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Info? Post implant recovery time?
Enigma Poledancer replied 13 years, 1 month ago 15 Members · 19 Replies
Ok I put on some sexy boots (pleaser delights) & did a couple of beginner spins. I totally wish I had a camera to post ;( I am using more of my lats and legs. Pecs aren’t confident for climbs
Well my student went back to the doctor she chose to use for surgery and shared what info I got plus better explained what pole work involved and he now says 12 weeks before she can do pole work.
Thanks for the feedback ladies!!
When I had mine done, I was restricted to any physical activity for a month and was told I could build up after that. At one or two months, poling didn't hurt, just felt really odd, so I did Taebo for awhile to help get my arms back into action. It took me about 4 months to feel comfortable enough to get back into poling. My ps used a rapid recovery method. is a great forum. I would strongly recommend anyone who is thinking about implants or who has recently had surgery check it out. The ladies there are great and it's a great community!
@ AButWell: What level are you at in pole so i can have an idea of what tricks your doing with your implants cause i'm thinking of getting some too 😛
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