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Index finger in a pole grip?!?
Lucca Valentine replied 10 years, 10 months ago 13 Members · 19 Replies
Leyrose: the answer I give people- If you’ve been doing that for years(I don’t know how long you’ve been poling) and not had any problems, you’re probably fine. I have seen quite a few pros grip it without trigger finger. If you’re doing the move with an appropriate amount of strength in your upper arm, there shouldn’t be enough pressure on your bottom hand for it to cause a problem. However, I would learn that grip because I find I use it in any grip when I’m bracing myself with the bottom arm (ayesha, butterfly… i can’t think right now.)
Thanks so much for your reply Korinne!
I’ve been poling for 8 or 9 months now but fairly advanced… I’ve learnt Ayesha, iron x, extended butterfly etc. and have never used the trigger finger. I think I’ll start trying to use it on more basic moves and see how I get on
We also use trigger finger!!
I’ve been told as well as helping with alignment, it’s to stop from over-gripping with that bottom hand. Like jkpolegirl said, to help push with it and not bear down your weight there.
leyrose – I used to find it really weird and didn’t like it, but now I do it without even noticing! -
Putting both the index and middle finger facing down helped me immensely with this. I’m not sure if my wrist was still twisting or something with the one finger, but maybe give that a try?
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