Forums Discussions Info? Post implant recovery time?

  • Info? Post implant recovery time?

    Posted by Mary Ellyn on January 22, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    Some input please….anyone with recent implant surgery or teaching someone after implant surgery:

    What is the lastest recommended recovery time? I know it will vary based on the method of surgery but what is the average recovery after surgery before returning to pole dancing?

    I have a student looking into surgery and we are both concerned because of the 3 doctors she has spoken to they are recommending 2-4 weeks of recovery and then she can return to pole dancing. Last experience I had with this it was 12 weeks recovery.

    Enigma Poledancer replied 13 years, 1 month ago 15 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Jag5303

    January 22, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    I wouldn’t touch a pole 2wks post-op! That’s crazy. Ummm I’d be more comfortable with the time line of 4-6 wks post-op and start slow. There are some simple exercises her surgeon( if hes any good)should give her to slowly regain function. I know when I had my boobs done…..I couldn’t lift my arms to put a shirt over my head for about a week. I did have the implants placed under the muscle, though, so that would make a difference.

  • Kobajo84

    January 23, 2012 at 5:00 am

    There has been a change in the way breast augmentation procedures are being done which enables the patient to have a faster recovery allowing them to resume activities sooner.  I'm not particularly sure of the specifics regarding surgical technique but I would make sure she clearly states to her doctor what her intentions post operatively are so she/he is fully aware of the type of activity she'll be partaking in.  I would think if she got to her 4 week mark and felt too much discomfort, it would be a judgement on her part to maintain light to moderate activity and follow up wih her doctor.

  • SadieNikole

    January 23, 2012 at 5:06 am

    Mine was 6-8 weeks.

  • karebearstare

    January 24, 2012 at 2:24 am

    To be absolutely safe 3 months. I made the mistake of pushing it too hard and I ended up with an infection which caused one side to not heal properly and it became hard. Not to say this will happen to anyone that does the same… But if you spend thousands of dollars and altering your body with implants, it is better safe than sorry. Btw this was way before poling though.

  • Mary Ellyn

    January 24, 2012 at 8:49 am

    Thanks everyone!  My main concern is, as Kobajo mentioned, has there been some major recent change in the way they are doing implants which I was unaware of before I go back and question/educate the doctors. It seems odd that 3 of them are that unfamiliar with pole dancing.

    I'm going to share the info with my student and offer to talk to them  myself.

  • poledanceromance

    January 24, 2012 at 10:14 am

    Most doctors are still using traditional methods. Honestly, if you’re not 100% sure what she’s having done, and you wouldn’t know for sure unless you were there with her in the OR, I would use the most conservative estimate at 12 weeks, 8 weeks of an absolute bare minimum level of activity. The most important thing to protect here is your personal liability, not hers

  • poledanceromance

    January 24, 2012 at 10:16 am

    Crap hit reply too soon.

    It’s not that her recovery isn’t important, but if she does something dumb in the first two-four weeks that compromises her healing and is ALSO back in pole classes, it’s your class that’s probably going to get the blame, not whatever she did. That’s just how people are and it’s not worth the risk. By giving the full 3 months, you’re ensuring that no one could have accused you of having negatively impacted her healing if something goes wrong.

  • Mary Ellyn

    January 24, 2012 at 10:42 am

    I want to be really clear here…neither she nor I are pushing to bring her back sooner than needed.

    My concern is her doctor's misunderstanding if protocol has NOT actually recently changed.

    I can tell her whatever I want but I would prefer to get the best advice from her own physicians. IF protocol has not changed (which is important that I need to know before either she or I talks to them) then my next step is to make certain they unerstand what we actually do.

    Since every case is different I want them to make the best decision on releasing her because maybe even 3 months isn't right in HER case. Maybe they will feel she isn't healing as well as others and actually give a longer recovery period once they really understand what she is doing when she comes back to class.

    So I'd rather they understand and they make the right decision rather than my just saying 3 or 4 months before I allow her back.

  • SHAWNEEN Burkes

    January 24, 2012 at 4:40 pm

    I agree that it'll be different for everyone and I think that some of it has to do with how fit you were before surgery.  When I had mine done in 2008 (holy crap, it's been 4 years already!), I had under the muscle silicone.  I took pictures and video to my surgeon so he would know the activities I was engaged in.  (I was also doing circus stuff at the time.)  He told me 6 weeks.  Longest six weeks of my life!  And even still, I probably could've waited another 2 to be extra safe. 

  • Aviva

    January 24, 2012 at 5:17 pm

    Does she have pix of herself in the most challenging upside down positions she can do?  The reason I ask I because you are right that doctors don't necessarily know what pole dancing really is.  I had my friend/student take her pictures to the doctor before he would clear her. 

  • Poleluver

    January 24, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    I am recovering right now. I had surgery 3 months ago. breast lift with implant and tummy tuck. I had trouble squeezing my arms together or lifting myself up for awhile.  I hadn't pole in a while but was kickboxing and in my best shape pre surgery. I am just about to consider going back. I have a pole and am interested in practicing some spins at home and practice inverting before even going back. I've lost a lot of strength post op.  I will be lifting some weights and start kickboxing before classes..or at least practicing at home. The implants just softened and started feeling normal a little after 2 months. I would NOT have gone back before that UNLESS I was just maybe doing floor work and dancing around the pole. 

  • tarah

    January 24, 2012 at 11:11 pm

    i would also say at least 8 weeks, regardless of where her incisions are.  she will know when she is ready by how she feels.  she could try some dancing around the pole, and then if that is comfortable, some basic spins.  pole is totally different than any other activity – and doctors do not understand what it is unless they have tried it themselves.  i recently had my implants removed (very simple procedure), and it was 3.5 weeks before i could do anything on the pole without pain.

  • AButwell

    January 25, 2012 at 9:29 am

    I had implants in June from "the boob doc of Naperville".  He recommended 6 weeks for pole, I was back in 5 week and was fine.  You need to know how fit you are and how well you're healing.  My doc was familiar with pole fitness and the strength required for it. 

  • amyluv

    January 25, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    I had mine done a little over a year ago.  My Dr told me to stay off the pole for 8 weeks.  When I did get back on the pole I took it very easy and if a certain move didn't feel right I stopped.  I wouldn't even attempt the easiest moves before the 8 weeks it just isn't worth it!  It was torture not being able to pole but it wasn't worth hurting myself not to mention the added expense if you do.

  • JhennD

    January 28, 2012 at 10:19 pm

    I just got mine 1/25/12 silocone-overs-infra mammary-500cc. I told my ps I wanted to go as big as I could with my lifestyle considered. We choose the above measurements, and I’m extremely happy. I know I will have to wait (at least) 2 weeks for a full push up & one handed spin kind of strain. I was also told as soon as I could; to do a series of arms above head exercises. To be smart and avoid if I couldn’t. But I could. I’m just loopy from pain killers for balance to do any spins. It took a while for me to get strength for climbs & sits/holds. So I will def wait till I get the go ahead from ps/ myself/ my confidence to do more.

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