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Is anyone else overweight?
Posted by PoleFeline on May 24, 2012 at 12:57 pmI am 5'7" and weigh 213 right now. Obviously I have weight to lose but I think I carry it well and most of the time people cannot believe how much I weigh so I don't think I look that heavy. I have been poling for about 2 1/2 months and I'm totally commited! I have purchased my own pole and go to class several days a week. Just wondering about the weight though. It seems like everyone on this site and in class are pretty fit. I am going to start videoing myself to see what I look like but honestly it is so hard to be sexy with a big guy and butt! I've lost weight since starting pole dancing and am eating more healthy so I expect to lose more weight. I have no dance background and just the normal gym background working out with weights and doing cardio classes. I amand always have been really strong and have a lot of muscle tone. I don't allow myself to compare myself to other students although I do get frustrated bc I have a hard time with the grip and slip a lot. I was having hot flashes but the doctor gave me something to stop that. I use Mighty Grip and Dry Hands but still slip. I feel like I can't do much bc I can't get any momentum going. I know it just takes practice and I will continue to practice. Obviously the extra weight would seem to make it harder to do lifts, etc. Anyone else out there with a significant amount of weight to lose?
1durwmn replied 12 years, 8 months ago 15 Members · 16 Replies -
16 Replies
I do have weight to lose, and feel like it would be so much easier for me to pole without the extra weight. So I am trying to lose it. I'm giving myself 5 months to lose at least 30 pounds. I know how you feel.
I am trying to lose weight too. Right now I'm the heaviest I have ever been, but like you nobody believes I weight as much as I do. I just tell myself that if I can learn to do it at this weight, when I am lighter it will so easy because of how strong I am.
Have you tried tite grip? I used to use dry hands but it would only last a couple of spins.
I'm sure those that are more educated in nutrition will come forward. I'm not overweight but I know for sure that you shouldn't see weight/bmi as an indicator of whether you are healthy or not. In my eyes as long as you are doing enough varied exercise and eating healthy then you yourself are healthy.
Going to classes several days a week will definitely help you get started – you will notice that you'll lose weight and tone up but after a while you may see your weight creep up but still continue getting toned. That's when you should stop caring about what you weigh 😛 I weigh heavier than I used to be but I FEEL healthier and can see I am more toned. My stomach is flabby though lol I used to get real close to a flat-ish tummy but that was doing 10+hrs of pole a week and unless you're a pro or instructor, it's hard for a normal person to keep that up 😛
just keep doing what you're doing (having fun on the pole) and soon you will feel happy with your body whatever your shape or size 🙂
btw with your grip slipping is it because you sweat a lot or the pole is too slippy? Try really warming up the pole and getting a little sweaty first before applying dry hands/grip. If it's the pole that you struggle with try sticky grips like gorilla grip, itac, stickem etc etc. It's all about trying differnt grips 🙂
I hope I didn't mis-understand your post, I just don't want people to think that their weight can stop them pole dancing and hold them back
I'm the heaviest I've ever been too and I hate it. I'm 5'3" and approaching 165 lbs. I know that's not HEAVY, but after being around 120 through high school and college, I feel heavy. I don't think I carry it well at all and I think that 120-125 was healthy for me.
I'm starting Insanity on June 4th, so we'll see how I'm doing at the end of the 60 days. I'm not really one to care about the number on a scale as long as I feel good about myself and think I look good.
My problem is not my exercise. I walk my dogs every day (approx. 1 mile each morning) and I am at the studio poling 3 days a week. I sign up for all the cardio and "hard" classes that kick your butt. I was in the A&M Corps of Cadets in college. I know what it means to work hard physically. But, I've been sitting on my butt for two years during work and it shows. My problem is what I eat. I'm a VERY picky eater. But, it's not what you think. It's actually a mental disability of mine. Food makes me very nervous if it's not one of my "okay" kinds. I've had full blown panic attacks from being close to some foods. My throat gets tense, I can't control my breathing, tears come to my eyes, I shake uncontrolably, etc. It makes it very hard to widen what I eat. I've made good, but slow, progress in the past two years with some foods. Others are still way outside the realm of possibility. I find it very hard to eat a balanced meal because of these limitations.
Sometimes I wish I could just change my brain. I know with the way I exercise, I should have a better time with my weight, but my metabolism is shot. I ruined in in college because the the first two years in the Corps I had to eat at the buffet style dining hall for breakfast and dinner. Needless to say, my choices were very limited to nonexistant. I just didn't eat anything half the time, causing my body to "starve" since I was working out twice a day six days a week with my outfit. I was the most fit I've ever been, but I was also killing my metabolism. Now, whatever I eat gets stored because my body still thinks I could stop eating at any moment. I've never been able to get back on a regular eating schedule since my college days, no matter how hard I try.
I sometimes struggle with grip, but usually it's because I'm too sweaty or the pole isn't "right". Sometimes it gets to where I just have to give up, but usually, I can do some things to fix it, like warming up the pole, cleaning it, etc. Strength has been a big challenge for me, but with practice, I'm getting there.
I am in the process of losing weight myself. I am 5ft 4 and i weigh 170. So far I've managed to lose 70lbs and it's really been hard!!!!! I was 240 when i decided to lose weight and anyone knows 240 on a 5ft 4 person is really alot! I lost 30 lbs of all my weight by poling alone. I really want to lose more weight so i can look better so lately i've added running to my daily routine. I would like to lose the 30 lbs in 15 weeks . . . Wish me luck 🙂
I just want to tell you guy what my hubby says, and hes a EXTREMELY fit guy. The faster you lose it the faster you'll get it back. ANd its not for you guys to take literally but it means for example losing 60 lbs in 5 minths is not necesarilly healthy. You shouldnt lose more than 2 or 3 lbs a week so just be patient. I know how it feels cause I am 5'7'' and weigh 200 lbs. I have never felt this "big" in my life and I used to be an athlete so it hurts my ego a lot. I am now in the military so dont even begin to think this is just a problem of people who dont work out or just arent doing the right things. I eat right and i excersice a lot. I am currently on weight watchers and it still doesnt seem to come off. SOmetimes its good to consult a specialist first so I went to my doctor and he started by my diet, now I changed my birth control. If it a minth I dont lose at least 3 lbs then we will check my thyroids. ust keep at it and dont take extreme measures cause they really wont be good for you on the long run. Ive been off of pole for almost two years but will be back on it soon. I know how you feel but sometmes it's out of our control and we need to consult specialists. I wish you the best of luck on this not so lovely road that I too am going down now. We can do it!! We just have to do it the safe and right way 🙂
I currently have some weight to lose and that is okay. Sexy is inside of us. We can rock out our inner sultry vixen no matter what our age, shape or body type. Never minimize your light especially because of something like a few extra pounds.
Stay focused on your exercise, dietary choices, poling and also incorporate some feel good things into your life just because.
We usually can control our dietary and lifestyle choices… what our bodies internalize and do with those choices is up to our bodies. Nurture yourself and be proud of where you are at and what you are working towards.
I agree 100% that you will be even stronger when you do lose weight… your body is used to moving and lifting more. So when you weigh less…. that will be an added bonus. I wont say things like it isn't challenging and more difficult when carrying extra weight because it can be. I will say honor yourself and your body and know you can be sexy and beautiful right now regardless of what you weight.
Yep! I'm 5'7' and weigh 188lbs. last I checked. I exercise a TON, eat moderately and this is as thin as I get right now. If I lose more weight, cool. If I don't, cool. Even at my thinnest, in my 20's, pre children, training for an hour a day and dancing six days a week, I was STILL told to lose more weight–story of my life. I'm past caring. I can run upstairs, climb a 12' pole and do the splits. Plus, I'm sexy as HELL! That's right! When I took a private last year with Alethea (after doing a workshop with her a few months earlier), when I walked in she said, "Oh, you're the sexy dancer!" BOO-YAH!!! That's Alethea authority for you! Still, chicks like us always feel "fat" in dancer world. I like to watch videos by minicoopergrl, Dangerous, curvydiva or QueenRoz when I'm feeling like a Horrible Heffalump. It really buoys the old spirit! Also, I'm the only over-50 non-ectomorph in my class which can be depressing or exhilirating depending on the day, so I feel you, girl!! We gots to keep working the sexy now!!!
Oh, I almost forgot. I had grip problems too. I use this little beauty to work my fingers and hands and it's amazing!https://www.studioveena.com
I'm a cyclically overweight person. In college when I sparred I was a lightweight once and a heavyweight once. =P One thing that I had to remind myself of when I was trying to lose weight was that % body fat matters too, besides those charts that BMI stuff. If you've been poling for a while, you probably have a reasonable amount of muscle. 🙂 My bet is that to get to a "normal" weight, you'll have to lose some muscle with that too. Somewhere down the line or now I'd suggest getting a reading and calculating how much weight you could/should realistically lose by finding out how many pounds of you are fat. (Hmm, that was phrased weird.) Anyway, you might be surprised!
I'm a short asian girl who always felt like a gummy bear compared to the others I knew. But I know now (without deluding myself too much, I think =P) that I can never be 120lbs without sacrificing some muscle, or choosing to have below normal body fat.
And I agree with everyone else. All that matters is how healthy you feel! I lost weight recently in all the wrong ways and I wouldn't mind gaining some in exchange for feeling better about myself. 🙂
I am 5’2 and am about 185 lbs. i should definitely be in the 140s for my body shape, and i was at one point in the 160s but due to broken feet i was doing nothing but sitting for over a year. Since i started poling i have definitely noticed more muscle in my arms and legs (not so much my belly which is really where i need it to go away) but have not lost any weight.
I have a horrible body image and know i would have a much easier time inverting and such if I wasn’t carrying around extra weight.
I am hoping to lose about 20 lbs in between now and October, but it’s been hard getting it off 🙁
I dunno if this helps but drink alot of water especially before meals and try small portions 5x a day instead of 3 big ones 2-3x a day I did this and started poling 2 weeks ago with pilates and yoga at home and I have already lost 14 pounds! that’s 2 pounds a day! I know you can do it if you set you mind to it and tell your self u want to new healthy every day 🙂
Im plus sized, and ive learned throughout the years to just love the body im in – no matter if im at my smallest or my largest. Last year I was dignosed with PCOS and it hit me like a ton of bricks, I gained over 30lbs – add on top of that stress from trying to juggle everything on my plate. I was sleeping, if I ate – it was really bad for you foods. I didnt want to work out, I didnt even want to go out with my friends. This year I finally stepped on the scale and didnt like the number I saw. I decided to go back to my old ways pre-pcos and get my body back. Ive dropped about 25lbs so far, im determined to make it to 50lbs by the end of the year. Ive been tracking my food intake on an app for my phone and that really put things into perpesctive. I go to the gym about 3days a week and go to class one day a week. Now since I have a performance coming up, I will probably be working on my performance 2x a week and drop a day from the gym. I also go walking on my lunch break too.
I try not to measure by the scale but how my pants fit and I how I feel overall.
I'm 5' 3'' and weigh 171, and it's all on my stomach…totally ballz.
I just installed my Titanium gold X-Pole in my living room 2 days ago and holy wow am I inspired! It's the best grip I've ever experienced!
I've been using the pole at the studios around here in Virginia Beach and one has Brass and the other has these specially made poles that are around 30-something mm and painted with Powdered Coat. I thought that the powder coat was great…..until I got the Titanium. I'm finding my grip is almost too good on the pole, especially after cleaning it with distilled vinegar.
I'm a little shy at this point to make a video because of my size…but maybe in a few weeks, if I buy some blacklights and create an ambience in here, we'll see.
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