Forums Discussions Inverts problems

  • Inverts problems

    Posted by Mor Tom on May 28, 2015 at 5:16 am

    Hi all,

    I started getting depressed lately about my inverts. I pole for nearly 6 months (with 2-3 weeks off for two different period of times) and I started learning inverts around 3 months ago. I go to the studio for pole lessons 2-3 times a week, and add flexibility lessons and strength.
    Two months ago my inverts were find and I even did an inverted crucifix out of the blue… without even planning it. Now I’m unable to hold myself during inverts, and sometimes unable to invert at all.
    Girls at the studio are doing really good inverts, with v straddle… I’m unable to do that at all.
    I also have a pole at home, but at home it’s even worse… I tried to train now, but couldn’t even lift myself from my right side – which is my stronger side.
    I’m losing confidence and getting depressed :\

    I have no idea what to do and how to make my inverts stronger and more successful… I’d be happy to hear some advice. thank you!

    bigkitty1 replied 9 years, 4 months ago 14 Members · 29 Replies
  • 29 Replies
  • joiceiamara

    May 28, 2015 at 6:46 am

    I am doing pole dance for a year and a half and I don’t invert always and I can’t do de V straddle yet. Its is only a week, but it’s been a long time already. I also have a pole at home and it is worse too. I am afraid of training by myself, even having a good mattress in case of falling and my pole seems too slippery too.
    I have a pole friend that began after than me and already does aerial inverts and she doesn’t have a pole. And I also got frustrated a while ago.
    But my instructor gave me an advice: pole dancing is supposed to be fun and not to add another frustration in life. I just need to keep training and have a good time doing it. I practice inverts every week, from the ground, from standing and add the knee tucks in my practice. I can’t invert every time, but it doesn’t seems impossible anymore. Veena’s strength routine is going to help you for sure because it focus on muscles that you gonna need to invert.
    There is no secret, we just need to train. It will happen eventually!!!

  • Kellye Perkins

    May 28, 2015 at 8:44 am

    Is it possible you are overtraining and wearing yourself out? Developing muscle strength takes exercise-time-and most importantly rest between workouts to develop. I believe Veena would attest to this advice as well. I learned this the hard way! Beginners should work on new material no more than a couple of days a week with 5-10 tries per session and then let your body rest recuperate and rebuild stronger:). If I had to choose one core exercise to do it would be all of the various plank variations. Once I could plank for 2 minutes with both hands and 1 minute on each side, I could invert. Good Luck:)

  • Runemist34

    May 28, 2015 at 12:02 pm

    Hey Mor Tom!
    It sounds like you got into inverts very early into pole dancing- they require a lot of strength and skill to pull off properly without hurting yourself, and while some people can do it at 3 months, most don’t even start working on them till 6 months in.
    That said, you mentioned you had them alright (hopefully with absolutely no jumping!), so I think this is a case of “lost move syndrome”!
    If you search a bit around on the site, you’ll see that very many ladies, and guys, here have lost moves that they had solidly, even had them for YEARS, and then suddenly lost them! I even had that for a long time (sort of still do) with my cradle spin.
    It sucks that the Basic Invert is the lost move, but… rest assured, it will come back!
    Strength training the BI is usually a lot (and I mean a LOT) of core work! The side pole crunches in particular, but lots of other stuff can be used to help out. Planks I find really great for my core, and I also look up a lot of other core moves online, so you can see about those and find out which ones work best for you!
    Also, for arm strength, just holding yourself up on the pole, doing pole climbs or other similar things.

    Just be patient. It’s not a race! There’s no need to compare yourself 🙂

  • Tigerschic041721

    May 28, 2015 at 5:25 pm

    I agree it sounds like you are doing A LOT and possibly overtraining – even flexibility classes still work the muscles. It’s hard to take rest days and fight the urge to pole, etc. but your body will thank you for it. Often times I find I cme back much stronger after a day or so of rest and the trick I was working on comes much easier muscle wise the first couple of days after the off period. I’m sure you will get it back good luck!

  • Veena

    May 28, 2015 at 11:11 pm

    Inverts are not easy, and it’s very common for any move to come and go until you’ve become proficient. Please don’t rush it, take time to go through the lessons in order, this will help you build the strength, muscle memory and technique needed to progress. 💜

  • Mor Tom

    May 29, 2015 at 1:30 pm

    Thank you all for your comments.
    I just finished another pole training… And it hurts so badly below and behind my right shoulder.. It even hurts to breath :/
    This is really depressing. I guess I should take a few steps back and work more on shoulder and core strength.
    However, I did see that others in class are jumping into the invert (also the v straddle), and I was the only one who didn’t jump to it.
    Are there exercises or something to release and ease the pain?

  • Phoenix Hunter

    May 29, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    sounds like you need to rest from inverts. you may have strained a muscle.

  • VoodooIdol

    May 29, 2015 at 11:44 pm

    The pain you are describing I had for about five weeks and just got over, I laid off of inverting and it went away but I am now scared to invert again for fear of reinjuring it. I’m at a loss as well as far as what to do about it, I tried doing pole holds again and while it is healed I still feel the strain in the muscle when that arm is the higher one. When it’s in the low position on the other side everything feels fine. Both of my pole teachers have had me inverting since my second class (I’ve been poling about five months now, more seriously for about two) so I think this might be part of the problem. My right side is strong but the left in my case just might not be up to it yet. I’ve been doing strength training on the side now, but I’m frustrated too because I can’t do pole holds on that side to strengthen it. Based on your post and hearing other stories this seems to be fairly common with inverting too early, I think.

  • CD Hussey fka Jivete

    May 30, 2015 at 9:41 am

    I strained a rhomboid early in my aerial years too. It was only on one side for me too. What helped for me was to avoid inverting with stacked hands. Since I was doing mostly silks, I was still able to invert and climb, but I had to keep centered between the fabric.

    My point with that is you should take a break from inverting on pole, but you can build the necessary strength doing conditioning on a pull up bar. And then make sure you are working both sides evenly once you are healed.

  • Mor Tom

    June 1, 2015 at 6:07 am

    Thank you all!

    I took a few days of completely rest, but I’m not sure I feel any better and starting to get worried. Sneezing is so painful… even when I breath I feel pain.
    I told that to one of my trainers, and all she said was she doesn’t think it’s a muscle and I should go to an Osteopath…
    I’m confused and stressed since I don’t know what the problem is or if I should really go to the Osteopathy side.. or maybe some other doctor.. I’d be glad to hear advices.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    June 1, 2015 at 9:19 am

    A strained muscle can sometimes take a while to heal, sometimes months. Besides that it may also be a dislocated rib or costochondritis. Sometimes ribs have to be manipulated back into place. Any of these kind of conditions would need medical help and more than a few days rest. Sorry you’re still feeling pain. I dealt with pain earlier when I was learning to invert. I would not be able to hardly breathe, cough, laugh, or sneeze and it was painful moving. For me, I kept dislocating ribs and had inflammation between my ribs. My body was not strong enough to support inverting. I had to start inverting and do strengthening and conditioning.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    June 1, 2015 at 9:25 am

    Had to “stop ” inverting not “start”…

  • Mor Tom

    June 1, 2015 at 9:35 am

    For now I’m stoping working on inverts for sure. Even if I want – it’s impossible for me.
    I have an appointment for an Orthopedist tomorrow. I will update with results.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    June 1, 2015 at 2:30 pm

    Yes, it’s best to find out what’s going on before you invert. It’s probably something that can heal with a few weeks rest and maybe work on conditioning later. Hope your appointment goes well and you get some answers. Don’t worry, you will be back to inverting soon and will probably come back even stronger once you are healed.

  • Mor Tom

    June 3, 2015 at 3:04 am

    So the orthopedist said its only the muscle that was hurt and I should rest for at least a week and rather even two weeks.
    She prescribed me muscle pain killers (ortoton) and put some kinesio tape on my back 🙂

    Thank you all for the answers and support!!

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