Forums Discussions I want a flat stomach!

  • I want a flat stomach!

    Posted by leyrose on August 29, 2013 at 7:25 pm

    I have been dieting and poling for a little over a month, before that just dieting. I am at a healthy weight but I have a poochy stomach and no matter what I do it won't go away! 

    I know you can't spot reduce and abs are made in the kitchen, etc. But I don't really care about having a 6 pack, I'd be happy with a flat stomach. So basically, with using the pole, could anyone recommend me a good cardio routine or anything? I have fairly strong abs already underneath the fat and they are getting stronger just by learning new moves and poling in general. I also do ab exercises and use Veena's lessons but I'm really lost with what to do. I count my calories, staying around 1000-1200 per day and I'm not losing any weight! I've decided the number on the scale doesn't really matter so much anymore and tried to focus on what I see, but I don't see a flat stomach or it getting any better!

    HELP! I'd appreciate any tips at all!

    leyrose replied 11 years, 1 month ago 31 Members · 74 Replies
  • 74 Replies
  • Jag5303

    August 29, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    Give us an example of what you eat on a daily basis… Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks. Abs/flat tummy are ALL diet! 100%… 😉

  • leyrose

    August 29, 2013 at 9:04 pm

    Breakfast: Can of tuna or small portion of fruit no more than 60cal

    Lunch: Vegetable soup e.g. pumpkin, sweat potato or lentil. Sometimes I have a small amount of chicken or beef in it. No more than 160 cal.

    Dinner: Live with my family so it varies quite a lot but it's a small portion of whatever we have e.g. Steak and vegetables, Chicken and rice, Pasta… No more than 700 cal.

  • leyrose

    August 29, 2013 at 9:05 pm

    And for drinks its black coffee no sugar, herbal teas or water. Once in a while, like every few weeks or so I'll have a diet coke or diet dr. pepper. I hardly ever drink alcohol

  • Reyn

    August 29, 2013 at 10:26 pm

    I actually believe that my posture has an affect on how "flat" my stomach looks too. If your back is arching too much it may cause your toned tummy to look like its poking out… just putting that out there. 

    But other than that, I refer back to what has been said so far =P 

  • Reyn

    August 29, 2013 at 10:26 pm

    I actually believe that my posture has an affect on how "flat" my stomach looks too. If your back is arching too much it may cause your toned tummy to look like its poking out… just putting that out there. 

    But other than that, I refer back to what has been said so far =P 

  • Reyn

    August 29, 2013 at 10:26 pm

    I actually believe that my posture has an affect on how "flat" my stomach looks too. If your back is arching too much it may cause your toned tummy to look like its poking out… just putting that out there. 

    But other than that, I refer back to what has been said so far =P 

  • leyrose

    August 29, 2013 at 11:30 pm

    Thanks for your input Emma… I really don't think that I arch my back too much although I'll have to have a closer look! It is difficult for me to walk with my arched back so i am thinking I don't and I'm just fat 🙁

  • PersianXcursian

    August 29, 2013 at 11:49 pm

    I've accepted the fact that I will never have a flat stomach because I have stomach problems including bloat which cause me to have a puffed out stomach.

  • Polewalker916

    August 30, 2013 at 12:14 am

    After I stopped looking at my scale everyday and just enjoyed the journey of pole, I started gaining muscle and losing weight as well. I teach beginner pole for the past year once per week for one hour plus I go early and do a warm up and a little after so 1-2 hours. It took time. My stomach still is not flat but has toned and trimmed a lot. It seems to be the last place my body wants to lose fat lol work in progress 🙂
    In regards to diet, I don’t have very much advice :/ I used to count calories and I hated it. I really don’t like dieting in general but I do try to eat small portions multiple times per day.
    Happy poling 🙂

  • abcollins1

    August 30, 2013 at 12:26 am

    Losing fat comes down to diet and that can be tricky, If you have been at 1000 – 1200 cals for a long time, then its time for a dieting break! That means you need to bring your cals up slowly (also called reverse dieting) until you hit maintenance. Your body quickly adapts to lowered cals and eventually you do need to take a break, allow your hormones to reset (not estrogen but all the others) and then slowly lower cals.

    It also looks like you arre not getting enough protein, and i see no healthy fats in there either.

    On another note, cardio does not by itself make you lose fat so adding in a ton of cardio on too little cals is not a good idea.

    If you carry the most fat on your stomach, then it will be the last place you lose it, nothing you can do about that.

    You also may be under-muscled (which happens a lot with people who do low cal dieting for a long time) so you may want to look at a good weight lifting program to add to pole and bring up over all musculature. You are not gaining muscle on 1000 cals (the body just doesnt work that way) though you at best will be preserving what muscle you do have by working out.

  • leyrose

    August 30, 2013 at 1:12 am

    Thanks for all your help ladies.

    abcollins1 my maintenance is 1200 cal due to my height and weight. I always try to stay under 1000 cal. I take omega 3 supplements and protein I try to get through my tuna and dinner. There isn't really much more I can eat otherwise I'll go over my calories for the day.

    I pole 5 days a week doing strength moves are you saying I should add extra weights sessions onto this? I don't really want to look anymore muscular than I already am…my only problem area is my stomach.

  • Runemist34

    August 30, 2013 at 4:44 am

    I hate to be contrary to… basically everyone on this thread, but… well, I'm going to.

    First of all, it concerns me very much that you say "1200 calories due to my height and weight." I'd like to point out that your height and weight has very, VERY little to do with how much food you should be taking in, or how fit you are, or how much your belly is going to stick out. I daresay the height and weight of a person has nothing to do with those other things, at all.

    Secondly, I would like to point out that, as a female, your hips are going to tilt- we aren't men, and that "flat spine" in all directions is simply not an option unless you want to walk really funny. Many women have flatter spines, and many have curved spines- mine is very curved, as I have very large hips. I believe that most women have organs in their midsections, and those organs have to go somewhere!

    According to most medical studies, women are considered "healthy" with at least 10% body fat, and we cannot control how that fat is stored on our bodies. You may find that, if you lose weight, you have a completely flat chest, yet your hips remain large. You may find that you continue to have fat on your thighs, but everything on your back melts away. It's up to your body, and for a lot of women, that "dream" of a flat stomach is well into the dangerous, less-than-10% range. Very few women can achieve this without getting into that range.

    Finally, I want to say this: I am very saddened by the idea that women judge themselves so harshly on a piece of their bodies that they believe are less socially acceptable, or less aesthetically pleasing. I am positive that your stomach is fine, even beautiful, and that you are a delightful, intelligent woman.

    So, why not just eat enough food until you don't feel hungry, have a brownie, and love yourself?

  • leyrose

    August 30, 2013 at 6:09 am

    Thank you for your very kind words and I do agree that we should love our bodies for how they are, thin, curvy, wide, narrow or whatever.

    I just want to be confident within myself. I want to be able to pole wearing a sports bra and shorts.. At the moment I wear a very loose fitting top as I am so conscious of this area. I just feel like I would feel better about myself and be able to love myself if I had this. I am sorry if you don’t agree and it upsets you, I am glad for you that you are happy with your body and can only hope I one day will be too!

  • chemgoddess1

    August 30, 2013 at 7:52 am

    I am going to start this by saying that women are not genetically designed to have flat stomachs.  We are designed to have a layer of fat over the belly as a built in protective layer for bearing children.  That said, that area is the hardest to get rid of and it is 100% diet.  Your bodyfat has to be under I want to say 15% and with some even lower.  Any type of carb rich meal will make it poof along with anything that is highly processed.
    Now don't get me wrong, I know women who have super flat stomachs and most of the time they are just kind of born that way (effin' Korinne), but if you are not that way then not only getting it but maintaining it is not going to be easy.


  • darcit

    August 30, 2013 at 7:59 am

    You've only been poling for a month.  Seeing changes in your body from any exercise can take many months to years.  It also happens slowly.  Take a picture now – and then take a picture again, in the same pose and place every month.  You might be surprised at the changes that are happening that you don't even see!

    I agree with Runemist. How many calories you eat should not be based on your height and weight!  The biggest player in how many calories you eat should be how active you are.  The more active you are, the more calories you need to eat. Eating less calories than you need (especially when you're active) can actually be counterproductive because your body sees the lack of calories as starvation and starts to store fat to guard against this.  So, since you've recently increased your activity level, you probably need to increase the number of healthy calories you take in to keep your body from storing fat.  

    I also agree with abcollins – you might be under muscled.  On 1000 calories a day, with your activity level, your body has a choice.  It can make muscle or it can make fat.  Fat is the safer option – there's more energy stored there and muscle requires more energy to run (hence the reason more muscular people burn more calories).  It's back to that, if you're working out you actually need to increase your healthy calories to stay thin thing.

    And lastly, please don't love yourself "because" of anything or "in spite" of anything. Don't wait for some particular condition to be met. Love you for the gorgeous, intelligent, fun woman you are right now!

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