isn’t a pole studio near me so I am pretty much self taught. I guess after realizing the ladies didnt know anything I looked pretty darn good doing what I did…lol. Think I may have even generated some business….much continued success!!

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    October 5, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    I had just learnt my routine on Tuesday, so I only had a few days to practice and memorize! Wheeew! I don’t have a dance background (just a year of stumbling around in ballet, jazz and tap when I was 12. Awkward! )

    I feel pretty self taught, even though I take classes. We mostly do basic spins. I think I have learnt everything else off youtube! I’m usually the only one doing reverse grabs, or inverting, but I guess that’s why they hired me.

    Where did you teach your party? Do you work for yourself?

  • MochaKat

    October 6, 2010 at 2:46 am

    I’m pretty much self taught also…no dance background either…the closet studio to me is like 1:30 away I went there for like a month or so once a week but the drive got a little to much. So I bought DVD (Art of the Pole) and Veena’s lessons off and on and of course youtube. I live in Albany I pretty much work for myself cause nothing like this is here. Just trying to do parties right now and maybe one day get a little spot when I feel more confident to teach more moves. I made a free website to try to promote the parties and so ppl could book and pay online via paypal

    I feel like am beginner/intermediate depending on how you look at it…lol…I was really nervous but Keeping it basic really worked cause everybody felt like they accomplished something and looked good doing it…haha..its great you have found a studio home to teach.

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    October 7, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    Whoo! I just got booked another party for mid oct! And I get to choreograph my own pole routine this time! SO flipping excited!

  • Jenn PoleLush

    October 14, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    Just a question for those that have taught their own pole party..
    I am prolly the only one in my little city (except maybe a couple of casual polers–maybe) that poles. I have had many many questions about hosting a pole party…which I am okay with…I know you had them sign a waiver and I have drawn one up…but what about insurance? How are you covered should anything (God forbid!) happen?
    Just wondering…thanks ladies!
    A couple of ppl are really interested and want to buy their own XPole and have me help them get started…don’t know how I feel about that. I have a background in fitness and body mechanics etc and they only want me to help them get started with a couple of things…anyway…your thoughts on insurance?

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    October 14, 2010 at 10:29 pm

    Hey Jenn,

    I work for studio, so I am covered by their insurance. We do make them sign waivers before hand. I’m not sure what type of private insurance you would need? Maybe call the state board of health/fitness and ask if they can direct you?

  • MochaKat

    October 15, 2010 at 1:40 am

    I Jenn I don’t know how to attach the link in the post…but if u go to the forum topic everything else pole realated…on page 3 there is a topic about instructor insurance,,and page 5 topic about studio insurance..maybe that helps…

    but I haven’t found anyone that covers parties as of yet. I cant remember if I called any of those links or not but am gonna start my search again. Good luck hope we get some more posts with better answers….lol

  • Jenn PoleLush

    October 15, 2010 at 1:54 am

    Yeah, I had read through that post too…just unsure where to even INQUIRE,,you know? My house insurance? idk, anyway….I am asked ALL THE TIME, not kidding…ppl are dying to dance with my pole…lol
    I understand, because, really, when do you ever have a chance to try pole dancing…
    I’ll keep checking around, thanks all!

  • Mary Ellyn

    October 16, 2010 at 6:29 pm

    I can shed some light on some of this for you.

    First, if you take money for teaching be it at parties or in a class room, you are running a business and must not only be registered (incorporated) but must have a business insurance…it cannot be covered under your homeowners insurance. That only covers what happens in your home and you should NEVER teach from your home or you put your personal property on the line – even if your "business" is incorporated – as you risk losing your house!

    If you have a business and get insurance you must make certain that your policy covers exactly what you are doing. Some insurance companies will say that they cover this or that and a few (not all) will not really understand what we do.

    My husband reviewed our policy carefully and made sure it covered all of our needs and pointed out to the underwriter what needed to be added or clarified so that we did not take any chances.

    Yes, our policy not only covers teaching at our studio, but teaching at parties on off-site locations such as the customers home, a hotel, a club house, etc. It even covers structural damage to the location in addition to injuries.

    Also realize this is different from event insurance like a competition or other outside event which usually requires a rider added on for each event you host.

  • Mary Ellyn

    October 16, 2010 at 6:35 pm

    I would also add that "home" parties have a lot of complications:

    1. Do you have enough poles? Depending on the number of people present, your guests may not be happy if they have to share a pole with 6-12 or even 20 other women.

    2. Is there room at the location for more than one pole?

    3. If there is room, what is the structure of the room like? Is the ceiling secure for a portable pole? Where are the ceiling joists in relation to the walls, light fixtures and ceiling fans and other immovable furniture? How high are the ceilings…I can’t tell you how many people INSIST their ceilings are higher or lower than they actually are! Not to mention that you need not only a standard pole but at least a couple of extensions to accomodate different ceiling heights as it’s not uncommon to have ceilings over 9 feet tall now.

    BTW….everything I’ve just shared is just a portion of what I teach in my instructor certification program.

  • MochaKat

    October 17, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    Hi Empyrean what insurace company do you use?

  • Mary Ellyn

    October 18, 2010 at 2:17 am

    It’s through Westbend Mutual…but I have an insurance broker. If anyone wants his info message me. He can try and find insurance for you even if West Bend doesn’t provide coverage in your area.

  • pole-twista

    November 18, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    I would love to do this. I dream of owning a studio, but right now I can’t imagine having to pay rent ect on top of insurance and supplies. ( i have 3 poles, but woner if stage or free standing poles are not better as less chance of ceiling issues? ) I am now studying to become a personal trainer and am also planning on enrolling in their beginner instructor (pole) certificate course as I would like to have the option of traiing peole in a gym ( w no poles) or wherever and do basic calistetics ( lunges, squats, push ups ect) or use the pole for fitness and fun. I think teaching pole parties would be great. There are no studios close by. The best I can do is talk to the owner of the gym I was taking pole classes at before and see if we can work anything out. I would appreciate greatly any tips, advice, or help. thanks!!

  • Nanette

    September 11, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    Are you still teaching in Albany, Ga?  I am looking for a place to dance while on assignment in Ga for two weeks.  Can any one help?

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