Forums Discussions Inability to do straddle splits

  • Inability to do straddle splits

    Posted by Brumby on September 7, 2011 at 12:13 am

    I have always considered myself flexible.  I can tuck my legs behind my head and I can do oversplits and other bendy stuff.  So, I am exceptionally frustrated that I am not able to do the straddle splits.

    When I try Veena's splits lesson, I max out with my legs only about 100-120 degrees apart. Furthermore, I do not feel a stretch on the inside of my legs or aductors (it is no problem for me to flatten myself to the floor, when in a straddle).  Rather I feel a stiffness and obstruction to movement in my actual hip joint.  It's painful, but not at all like stretching pain.

    So my question is this:  Is it possible that some of us CAN'T learn to do the straddle spits? Is this bone on bone obstruction?  I need an answer, so I can stop agonizing over them.  Or conversly work harder if the possibily exists that I will improve. 

    Please help!! Has anyone else had this problem?

    Veena replied 11 years, 7 months ago 15 Members · 23 Replies
  • 23 Replies
  • Kobajo84

    September 7, 2011 at 12:44 am

    If you’ve never had an injury restricting natural movement of muscles/ligaments/tendons of the anatomy involved in the area you are working on, then you should be able to achieve flexibility. With that being said, everyone’s body is different and because you are so flexible in certain areas such as forward splits as opposed to straddle splits is because you have trained your body for that type of flexibility. Some times goals in flexibility can take time and patience. You can work on your stretching progress for months to years before your body begins to reach it’s goal. The important thing to remember when working on your progress is not to over stretch/exhaust your muscles or force your body as that can often lead to the opposite of your intentions and ultimately lead to injuries. Stay consistent with your stretching regimen, you will get there. I’m going to introduce more straddle work in the coming weeks into my stretching routines as this is an area I too would like to work on. Keep at it, you will get there! Just have patience and remain persistant!

  • Scarlet Thunder

    September 7, 2011 at 3:17 am

    I've often wondered the same thing. As part of my stretching routine I always stretch for my box splits aswell as my front splits. I’ve now achieved front splits with my right leg forward but the box splits feel impossible, I have a horrible feeling in my right hip, the only way I can describe this is that it feels like my hip is going to pop out of its joint even if I can't feel a stretch. I experience the same popping feeling when performing a sailors on the pole with my right foot down.

  • Miraine

    September 7, 2011 at 3:50 am

    Some people do have hip joints that are shaped such that perfect box splits are either impossible, or will always be painful on the joint itself.  It's a matter of the shape of the socket.  If you're unfortunate enough to fall into this category, then I can't say I'd imagine it would be a good idea to press on, as you'll risk stretching ligaments that stabilise the joint.

    If you can do the front splits and have good flexibility in other directions, what happens if you try to rotate from that into the box splits?

  • Scarlet Thunder

    September 7, 2011 at 4:03 am

    I've tried that and as i turn from side to box my hip has the horrible popping feeling again and my legs spring back round to my maximum straddle range. I did wonder if I should stop trying to increase my straddle, I'm tempted to see a physio  and see if they think that its my actual joint so I know whether to bother trying to increase my straddle. I'm sure it is my joint though as the otherside is fine.

  • Miraine

    September 7, 2011 at 4:23 am

    Ouch, doesn't sound good 🙁

    You might find that by playing with the rotation of your legs, you can find a position in which you can get into a straddle, though.  Like, if you lie on your back and lift legs vertically, knees pointing towards your face, then lower the legs out to the side, and that reaches a point where you can't go further, try instead to lift legs vertical, rotate knees outwards (ballet dancer turnout type thing), then spread legs apart so that knee caps end up pointing towards the ground.  It's a matter of finding an angle where the joint doesn't jam.

  • Scarlet Thunder

    September 7, 2011 at 4:30 am

    Thanks for the tip, I'll definatly try the laying on the back one. Looking forward to trying this now.

  • Brumby

    September 7, 2011 at 10:53 pm

    Miraine; thanks for the tips.  Sadly I tried it, to no avail.  Nothing will loosen these hips up!

    I cannot rotate my hips from a front split into a staddle, not because it is painful, but because it is impossible.  Imagine trying to close a door with something jammed in the gap behind the hinge.  You can rotate the door to a certain angle, but there is a point at which it will not progress.  This is what my hips feel like on both sides.  Its very depressing.

    @scarlet:  you only have the problem on one side?  I wonder if it is injury related.  Have you ever suffered an injury to your hip joint?

  • Terpsikhore

    September 8, 2011 at 3:46 pm

    The only thing I can suggest is checking that your pelvis is tilted all the way forward. It's easy to forget and to sit back in straddle position, which in a lot of people will cause a 'jammed' feeling a bit like you describe. Apart from that I'm afraid I can't help. 🙁

  • Scarlet Thunder

    September 9, 2011 at 3:03 am

    Hi Brumby, it is only one side (the right hip). I don't think I've ever done anything to injure my hip but both my grandparents on my mums side had hip replacements later on in their lives, maybe its some weird defect?

    I tried stretching laying on my back last night and it felt better but my hips were at a different angle to when I sit and stretch. I always keep my back long and straight when sitting and stretching, i think when I'm laying down my back rounds off and i can cheat the hip but know this isn't good form.

  • Cherished

    September 9, 2011 at 3:36 am

    Here is a link to a page with a test to do to see if you are capable of doing the both splits. I don't know how reliable it is though:  

    Also I read somewhere else where someone had the same question that a chiropractor would be able to tell you if you are physically capable or not.


  • PaulettePoles

    September 9, 2011 at 4:24 am

    Wow! If that test is an accurate gauge.. ILl keep trying! I see lots of progress w my side splits but have the same problem w straddle. I was actually chocked at the difference. I even asked Veen a about it was such a shocking contrast. SHe encouraged me to keep atity, but not over do it. 1-2 times per week. Sad to hear others have the same problembut gld toknow Im not alone either. MAybe we dont naturally put ourselves in any position closely related and so the area simply isnt trained into flexy yet. Anyone who has gotten Althea's strecing video- do you know if she speaks of ths split requiring extra patience or anyone else?

  • hipshateme

    August 6, 2013 at 7:54 pm

    Hi, I hope someone reads this and replies, I am flat in left leg splits and almost flat in right but i cannot get my middles. I used to be able to stretch but for about a year I have had clicking on the inside on my hips and horrible joint pain when i stretch frog sit and middles. I need to get middles for gymnastics but now the hip pain is so bad I cannot stretch at all.
    If anyone have overcome this problem please please please let me know!!!! 

  • Veena

    August 6, 2013 at 9:01 pm
  • leyrose

    August 7, 2013 at 12:50 am

    i have the exact same problem hipshateme!

  • blondebird

    August 7, 2013 at 8:29 pm

    Yeah I have a pain in my right hip when stretching for splits or even inverting!

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