Forums Discussions Introversion and Pole

  • Introversion and Pole

    Posted by mgpoledance on September 16, 2015 at 3:01 pm

    I identify as an introvert. Shy is so often wrongly associated with introversion and it is still viewed by others as something to be fixed. When I started pole, I knew I wanted private lessons. Not because I am shy but because I shut down trying to learn in a large group. I now teach but my studio is only 3 poles so it is only private or semi-private (except and occasional private group.) And, I really love a pole jam with a one or two friends. Even as an introvert, poling at home alone can be dull and sometimes a bit unsafe. I have found a community that I love, but still cannot learn in groups and workshops. Many of us are probably self teaching with the help of sites like this. Are there any other introverts here? Are you mostly poling at home?

    mgpoledance replied 9 years, 3 months ago 10 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • kulotsalot

    September 17, 2015 at 4:32 am

    Introvert here! I also take class on my own, or with just one or two other people (and they are usually the same people so I develop a rapport with them). Also have a pole at home but am not fully into self-training yet. It’s great that you’ve found what works best for you. I’ve done some group classes (for pole and other dance styles) but prefer privates or semis – less mental energy burned on “Oh my god, what is everyone else thinking about me right now!” which may not necessarily be an introvert thing, but something that always comes into my head and distract me. I know some people here pole “together” through Skype or something – you could try that?

  • mgpoledance

    September 17, 2015 at 10:01 am

    I have thought about skype for some private lessons here and there. I have not tried it yet. I know Iris “Sparrowhawk” offers skype lessons. I do think I have my side of learning working for me. I subscribe to this and tantra tutorials. I will probably add cleo and 123poling at some point. I Since I only teach privates and semi-privates, my studio is a good place for fellow introverts to come learn or practice with just one or two others. Most studios are structured for extroverts. I guess I will just let time and reputation do its thing for that.

  • mgpoledance

    September 17, 2015 at 10:04 am

    If you would ever be interested in trying to skype, let me know. I would definitely give it a try!

  • rebeccafemm

    September 17, 2015 at 8:05 pm

    Hello! I also identify as an introvert, and then some. After reading “The Introvert’s Way” and other information about the subject, I shed a very stressful life of pretending I was an extrovert and rejected that version of “normalcy”, and began to fly that introvert flag proudly!
    I started learning pole at a studio which was very dimly lit, with soft (but appropriate) music, and about 6 poles. The instructor was very low-key and soft-spoken, and I really loved it there. I felt I could really turn my attention inwards and learn and explore. I tried other studios, mainly in noisy gyms with harsh lighting and I never stuck around.
    I’ve had a long hiatus where my health went down the tubes, and am just now beginning to get back to some semblance of fitness. I really want to start on the pole again. I’m in the middle of nowhere for the next 6 months so have not got the option of going to a class.

  • Bellini

    September 17, 2015 at 11:04 pm

    Sounds familiar, it is hard for me to concentrate in large groups where I have to follow what other people are doing (and think what to say to the teacher if she/he comes to help and grabs my naked leg etc.). I have a tendency to compare myself with other though I know the dangers of it. I also live “in the middle of the nowhere”, no pole studios here.. 😀 At home concentrate on poling itself without feeling the social pressure or being nervous. I really like Veena’s calm and gentle style to teach. Of course it can be sometimes be dangerous to pole alone, therefore I try to take random classes when feeling I need security.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    September 18, 2015 at 3:27 am

    I would definitely say I am an introvert even though many would not think that about me. I definitely tend to shut down in a large group. Some classes I can go off into my own world because I’m in my own little corner in the back of the studio and for my favorite class the instructor keeps the lights off and that makes me feel more comfortable and no one is really paying attention to me. Other than that class I do better to pole at home or with a couple of friends. I get nervous in class when the teacher is spotting me in front of everyone else. I literally shake from nerves. But I found two classes where the lights are off and I really enjoy those classes

  • Little Swift

    September 18, 2015 at 3:11 pm

    Wow mgpoledance5059 – your post could have been written by me! Big Introvert: INFJ. I’m far away from any studio most of the year (living overseas) and wasn’t always motivated to train all alone at home. I train with groups only in the summer when on holiday in the US, and yes, I’m often on the outskirts in those classes. I’ve been teaching in my home studio since the end of August – 3 poles, with a 4th that I could put up if necessary. Suits me perfectly 🙂 Best thing is now I’m really training myself too! So nice to meet you here at StudioVeena, and I’m really glad you posted about this.

  • mgpoledance

    September 18, 2015 at 3:41 pm

    Its nice to hear from you all. Yes I went most of my life believing there was something wrong with me that needed to be fixed. I am INFP and HSP. The book that helped me Was “Quiet” by Susan Cain. I would like my studio to be more of a home for some fellow introvert polers, but that is the dilemma of being introverted. It takes time to find each other when we are “quietly united in our own homes.”

  • ewebet72116

    September 18, 2015 at 4:22 pm

    I am a bit introverted also. I am slow to catch on to routines and find myself shutting down quickly. I will often video a class and try to learn at home. I went to my first class in yoga pants and a t shirt. It took quite a while, but now I wear a loose tank and booty shorts!!! I am extremely self conscience of my mid section. This week, during a very small class of 4, I attempted a leg hang. I reluctantly had to roll up one side of my tank to get better contact. I nearly cried, it was so traumatic. My fellow polers were so nonjudgemental! I did the hang and have a lovely poll kiss to prove it. I must be the luckiest poler on the world because I have amazing and supportive polestructors as well as fantastic classmates. I love that the studio uses low light. There is so much positiveness for every accomplishment, big or small. All of this combined has helped this 57 year old come out of my introverted shell. Who knows, someday, I may even shed my tank to expose more of me and the fabulous “bondage”, (yes, thats really the style name!!!) strappy top Im saving 🙂

  • grayeyes

    September 18, 2015 at 10:55 pm

    I’m an introverted poler. I do pole at home but I don’t think it’s really about my introversion but more about convenience. However, I suppose if I went to a studio I might find it draining, depending on the people.

    As an aside, I finally realized some years ago that my introversion is not a character flaw and I no longer offer any apology for it. I have also learned to respect the fact that I need alone time to recharge and I keep that in mind as far as my life and my schedule and I’m happier for it.

  • rebeccafemm

    September 18, 2015 at 11:36 pm

    I just wanted to thank mgpoledance for posting this. I just found this site via YouTube and started in on the lessons pretty much straight away. I don’t think I would have ever posted anything though (or would have “waited in the wings” for a very long time) had it not been for this.
    I’ve really enjoyed hearing about everyone’s (very similar) experiences with both their training and their introversion and how everybody functions in this bizarre society of ours where introversion is so little understood and valued.

  • kulotsalot

    September 19, 2015 at 5:10 am

    mgpoledance – Sorry I am not quite at the stage where I’m comfortable Skype-poling with others, but when I get there I’ll let you know! Thanks for the offer! 🙂

    I think in this day and age a lot has been written about introversion in the media so it is not as weird or unknown to other people as it was before. I’ve definitely declined social invites from friends by saying outright that I’m not not feeling very social that day, or bailed because the group was larger than I thought it would be. They get it now, they’re getting used to it, and they’re not offended. “Having an introvert day!”

    Certainly for group classes it’s harder to tailor the environment and setup for our own preferences, but as grayeyes said, I’m much less apologetic about my disposition than I was in the past!

  • Adventures of Alice

    September 19, 2015 at 7:47 am

    I’m an introvert but can be really social and seemingly extrovert in small doses. I’m INFP.
    As I get older I am becoming more comfortable about who I am and understand myself better and what I need to stay calm and minimise anxiety. I’ve had a bit of a mid life review and just quit my job. I’ve been working in office and finance for 25 years and realise I really want to spend my time working for a charity and being more person centred than business. I’m particularly interested in supporting victims of domestic abuse as my first husband was abusive.
    Anyway, the mid life thing helped me discover pole. Over the New Year I spent time thinking about things I enjoyed doing as a child, before I did things I felt I had to do or were expected of me. One of those things was dancing..even though I had never taken lessons as I was too shy. As I like to do things that are a bit surprising..I gave pole a go. Pole is not a big thing in the UK so it does raise eyebrows!
    It has given me something for myself that my husband and my teenage boys aren’t involved in (even though they are supportive) and it gives me a place to be present and get my head space in my own home. That being said being able to get feedback from other Veena members is really important and whereas I feel too shy to pole in front of anyone, I don’t mind people seeing a video…

  • Wrecklice

    October 22, 2015 at 1:21 pm

    I am INFP as well…would be really interested in checking out that book. I was convinced that I had Aspie or some other mild form of autism for the longest time :/
    I’ve had to flex though for an early career in modelling – clients and agents want a vibrant “yes” girl. I try to force myself to be somewhat social….I was a Resident Assistant at university when I attended, and my nature made me seem more authoritative than the other RAs…the residents came to me with their more serious and confidential problems, which was nice to be seen in such high regard and trusted.

    ANYWAY nowadays I am teaching pole at my studio once a week, and finding it awkward for me but fun. I’m only a few months in, so I’m hoping it gets easier.

  • mgpoledance

    November 16, 2015 at 8:04 pm

    To those whose posts I just read, I apologize. I have been dealing with the passing of my mother and am at times a bit overwhelmed. The dilemma of introversion for me is that it is so hard to meet fellow introverts by nature. I enjoy the similarities and comfort and I would love for my studio to be a home for some introverted polers who are put off by large social studios. I have a few kindred spirits and count myself lucky.

    Wrecklice – Yes, I still have my moments where I think I may be somewhere on the Autism scale myself. The book was very uplifting.

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