Forums Discussions Instructional pole DVD’s? Which one to get?

  • Instructional pole DVD’s? Which one to get?

    Posted by flygrlsim on November 18, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    Any tips/suggestions out there on the best instructional pole DVD's? I go to class once/wk and recently got a pole for home. I don't currently have internet at my house so I can't do the Studio Veena lessons, so its gonna have to be DVD's. Has anyone every used "The Art of Pole" series? ..I especially want to hear from all those who are self-taught! What tools/resources have you been using? 

    chemgoddess1 replied 12 years, 3 months ago 9 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Anonyma

    November 18, 2012 at 6:00 pm

    studio veena is probly the best ressource!  but i bought vertical dance with katie and i liked them very much, it s very fitness, nothing too sexy in there , so maybe an aleathea austin dvd would  be good with that! 

  • chemgoddess1

    November 18, 2012 at 6:38 pm

    What are you specifically looking to learn?  S Factor is really good for learning to slow down and be slinky.  I have the Art of Pole series but have not really used it.

  • sonicXplosion

    November 19, 2012 at 4:10 am

    I'm pretty much self taught from YouTube and set up my channel to help others with finding new combos/tricks. I learnt the beg/inter/basic adv moves at a pole studio and then hit a ceiling and had to turn to DVDs, books, workshops and Youtube. I bought the Felix Cane Box set of 5 DVDs as well as Art of Pole Vol 3, 4, 5 and like chemgoddess1 I haven't really used them primarily becuause I already know the moves. I've watched them once each. If you're trying to learn new moves then either Felix or Jamilla's DVDs are good. The lessons are good, very well structured and tips are provided in both.

    Both Jamilla and Felix break the moves down so you can see where to grip and which muscles you need to engage. Why not consider downloading Pole 101 Handbook (Beg, Int, Adv) for $10 from Amazon. It's written by an Australian Tracey Ecclestone, and provides conscise information for each move. I'm an advanced pole dancer and didn't find this useful, however, if you're just learning or making your way through your pole journey any of these will be great. Many of my friends love the Pole 101 Handbook. Each move has a description on how to get into the move.

    I haven't seen Alethea's but her style is quite different to my style, so I won't be purchasing them. I also purchased the Pole Positions book from IPDFA which is quite good, if you don't have YouTube/Internet access. With this book you look at the picture and figure out how to get into the move yourself.

    Hope this helps. 🙂

    SonicXplosion xx

  • Jasmin46

    November 20, 2012 at 5:16 pm

    Not to threadjack, but can you give more details on the S factor book/videos?

  • RoseMay

    November 20, 2012 at 6:18 pm

    I have a S factor book "strip workouts for every woman" – it's awesome for sensual floorwork and how to connect with the music and how to feel sexy in general. There are lots of moves described in a way that you can easily replicate them and how to link them together to a whole floor sequence. There's also something about wall dance and how to strip.

    The pole part in it is … meh. Some tricks in it but not very well described. For pole stuff there is better instruction out there IMHO. I'd only get it if you're interested in sexy floorwork and sexy dancing 🙂

  • CapFeb

    November 20, 2012 at 6:50 pm

    I thought alethea’s dvd’s were OKAY. Her warmups were very good, and then some moves had excellent information and breakdowns. But others were two to three part moves in which hardly anything was explained in part one, leaving you stranded in parts two and three. They also had a really terrible habit of zooming in on her face, crotch, or chest randomly during explanation. I liked the floorwork dvd overall, though, even though there were some moves that I still don’t understand (45’s, tiffany legs to name two…there was a snake charmer leg thing she did that I didn’t understand, either.) As far as pole dvd’s, I’ve never viewed any, but I really want to purchase jamilla’s

  • flygrlsim

    November 20, 2012 at 7:55 pm

    Hi all,

    thanks for the tips and suggestions. i'm still a newbie (been poling about 5-6months) and still going to class once/wk but now that i have my own pole, i want to be able to do more and progress faster. i'm looking for something that focuses more on tricks and technique, hand placement, muscle engagement, etc.. not so much sexy /slinky/dance-y stuff. i like the idea of downloading pole 101 from amazon, thanks sonicXplosion! : )

  • flygrlsim

    November 20, 2012 at 8:07 pm

    just tried amazon for pole 101 and they only have the kindle version. does anyone know of where else i could get it? 

  • Jasmin46

    November 20, 2012 at 11:54 pm

    You can read kindle stuff on iPod/iPad just download the kindle app.

  • Ly Kieu Le

    November 21, 2012 at 12:35 am

    Simona, I think Jamilla’s the art of pole series fit you best as it describes in the smallest details how to do each move. At the end of each DVD, all the moves taught previously are put together into a routine. Alethea’s and Felix’s are ideal for stretching only in my opinion.
    Wish you best with the journey.

  • Charley

    November 21, 2012 at 11:25 am

    I have seen Jamilla's DVD's I don't own them nor have I actually poled with them – just ate popcorn and watched like you would a real movie – hahaha. 

    I liked everything I saw but Jamilla's DVD's are something like $30/piece or $100 for the set.  Are you considering the set?  I only ask because there are a few tricky things in vol 2…but there are 5 volumes and I am not sure which moves are on which DVDs.  I thought they were well made, very well broken down and easy to follow.  Jamilla is a GREAT teacher.

    Vertical Dance was great Vol 2 will be helpful for sure, I liked how they did theirs – but depending on your level of ability – there wasn't much in the way of variations on moves because we didn't have them then and there's less content overall when compared with Jamilla's DVD's although for your basic advanced moves VD is awesome and a great buy!

    So basically in a nutshell my advice would be to get VD vol2 or get the whole series from Jamilla.


  • chemgoddess1

    November 21, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    Jsut saw the question about the S Factor videos.  I have the first series which were The Beginning, Itermediate and Lap Dance and Polework 101.  There is a Soulfully sexy series that has come out but I have not seen it.  The workout is a very slow/sexy/sensual movement and gets you used to moving slowly and learning to control slow movement.  You can generally find them dirt cheap used through Amazon or ebay.  I have not seen the Be Spun or Alethea dvds so I cannot compare them, but if you are looking to slow down your movement or pick up some slinky floor work it is worth the investment.  If you are just looking at getting one of the videos, look for the first one.

    The book I originally checked out from my library.  It explains the moves but sometimes is hard to follow while you are trying to move.  There is also a really good section in there about music and finding what they call your erotic creature.

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