Forums Discussions Implanon, Mirena, Depo

  • Melrose

    November 9, 2011 at 8:09 am

    I got Mirena after my youngest was born and I LOVE IT!!! I was a little freaked out at first, which is why I decided to go with the five year IUD over the ten year IUD, but it was great. I had no problems what-so-ever. Three years ago I got it replaced and I plan on continuing with Mirena as long as necessary. (Lucky for my husband, now he doesn't have to get snipped!!) I do know a few friends who haven't had a good experience and ended up getting their IUD removed bc they had a lot of cramping (this was with the ten year IUD). For me, the worst part was getting it put in. A little uncomfortable, but a lot less painful then having a baby! Good luck!! 

  • SwirlyGirl

    November 9, 2011 at 8:35 am

    Chemgoddess1 – yes it was the Paraguard, thanks!! Copper IUD with no hormones. I’ve also used a diaphram however it required a little planning ahead of time (didn’t last long ; )

  • Aly77

    November 9, 2011 at 9:00 am

    I got Mirena after my daughter was born in 2007. At my 2 week post delivery check up, the doctor asked if I had thought about birth control. I told her yes….I want a tubal ligation. I was 30 years old, and my husband and i had been married for 9 years when we decided to have a baby. Because of a rough pregnancy,mentally, and a 19 hour labor that ended in an emergency c-section, I was very positive on what I wanted. Of course she told me to try something that wasn’t permanent, in case i wanted another child, so I opted for Mirena.
    For the next year my periods were so messed up that I constantly wore a tampon. It would be like one week on, two weeks off, three days on, two days off…well you get the picture. So, at my yearly check up, I told her again that I wanted a tubal because the Mirena wasn’t working for me. So, in December 2008, I got a tubal!!! I will be 35 next year and still don’t want another child.
    The mirena insertion just felt like bad period cramps for about a minute, so it wasnt that unpleasant. I had mine removed during my tubal so i have no idea how that felt. My husband said he never felt the wires or anything, unless i asked him to check for me. I was also constantly afraid it was going to come out and I wouldn’t know that it did and I would get pregnant again.
    I have heard so many different stories about all of the contraception listed…good and bad. It just depends on what you’re comfortable with and what works with your body. You might have to try a couple of methods before finding the right one.

  • Lenee Pooh

    November 9, 2011 at 11:36 am

    I have the Mirena, and I hate it. True my periods are lighter, but they last twice as long! They are consistantly 13-15 days long every month. I got it during my 6 week checkup after baby number 2. It's been like this for 2 years. The only reason I haven't had it removed is because they cut the wires too short (which I guess was good for my husband!) but now nobody can find the damn thing! So I'll have to go to the dr for him to tell me to make an appt for an ultrasound (on a different day) so they can say "yeah, it's in there" so I can go BACK to the dr (on yet another day) for them to remove it. I don't feel like going through the hassle.


    But at least I'm not pregnant!

  • Dadgirl21

    November 9, 2011 at 11:48 am

    i have implanon and I love it!!!!

  • LizzyLiz810

    November 9, 2011 at 1:23 pm

    Im not a doctor. I only know what they have told me. I prefer to go to doctors that practice natural medicine. I dont go to regular MDs that just try to push chemicals on me. I like to go a more natural route. I have been going to a PMS clinic that has been around since the 80's. They deal with women that have PMS, PMDD, Post Partum, etc. They specialize in these things. 

    What i learned from them is that too much estrogen makes u depressed and feel crazy. 

    My advice is to not mess with your hormones. If there is a BC that doesnt have hormones, like some of u have mentioned, i think that would be the best bet. There are plenty of sites online and forums where u can do more research. Definitely do your homework b4 making a big decision. 

    If any of u want to look at the site to the clinic i go to, its 

  • Dancing Paws

    November 9, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    I wish that were an option for me (I really do), but without the hormones, my brain starts freaking out on me.

  • LizzyLiz810

    November 9, 2011 at 1:36 pm

    Have u ever had your hormones checked? I didnt know until recently how much they affect EVERYTHING! 

  • Dancing Paws

    November 9, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    I have had my TSH checked. I don't hink my hormones are a problem. I passed out as a child and landed head first. I had to be rushed to the hospital because I wouldn't stop barfing, which is a sign of a concussion. That was when I was 8. I remember having seizures when I was 12, although I know they started earlier than that, so I am conviced the seizres are related to my head injury.

  • HyperHorsegirl

    October 4, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    I hate to dig up old threads, but this discussion is really interesting and I didn't want to start a new topic when this one already exists.

    I am "currently" on the pill (Tri-Sprintec 28 to be exact). I say "currently" because I can't ever remember to take the darn things. I don't think I've had a full packet of pills that I've taken on time in a year. Not very effective, I know. Obviously, I should probably switch if I don't want an unnecessarily high pregnancy risk. My boyfriend and I always use condoms as a backup, but we live together now, so we have sex more often than we used to. Still, I'm so worried about the BC issue that it isn't as often as we would like.

    Anyway, I wanted to see if anyone had additional thoughts since then or if anyone new wanted to chime in. I'm leaning toward the Implanon but my first thought was about poling. I'm not doing anything advanced yet, but I would like to at some point. I have not had children so I worry about Mirena. I've also known people with horror stories about it not being put in correctly and causing so much pain. I also worry about the bone density thing with Depo. I have had my density checked in the past, which turned out fine, because I had broken my arm 4 times. I have a "star quality", as my doctor put it, to land just right to break something. I don't need bones that are more brittle. I love milk and dairy, but I don't think it would be enough.



  • Dancing Paws

    October 4, 2012 at 1:43 pm

    I didn't do depo because of the bone density problem. I had complication with imlanon, but I think mine was a super rare thing. I may have a weird placement of nerves in my arm or something, cuz the rod was placed correctly, but my arm kept going numb/tingly. It would not have been in a place that would interfere with poling, so I wouldn't worry about that. Other ladies on here like theirs. It is fun to poke at! I have a mirena now. Never had kids. The mirena is working out well enough. I get some cramping, but it's not too bad. My periods are so light I only need a panty liner, but they last longer (7-10 days.)

  • DedeJoy

    October 4, 2012 at 1:46 pm

    I was on Depo for ten years. For me, it caused about 1-2 pounds a year of weight gain and beyond that, no negative side effects. However, everyone is different.

    I'm currently on my second Mirena IUD and I have never had children. There is a very minor risk of uterine perforation, but it doesn't cause any pain (unless it pokes through your uterus). Getting those things put in is very painful, but after a few minutes, it's over and you get five years of worry free bonin'. ;>D


    For me, I prefer the Mirena — fewer hormones as I am past the age where a bunch of hormones is okay for me. The pill is contraindicated for me because I'm a smoker over 40.


    Just talk to your doctor, read all the brochures, do your homework. I'm sure you'll make the best decision for yourself.

  • MoxieMeg

    October 4, 2012 at 7:38 pm

    I've had my mirena since February, and I am SO happy I went with it. I was on the mini pill for a while, but with school and work and everything, I eventually started keeping track of it less and less, and taking it at different times. I didn't want to have to stress out about it, so I started looking into other things. 

    First thing I tried was the nuva ring, because a friend had one and she convinced me it was the best thing ever….That lasted about 10 days for me. I was HORRIBLY allergic to it, and ended up with pretty much all the annoying (but overall fairly minor) possible side-effects, and got rid of that thing real quick. And I couldn't manage to get it positioned right the entire time I had it, so it just hurt the whole time.

    That was when I started seeing my current doctor, who I finally asked to put me on mirena. She said she isn't sure why doctors are even prescribing nuva ring, as it's got all kinds of little issues. But anyway…she put me on mirena, and I have barely thought about it since. No kids for me, so it did hurt quite a bit get put in. She couldn't get my cervix to dilate for a while too, which just made it worse. But it really isn't anything to be overly concerned about. I'm a pretty big weenie, and I got through it just fine. The first few months I had pretty normal periods. Worse cramps than I had before it was put in, but same flow and same timing. Then they just started tapering off. Now I get some spotting every other month or so, and go on with life. My boyfriend doesn't notice the strings, unless I ask him to check them for me…two birds with one stone, right? 😉 Overall, I'm so SO pleased. 

    And, as a side note, my doctor told me that the mirena is approved for 5 years, but has been proven to be effective for 7. Not that I'm necessarily recommending it, but it's maybe worth mentioning to your doc. I plan on keeping mine for 7. 

  • Ryssa

    October 4, 2012 at 11:10 pm

    I had the Mirena for a little over 3 years and it was the worst thing ever. I got it right after my son was born and was ok with it for the first two years till I met my fiancé. Then I started getting constant uti’s as soon as one would clear up another one would start, then I was told I was at high risk for cervical cancer, which does not run in my family. After 2 surgeries during which they accidentally cut the strings off my Mirena hemmoraged really bad and bleed constantly for almost 3 weeks. The doctor told me I needed surgery to remove the Mirena and scrape my uterus and I would probably never have kids again. I switched doctors and had the Mirena taken out almost a 2-3 months ago, haven’t had a uti since and all traces of the pre cervical cancer have gone away. I have felt better since getting it out than I have in almost 4 years.

  • CapFeb

    October 5, 2012 at 12:02 am

    I love my nuvaring. It's comfortable, and I always forget mine is there. My inner lady parts are oddly shaped though. My cervix is much closer to the surface than most women, but since it's made to contract poses no issues during sex. If you have shallow lady parts, just fold it twice (the same way you would with a windshield visor) and you're good to go :3  

    Twice a month is a heck of a lot easier than every day. I pair my nuvaring with an app on my phone called Ovuview that reminds me when I should have my period. When it says close to 15 days I start reminding myself every day that I have to take it out on Saturday. The best part is, you can safely skip your period three times if you'd like, pushing your annual menstration count to 4! FOUR PERIODS A YEAR. THAT'S ONE BOX OF TAMPONS~!  I've been doing that for the past three years and have no complaints. If you want to have your period once a month (I did that my first year on nuvaring) you can still use a diva cup or a tampon while you have your nuvaring installed. Although I will mention after I took a two month break, when I came back I had some seriously weird stomach ache symptoms. In the morning when I woke up I had serious unpleasent waterworks in the backdoor. It went away after two weeks, and only happened when I woke up. But, strange because it didn't happen the first time I tried nuvaring, or after my first break. Bodies are weird, yo. 

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