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Melbell…various companies do it differently…some based on the number of students, some based on classes, some flat rate, some based on square footage of your studio. BMI charges differently if your square footage is over two different stories…some combine these figures, etc.
The ones who manage more rights for more songs obviously charge more.
That's like x pole telling us that our poles are helping us make money so we have to keep re-paying for them yearly. That is a load of crap. We bought the music, it is ours. That's what purchasing a product is!
I should rephrase that to say that it is like if x pole WERE to say that (they haven't.)
you bought the music for personal use not for use in a situation where you are making money off it.
To play devils advocate…you can also compare it to a pole studio teaching a student who says I paid for classes so I can use your class out line and choreo to teach my own classes and make money off of it. it's similar anyway.
I just despise the way they have organized this and it should be one or two companies who own the rights to ALL music and have to compete with each other to get our business therefore keeping the costs reasonable instead of raping us for a license which still doesn't allow us to play all the music. Unless of course we want buy licenses from several PROS.
I think a lot more people would be in compliance if it wasn't run like the mafia!
Actually some of the music I specifically bought for teaching dance classes.
yes but you most likley bought a CD or got them off I-tunes which is for buying them for personal use according to the law.
I think the musicians' point is that they would charge more for those who buy the music for use for profit. They don't care what your intent is…on CD and ITunes etc, they expect they are selling it only for personal use and not to make money from it's use.
If you are using it for a profit (class, DJ, overhead speakers in a store, etc) you have to pay for it's use. Actually it's more like renting the ability to use it since you have to renew the license every year.
On top of that…one license isn't good enough…if you host an event you have to pay for an additional special use license.
I agree that the music license is Ridiculous! Thanks for all the helpful info everyone. I would like to start teaching on my own too, so it’s all good to know. 🙂
I'd like to provide a little objective input on the music issue. I feel you should purchase your licenses, there are things in the works that will make this easier.
However, if you have not purchased your licenses and are just now setting it up, please don't worry too much about the repurcussions of past usage. History shows us that once you are discovered the licensing companies simply call you and ask you to comply by purchasing the license effective for the date of the call. There is no history of lawsuits except for those who refuse to comply.
There is an interesting exception to this rule however. As long as your facility is under 3750 square feet you can use radio and television broadcast with no cost, this includes both terrestrial and sattelite sources. So if you need a specific song or beat you are out of luck but if a SiriusXM radio will do for your needs it can be an effective music source. Also of note is the fact that SiriusXM will sometimes give businesses free subscriptions if you make it clear that your customers are listening to the service.
That’s really cool webmaster! SiriusXM should get a pole channel!
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