Forums Discussions Inverted V technique/form and related back pain?

  • Inverted V technique/form and related back pain?

    Posted by Emikoisabella on May 19, 2013 at 6:53 pm

    So I've been inverting for a while now (~5 months) and I've had a pain in my upper middle back right next to my spine that acts up sometime during pole. The pain is on the same side that I invert, so I'm wondering if it's related. I'm definitely strong enough to do an inverted v and I also make sure to keep my shoulders away from my ears and engaged, but I'm wondering if perhaps the execution or technique is a bit off. I notice that every time I do an inverted v I'm crooked and leaning a bit to the left. My body even has the tendency to lean to the left when I bring my legs up and back in a tuck position, I'm not sure if that's wrong or not and I'm worried that this is what has been causing the back pain. 

    I've up loaded a video of me doing inverted v's both on the ground and aerially from different angles, so I would really appreciate it if I could get some feedback!

    Also, I've notice that the only way to get my inverted v straight is if I move my left hand down, but then my left arm isn't straight so I know this is improper technique (this is shown in the first part of my video).


    RanPolaHolic replied 11 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Krista Bocko

    May 19, 2013 at 9:15 pm

    Hi Emnemz, you will always lean a bit toward your inside arm since it's lower, so no worries there. Your inverts look good!

    The pain you feel is probably your rhomboids and they need to be strengthened more, so my advice would be to do strength exercises to target them and see if that helps. Also be sure you never 'drop out' of your V's suddenly, this can cause pain too. 

    Are you working on your inverts on both sides though? This is SUPER important, so if you're not, definitely start doing that! GL!

  • Veena

    May 19, 2013 at 11:08 pm

    I saw your video Emnemz and your invert looks strong and yes leaning to one side is totally normal! So yay!! Here are a few common issues that could be causing pain when inverting. 

    Overuse, this is often over looked. If you only invert on the same side and do it often, then the muscles can easily become strained and tight. So make sure, as Sparrow mentioned, to practice inverting on both sides. 

    Contracting the scapula TOO much before inverting. Often when people are told to hold the shoulders back and down, they interpret it as squeezing the scapula together (towards the spine). You want to hold the scapula neutral when you prep for invert, not squeeze the scapula back towards the spine. If you have the lessons the Forward and Back scapula covers this scapula positioning.

    Try placing the pole even farther into the front of the arm pit. If your grip is right, you should feel like you could invert with just that one arm (not that you should because a one arm invert is HARD) But the inside arm should feel that secure. This is also an important shoulder and back saver for the aerial invert.

    Try massaging the area with a tennis ball, it may be very tight and some massage and gentle stretching could help!


  • Emikoisabella

    May 20, 2013 at 6:03 am

    Thanks so much for the responses Sparrow and Veena!

    I've worked on the other side but not nearly as much as a should…so that could definitely be the culprit. Also, overuse is also a possibility since I usually pole 5-6 times a week. I will also make sure that I'm not squeezing the scapula too much when I'm inverting. The pain in my back actually hurts when I squeeze my shoulder blades back, so perhaps I've been inadvertently contracting the scapula too much while inverting. 

  • zoeyxxxx

    May 21, 2013 at 5:28 pm

    I use to have this all the time. I think I over worked and muscles were very tight. I went for a massage n its not been bk since. the wonen said she could feel knots in my side bk and shoulder. not to sure what she ment buy it tho xxx


    May 21, 2013 at 5:43 pm

     I had this for the year after I had my baby.It was muscles building back up.I failed to "v" invert on a constant basis and I also found that poling on a more constant basis helped it. (if I pole about 2-3x a week as opposed to 1)

  • RanPolaHolic

    May 22, 2013 at 2:34 am

    I used to have this pain when I started inversions and I went to a physiotherapist. He told me that it was an injury of the rhomboids and I needed to do massage and strengthening exercises of rhomboids and scapula. After 8 sessions and exercises with physio resistance bands and light weights, the pain has gone and I feel much stronger. To do inversions we have to use muscles, such as rhomboids and latissimi dorsi, that are not used so much in everyday life, so these are the muscles that are usually get injured most frequently when someone starts pole dancing.

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