Forums Discussions Injury from splits on pole

  • Pretty Pixie

    September 20, 2016 at 12:10 pm

    So I had not actually torn my hamstring when I posted in this thread originally.. it ended up healing completely within a couple weeks. However, I did tear my left hamstring at the upper attachment in March of 2015 (heard the dreaded pop and couldn’t walk for a couple days, couldn’t pole for weeks) and was only able to begin a light stretching routine again in October 2015, so 7ish months. At the time I was warmed up, at the end of my pole workout, and wanted “one more time” to perfect something. Bad idea. Did all the same wishing I’d not done that last try, why me’s, all the same things we all go through after this seemingly out of nowhere injury. I finally got my splits back after a good 3-5 days a week strengthening and stretching routine. I was so happy. I was still careful of that left hamstring, definitely babying it, but it felt strong and flexible. Then, I have a situation at home and have to start going to a studio once a week for my workout and after a pole class working on a hamstring intensive trick I decided to try to get into my split once more and I heard the familiar pop again, this time in my right hamstring. Ugh. I couldn’t believe I did this to myself again, basically in the same way. So my thoughts are, warming up your hamstrings before flex training is imperative, but them being tired from a full on strength workout is not a good time to push them. There’s a happy little medium you’ve got to hit to be safe. Warm enough but not fatigued. So now if I understand correctly, you shouldn’t flex train before a strength workout because flex training makes the muscle weak and, to my experience, you shouldn’t flex train after a hardcore strength workout either. It’s all a balancing act fitting in pole, conditioning, flex training, cross training, and rest days. I’m going insane trying to figure out a workout schedule, and it’s especially difficult when I see pole stars and instructors poling on a daily basis. How do they do it?

  • grayeyes

    September 24, 2016 at 6:23 pm

    What finally worked: I know this thread is really old but hamstring injuries are so common for us that I wanted to share what finally worked for me. After 15 months my injury healed (and it was not even torn per MRI) but it only healed after two dextrose injections into the hamstring. That being said, a year or so later during a brief sprint workout (running) it became injured again, though not as bad.

  • evilpurpletoe1300

    October 8, 2016 at 8:10 am

    How long did you guys stop pole-ing after injury? It will be almost 4 months since my injury now. I don’t feel the pain anymore but my right leg flexibility is back to zero. I took private pole classes but we focused on upperbody tricks. I am still scared to go back to taking group classes because of my fear of hurting my leg again. 🙁

  • evilpurpletoe1300

    October 8, 2016 at 11:06 am

    @grayeyes, my doc suggested Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections if my hamstring still won’t heal after 5 months. I have until november to know and decide if I’ll have it. Your comment somehow helps. 🙂

  • grayeyes

    October 19, 2016 at 12:30 am

    @evilpurpletoe PRP is very much the same–at least the same idea in that they use it to stimulate the muscle to heal itself. I’ve worked at two surgery centers where we did PRP for various hard to heal injuries like tendinitis. I can’t say if it worked for the patients because I only saw them the day of surgery since I didn’t work in the surgeon’s office. I do believe the dextrose healed my hamstring and I tried so much other stuff. I’m headed back to that doc to see if he’ll inject it again for my current re-injury. I’m no expert but I don’t think PRP can hurt. It may hurt being injected but I don’t think it can cause any damage. If the dextrose didn’t work for me my doc said PRP was an option and I would likely have tried it.

  • sydneylaura

    November 9, 2016 at 9:13 pm

    I was doing a drop split on my bad side left leg out front 3 weeks ago I was warmed up and when I dropped into it heard and felt a pop. I was in a lot of pain I got an ultrasound and MRI done and it appears it’s a grade 3 tear from the pelvic bone / ischial tuberosity I am so devasted I had just changed studios and this was my second class in my new studio for the term . I have a performance in late February so in about three months I am wondering if I will be able to perform still ? Just. Not including any split moves or anything that will hurt it ? I am going to physio and have exercises to do each day . I’m just so upset and as others have said I keep thinking back to the move and just wishing I could turn back time .

  • Pretty Pixie

    November 10, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    We all heal differently, so I can’t really say if you’ll be ready in 3 months, but I can say that you’ll be surprised at how much this injury affects your pole life. Not only can you not stretch the affected hamstring, sometimes even holding it straight is difficult, you won’t be able to use it as a source of power either. I’m very sorry you are dealing with this… it is devastating. 🙁

  • RedFox

    November 10, 2016 at 11:38 pm


    I”m so sorry that happened to you. It’s really frustrating, I know.

    I tore the ligment to my hamstring one year and waited months before going to physio (I have gotten so used to “pain” doing pole, I always just assume I”m fine. Yup…wasn’t). The physio doctor used ultrasound on me, but also gave me the most annoying exercise. To lay on my back and pull my leg towards me (hamstring stretch) until I JUST BARELY feel a stretch. He said it should not really feel like a stretch at all. And stay there…for half an hour. Every day.

    I did it. For…three months straight? In a few months, I was back into overstretches. So…it was a pretty miraculous recovery. But it took a LOT of patience and a lot of blood rushing away from my feet. 😛

    All the best!

  • RedFox

    November 10, 2016 at 11:39 pm

    Oh, but the plus side was that I got SO strong that year, because I was doing everything not legs. 😛

  • evilpurpletoe1300

    December 10, 2016 at 3:16 pm

    Same here, Redfox. My upperbody got strong I can do handsprings now and can hold my iron x a bit longer. 😉 Another upside, I can lift my injured leg and hold it longer and higher now because of the ankle weights I had during therapy. It’s been 6 months now, doc gave me go-signal to start stretching more. I’m taking yoga classes and hopefully will be back to doing splits next year. 🙂 Straddle split is getting wider, my problem is doing my square splits though.

  • Tatsiana Moores

    January 2, 2017 at 8:20 pm

    I injured my hamstring about three years ago. I was stretching cold. I was limping for next three days. I didn’t stretch it for next six months and then slowly started stretching it but I would always feel pain even at rest. Recently I started going to a chiropractor that was using Graston technique to break down the scar tissue. I felt better and then one night went to low in my stretching and the pain came back. So I stopped Stretchin my right side a few weeks ago and it doesn’t hurt anymore. So I’m afraid if I start stretching again the pain will come back. Again I would feel pain even at rest which is very annoying.

  • Skullpixie

    January 2, 2017 at 8:25 pm

    Tatsiana you may need to strengthen the muscle further, before you train it for more flexibility.

  • VanessaM2018

    November 19, 2018 at 8:27 am

    People that tore their hamstring (2nd degree strain): how long did it take to get your flexibility back?

    I had my splits and tore my hamstring doing the russian splits this morning and now i can’t even straighten it. Im absolutely terrified I’ll lose my flexiblity. Did anyone ever regain their flexibility completely?

  • Pretty Pixie

    November 19, 2018 at 2:24 pm

    Absolutely! You will get it back but understand it will take time. I couldn’t walk for a week, incredibly sore for another, I started to pole again after three weeks completely off, but no stretching yet. All said and done, it took 8 months to get back to where I could stretch regularly again, however there was still a dull ache afterwards for another few months. Actually, even to this day if I go to hard, I’ll feel it. I tore my other side soon after the first side healed. So another 8-9 months for that one. I’m healed from both now, and I have my splits back so don’t worry too much about it, it’s not the end of the world. Time heals all wounds, and though I know you’re probably in tears right now, things get better faster than you think. Good luck and sending healing vibes!

  • VanessaM2018

    November 22, 2018 at 10:27 pm

    Thank you Pretty Pixie ❤️ Thats very encouraging. I cant believe it took 8-9 months! I read the thread and i know its been a few years since your injury- im really glad youre okay now. It sounded really bad when it happened 😔. Its been 4 days and i can walk now, still not over it but im glad that a lot of pole dancers go through this and make it out okay ❤️

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