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Insane rantings of a madman?
Posted by Neke on May 14, 2009 at 7:55 amOk so i meet a lot of stupid people who say a lot of stupid things. Some of them are clever about it, some of them are not.. one guy spent all night trying to convince me he was some famous guy, so I smiled and nodded and held out my hand for money… and then the super important guy tried to give me his number by writing it down along with the famous name on the back of somebody else’s business card.
So. A guy last night was telling me he used to be friends with a professional club dancer who cleaned the pole with coke (coca cola). I refused to believe him.. but he went into a lot of detail on how she swore by it. He said it cleaned the pole and left it a bit sticky, so she had better grip. Of course I just looked at him in disbelief (whatever, crazy man), but he left me very curious. Would this actually work? In a club the poles never get totally clean, they’re always slippery, so the idea works in theory… but all I can picture is me getting very sticky arms and legs.
Thoughts? Is he just another stupid guy, or is there some merit to this?
nikki_christie replied 15 years, 10 months ago 10 Members · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
I dunno.
Pole grip is a mystic art.
Coke is so acidy-disolvey so it wouldn’t surprise me as a cleaning aid…I think Joel was talking about maple syrup as a grip aid…so it fits
but… I don’t think I’d want to spend a long time covered in any sticky residue, not even store bought grippies!
Hmmm, I don’t know Yes, coke is very acidic, and once I heard they used it to clean up blood stains on concrete. but I don’t know? It might be awful for the finish on a pole!! I would think it would make the pole sticky, but would you end up getting sticky too? Hmmm I don’t know
I find that hard to believe because Coke is extremely corrosive….one of it’s other uses is cleaning truck engines! I have a bunch of facts on it, I use to teach about healthy eating. Coke will dissolve a rusty nail in 4 days…I don’t think anyone is putting it on their pole! At least I hope not!
Haha I’m tempted to get out my old Electra-pole and try it out… but you wouldn’t catch me up on that thing to test the grip!
I picture it only making a mess because it’s going to kinda bead up and dry instead of being a nice even coat, you know what I mean? Also it’s probably going to be rather gummy I would think, so it’ll be all over you. Any time I’ve ever spilled soda somewhere it took several days for it to dry up enough that it didn’t stick to you when you touched it (I can’t remember where I spilled it that I would leave it for that long without cleaning it, but anyway…)
Even if it did dry up nicely, I picture it being too sticky; like you just glued yourself to the pole.
Jeez Neke I dunno. Coke is awful stuff so I cant see that it would be good for a pole. As litlbit said, its very corrosive!!
haha so funny!
im a tap dancer and when a stage is too slippery (or those old italian stages that that are built at an angle) we mop up the floor with coke to make it sticky enough to not fall off the stage. taps are really slippery and even with cats paws i´ve fallen off of stages! lol
after i have to wash off my shoes or i won´t be able to dance with them anywhere else, it´s like glue.
i would definately not use it on my pole. it would probably burn off the chrome finish and most definately rip your skin off! frida -
In the 50’s and 60’s my mum used to use coke to clean chrome on her boyfirends car.
Apparently it was the best thing ever for cleaning it.
So you could have an ultra shiny / sticky chrome pole!I’ve used it to remove rust and corrosion!
It’s possible that this might work. Alena Downs HAS mentioned 7-up as grip product. She jokes on her forum about using simple household products and disliked Windex because it can be corrosive.
Both 7-up and Coke in the 2 liter bottles are considered super saturated solutions of sugar water. That is why–against intuition–2 liter bottles CAN be safely stored after opening without refrigeration for a few days. There is so much sugar that bacteria do not grow that well in the solution. I found this out the hard way when I wrote a citation for a nursing home for storing opened pop bottles in an unrefrigerated cupboard. The state sanitarian kicked the citation, called me on my cell phone and gave me a very stern lecture. I had to drive back to the nursing home and apologize for the write-up!
Sugar is sticky when it dries…so maybe that produces the grip.
I think Amcut hit it on the nail. Grip is a mystic art. It is a matter of experimentation, too. I’ve tried a lot of things. For me, the old standby Windex–and a tiny bit of resin stick (which actually is Maple sap) works pretty well.
She jokes on her forum about using simple household products and disliked Windex because it can be corrosive.Ok the X pole is chrome…windex is mainly alcohol, here are the ingredients
* Isopropanol
* 2-Butoxyethanol
* Ethylene glycol n-hexyl ether
* Water
* Ammoniathere is nothing in it that could harm chrome!!! I don’t know where this theory is coming from?
Yes, I agree with you Veena–in that I have not had any problems with Windex…even squirting a tiny bit on my legs now and then or rubbing it on myself off a hand towel. I’ve got pretty scruffy "man-skin", LOL! so I don’t get too sensitive to stuff.
As far as the pole surface, I really don’t even give it much thought. With the conduit surface, I can just BRASSO off anything that is a problem. Matter of fact, I played around with metal paint a few months ago to see if that would make a better finish. It didn’t. So I just steel wooled the whole mess right off the pole and Brasso’d it up nice and shiny again.
I’m not too savvy about the difference between materials and processes used by P/S versus X-pole. Chemically, alcohols are relatively inert to most metals, like you say. Maybe P/S uses something that doesn’t go well with alcohols?
Only other thing I can think of is that it could be one of those individual "personal" mismatches to skin and metal. My boss is one of those women that gets the green tincture under watches and rings. She told me she was convinced her husband had gotten her a fake ring and had it checked out by a jeweler–but it was legit–just something funny about how her skin and the metal reacted.
Yes some people can have a reaction to the windex on their skin…so some can’t use it. I stopped using it when I found out I was pregnant and it made me feel sick LOL but I use it now again. As far as I know PS pole are just polished stainless steel? I don’t know if they have some special protective coating?
Ive discovered a fantastic grip aid that doesnt make my hands sticky! And doesnt corrode the pole in any way!!(Well I didnt discover it as such, I was told!! I tried it out and it worked!!!!)
Drum roll please!!!!!!!! (also apologies if someone else has beat me to it! )
And I dont mean that you have to melt the wax onto the pole.
Rub a candle all over your pole.
The bad thing about it is that its hard to get off and when I tried to do spins it hurt my hands. But the same happened when I used mighty grip in class so…
I havent tried it on my own pole at home but tried it in the studio and I definately felt a major difference in grippage! Twas nice!!! -
I think u might be able to use coke… my friends dad uses it for cleaning concrete…
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