Forums Discussions Invert and everything after… well, im struggling

  • Invert and everything after… well, im struggling

    Posted by Pinkie Pip on January 12, 2014 at 1:20 pm

    I’m trying my best to get a decent basic invert and perhaps even go into this move,(or even just put my hands on the floor in a handstand) but i hit a few issues. I need this move for our dance.

    One being, when I get into a basic invert, I start to spin round slowly :/ I’m not sure where I am going wrong there

    Does anyone have any good tips for getting a confident basic invert? I cant even aerial invert by the way!!

    I’m losing confidence fairly fast 🙁

    Phoenix Hunter replied 11 years, 1 month ago 10 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Saphyre

    January 12, 2014 at 1:29 pm

    Do you have Veena’s lessons? One thing I will say is that you are jumping into your invert instead of it being nice and controlled,. That momentum is making you spin. This is also dangerous as you may injure your ribs as your body comes into contact with the pole. You should have your body (hips) in front of the pole, in contact with the pole before you invert. You can use a leg sweep, use your core to lift and tilt your hips back, then legs up. If you have the lessons, here is the one for basic invert:

    Please be careful!! Other than that, you look gorgeous!!

  • Runemist34

    January 12, 2014 at 5:21 pm

    It’s totally normal to struggle with these sorts of moves, especially when you’re starting out. I find the inverted crucifix (the move after the invert in your video) to be… terrifying. I’m starting to get it, but I’m still terrified of it. That tends to set me back a bit!
    I agree with Saphyre- make sure you aren’t jumping into an invert. Bring your hands lower (seriously, the hand position in that video makes me cringe), like face height or so at most. Some leg swing is fine, but please don’t jump!
    As for getting the inverted crucifix… it’s a tough one. Can you do the move right-side-up? That will help you get used to the leg hold position, and strengthen your muscles for it. Just remember to grip as hard as you can, and turn your knees in toward the pole!
    Also, an aerial invert is crazy hard to do, so don’t feel bad. That one will probably come way, WAY later than right after learning a basic invert from the ground. The strength required is… a lot. haha 😉

  • Phoenix Hunter

    January 12, 2014 at 6:00 pm

    Your crucifix looked really good! looks like you have good control with that. I wish I could slide like that from a crucifix, I just don’t have that kind of control with my legs. With your invert, the other ladies had good advice about standing with your hips in front of the pole. it is harder this way at first but you will build the strength needed to lift or gently sweep the leg instead of using jumping momentum. veena has a good invert lesson with suggested exercises to held build up to it. Knee tucks help too. I didn’t really notice you spinning though in that video.

  • Sieira

    January 12, 2014 at 6:31 pm

    I’m getting frustrated also…I thought your hands were way higher then what r instructor tells us. But besides that I will be sooooo happy when I can look that good! Today was a bad didn’t happen invert day. Lol

  • hookedonpole

    January 12, 2014 at 7:54 pm

    Swilks, that’s not you in the video you posted, or is it? I agree with others, the hands in the video are too high. That requires more strength and work to get up. Also, hips in front of the pole with no jumping. Also no throwing the leg to get up, I pulled a rib muscle very badly when I was “learning” how to invert. I see many who have their arms high for invert and are very strong to be able to pull it off. However, most of what I’ve seen and been taught is lower by head/chin. One instructor even wanted me to go lower to my boobs, that was difficult for me.

    There is prep work for strength if needed. Do you by any chance have veena’s lessons. When I found this site and got her lessons I had to learn from the beginning how to invert because I was taught incorrectly. You’ll get it.

  • Pinkie Pip

    January 13, 2014 at 8:34 am

    Nope thats not me on the video! Mind you, I’d be happy with her confidence for sure. I only posted the video to explain better as I know names for moves can differ (crucifix = batman in our pole school it seems)

    The more i read the more I realise that I need to prep more. I’m not sure if I personally jump – but I highly suspect so!

    I liked the SV trial so I am thinking about subscribing, for sure.

    We’ve got a pole convention coming up – the idea of me not being able to even do a basic invert upsets me. I love pole, feeling disheartened about it is horrible!

  • Pinkie Pip

    January 13, 2014 at 8:39 am

    Can someone link me to some good excersizes to help condition for an invert?

  • Veena

    January 13, 2014 at 9:57 am

    The lessons have a bunch on exercises for conditioning in them, all in order by muscle groups used. For now, here is a free tutorial I did about 4 exercises everyone pole dancer should know.

  • Sieira

    January 13, 2014 at 9:59 am

    I hear ya swilks…I’m the only one in beginner 2 that can’t do it and she has put it in our ruetine. Sigh.

  • Pinkie Pip

    January 13, 2014 at 10:12 am

    Thanks SV! I will check them out tonight xxx

  • Sieira

    January 13, 2014 at 10:16 am

    That was awesome thanks studioveena! I was and am somehow hitting like underneath my boob and literally was losing my breath! Must be cause I’m hitting my ribs as well. That helped me 🙂 gonna get your classes as soon as I get caught up from the holidays..getting my own pole this week! Thanks!! 🙂

  • nymphdancer

    January 13, 2014 at 3:32 pm

    ummm why would you be inverting in a class called Beginner 2, let alone putting it in a routine???

  • Pinkie Pip

    January 13, 2014 at 3:37 pm

    Search me, it’s not me in the video. I wouldn’t call an invert anything like beginner either however

  • Sieira

    January 13, 2014 at 4:50 pm

    It goes beginner 1 and 2 intermediate 1 and 2 and advanced 1 and 2. And I take a pole fit class that helps with those moves….it’s been a lil over 4months of classes. Still can’t get it. They don’t push you but I feel stupid when we do a routine cause they can do and I just kick up in the air lol

  • dustbunny

    January 13, 2014 at 5:09 pm

    Even after 4 months of classes it isnt unusual to not be able to invert. I have a similar level structure and I don’t teach inverts until intermediate 1, usually close to 6 months in. Dont rush yourself or compare yourself to others. Keep strengthening and conditioning and you will get there.

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