Forums Discussions I want a flat stomach!

  • BeccaBuck

    August 30, 2013 at 8:19 am

    1000 calories is way too low, i don't care what your height/weight is. on less than 1200 calories per day, its almost impossible to even get the minimum amount of nutrients you need, let alone enough energy. You're slowly starving yourself, and your body is panicking about it, and holding onto the fat. you need help this forum can't provide, go see a nutritionist/registered dietician and get your diet sorted out.

    Chem is definitely right, in that a lot of it has to do with your genetics and DNA. some women store fat in their stomachs, some in the hips/thigs, some are just naturally very lean, etc. don't fight your body, learn to work with it. 

    enjoy the journey!

  • yrngrl

    August 30, 2013 at 8:26 am

    I really don't think you're eating enough. Only 200-ish calories all day until dinner?  

    I do disagree with the comments that calories eaten have nothing to do with height and weight. It DOES have to do with weight… it takes more calories to support a bigger body and fewer to support a smaller one. However, 1000 calories is not enough for any adult, no matter how small, especially one that works out. 

    Try googling "basal metabolic rate"– this is how many calories you need if you stayed in bed 24 hours a day (so obviously, you need to eat more than that, more still if you are very active). 

    I lost a crap ton of weight and kept it off (and have abs now after 6-ish months of pole) and if there's one thing I learned, it's you have to eat enough.



  • Krista Bocko

    August 30, 2013 at 8:34 am

    1 month poling is not very long. Eat more and keep working. You'll see a difference, but not overnight. 

  • RoseMay

    August 30, 2013 at 10:12 am

    I'm wondering why you're eating in a caloric deficit in the first place when you say that you don't want to loose weight? If you're pretty lean and store fat in a particular area (e.g. in the midsection) it's likely due to hormonal problems.

    I'm kind of curious about your height and weight though. 1200 calories as maintenance intake does seem pretty low.

  • calipolepixie

    August 30, 2013 at 10:25 am

    I have a huge issue with my belly as well…I have been trying for a flat belly for years but after 3 kids & genetics (majority of the women in my fam are slim but hold weight in their bellies) & a belly that bloats when I eat anything it seems lol I’ve given up on flat & will settle for a couple inches smaller than it is now & toned. So I’m still working on mine.

    I agree with the others, your calorie intake is not enough. Cardio is also great to help tone up the belly area. Try adding Zumba, kick boxing, running, running/walking on treadmill in intervals and/or Hula hoop a few days a week to your weekly workouts.

  • Jag5303

    August 30, 2013 at 10:37 am

    Yeah I think that's not nearly enough calories! I take in 1600 calories a day. 

  • Emikoisabella

    August 30, 2013 at 10:51 am

    Leyrose – Just to reflect what everyone else is saying, 1000 calories is not enough at all. When you eat that little your body goes into “starvation mode” where it tries to keep as much fat as possible because the body is under assumption that it is being starved. I know it might sound counterintuitive, but you need to eat more in order to loose fat and gain muscle. I recommend checking out the Whole30 program by Melissa and Josh Dallas – I had great results from it as have many others! Good luck 🙂

  • Emikoisabella

    August 30, 2013 at 10:54 am

    Sorry, it’s by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig

  • Cherished

    August 30, 2013 at 11:10 am

    I agree with eating more. I'm pretty thin on average at times my schedule is very busy and I don't eat enough, my lower belly gets very puffy as soon as I start eating more it goes back down to normal and appears flatter.

  • Koidragon

    August 30, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    Most of what I would say has already been said by some very knowledgeable people so I will just re-iterate

    – If you are eating so little and yet exercising, you are probably putting your body into starvation mode – your body thinks it has to conserve as much energy as possible so it will store every little bit you put in. To change this you have to give your body MORE energy, not less, and the best way is evenly throughout the day, not just in one or two meals. When I was heavily weight training for body sculpting I had to up my caloric intake to a whopping 2000 and most told me it wasn't enough.  

    – It takes time, one month is no where near long enough to see the results you are after. If you are so keen on flattening your stomach, look at learning about the muscles and how to engage them – work your transversus abs etc.

    – Biggest point – WHY do you want a flat stomach? I used to have one, abs and all, and it did not make me feel better about myself. It didn't cure world hunger, or make me more attractive – in fact, technically it made me less attractive to many males as they like women to have that little curve – because it makes us women. My partner is very open about me not losing too much of my softness. It is funny if you talk to guys who are attracted to girls (and girls who are attracted to girls) what they like in our bodies – shape, strength under softness, the little blemishes we hate etc.

    I have a theory about why we are so obsessed with flat stomachs… yes, there is the media and massive money-making dieting industry and how people with very low BMI's are more pliable and open to suggestion (ie, model industry etc). In fact – on this point, did you know that once you hit a BMI of 12, you are medically considered under the mental health act incapable of making decisions and can be put under an order). But here is another thing, and Chem touched on it – it is natural for men to have flat stomachs, and as the craziness of attraction goes, we are attracted to what is opposite us (is immune systems etc). So, as women, we are attracted to our opposite in men, ie, flat stomachs. Somewhere our wires got crossed, and we seem to think that means flat stomachs is what MAKES us attractive, not what we are attracted to. Ha. Good point Koi my girl. Then media gets hold bla bla de bla bla.

    My advice – relax. Actually go to the mirror, look at yourself and tell yourself all your good points. Stop focusing on your flaws. Have you ever noticed that someone who has self confidence is more attractive (on multiple levels)? They didn't get that self confidence from getting rid of their perceived flaws – they probably learnt to love what is beautiful about them.

    Focus on not the physical appearance of yourself, but rather, all the wonderful things you can do. Of course you can wear short shorts and a crop top and do pole. And over time your body will change as your skills in pole increase.


  • Dancing Paws

    August 30, 2013 at 12:41 pm

    1) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE eat at least 1200 calories per day. Eating as little as you are is not good and verging on an eating disorder.

    2) We are female. We are MEANT to have the baby making pooge. It's in our DNA. The pooge is sexy!

    3) Rather than focusing on your pooge, I think you need to work more on accepting yourself as you are and rocking it! Confidence in ones self is everything. Tell yourself that you are beautiful the way you are. Feed your body like you love it. Exercise for your body's well being. You are a healthy weight, so it is just about treating your body with respect and gaining confidence.

  • chemgoddess1

    August 30, 2013 at 1:07 pm

    Koi…I have a poochy belly and my husband thinks it is sexy as hell!  I am one who holds weight on her belly…the rest of me is pretty low BF but unless I eat a STRICT diet there is no getting away from the pooch.

  • Koidragon

    August 30, 2013 at 1:16 pm

    Ha Chem – mine too! In fact when I stopped to think on it, ALL of my partners preferred me to have a belly of some sort. One used to cuddle up and squoosh his face into it and almost purr… I have a little belly now, and my husband thinks it is the best thing ever. We need to learn to listen to our men… 🙂 🙂

  • abcollins1

    August 30, 2013 at 2:35 pm

    Ok, this may be long so I apologize in advance. But…

    Unless you are 4ft tall and 60 pounds, your maintenance is NOT 1200, likely its more around 1800 – 2000 cals a day. Most calorie calculations do take into account for height, weight, age, However, those start at figuring your BMR first then multiplying by an activity factor.

    There is no such thing as "starvation mode" as in which people think, If there were, then anorexics would all be super fat…  What does happen in the face of too low calories and especially too low protein, is that the body breaks down muscle in order to feed itself, therefore saving the fat until all the muscle tissue is gone. The fat will only go when the body has broken down all the muscle tissue it can. So eating under 1200 cals a day and not having enough protein in the diet, you are not going to lose fat at this time.

    If you want a specific physique or look you have to actively work for it. Sometimes its not about losing fat, sometimes it is about building up certain parts to make others better. If you are undermuscled, it will take years of work to get to a decent base of muscles. A woman at best can only put on about 1/2 a pound of muscle on a month, so you are not going to add a ton of muscle. On top of that muscle requires 3 things to build: a progressive solid resistance program, sufficent calories and protein, and most importantly TIME! without those three things, you will not build muscle. Poling is great for the upper body but because it isnt progressive (resistance wise) you will only be able to take the muscle building so far.

    Not only that, but muscle is metabolically  active,meaning that muscle burn more cals when at rest than fat. So the more muscles you have the faster you actually will burn fat. Those of us who pole would do well to add in some cross training with weights/resistance.

    Now, when we ask women to up their calories, they see an initial weight gain and freak out. This may be why you think your maintenence is so low.  The weight gain is not fat and it does not mean you are gaining fat. It is glycogen and water and typically the water flushes out in the next week when the body adapts to the higher cals. This is why we say slowly up the cals so you can give your body time to adjust.

    Now, in this case we are looking at 3 possibilities

    either you are under muscled and do not have enough muscle to carry the look you want

    You have a posture issue that is causing the belly to pooch,

    or there is nothing wrong with your body and you are being way to harsh on yourself.

    If you are undermuscled (which is likely given the low cals) then you need to work on building muscles all over your body so that you can correct the stomach pooch.

    If the problem is postural, then you need to work on posture correcting exercises and bring weak muscles up to par

    and if the problem is that you are seeing fat where there is none, then you need to talk to a counselor and learn to love and accept yourself.

    Either way i would suggest adding cals to the diet, working on getting more protein (because you are going to need about twice as much as you eat now), you need healthy fats in your diet as well. Get on a solid resistance program, and take an honest look at your mental and emotional state and seek counseling.


  • Koidragon

    August 30, 2013 at 3:08 pm

    abcollins, you explained the 'starvation mode' better than I, it equates to a similar thing, but thank you, the process is indeed slightly different to how I believed it happened 🙂



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