Forums Discussions Is studio veena backed by X-Pole?

  • Is studio veena backed by X-Pole?

    Posted by korinne on September 25, 2014 at 2:46 pm

    On the phone with Kevin from platinum stages, he stated, “The reason we get bad reviews on Studio Veena is because they’re backed by x-pole. They are one of our competitors.” I’d like to hear the communities comments on this.

    ORGANIC ANGEL replied 10 years, 5 months ago 14 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Phoenix Hunter

    September 25, 2014 at 2:56 pm

    But the studio Veena pole is by Lil Mynx. that wouldnt make sense that x-pole would back studioveena which has a lil mynx pole. I see lots of people on here who love their platinum stage poles. I personally just love my xpole because I have experienced first hand that it is better for me. but that doesnt mean it is the best for everybody. I just think xpole gets such rave reviews because they have a great product and great customer service. I actually dont ever recall Veena saying anything negative about platinum stage myself or atleast that is not the impression I get. I dunno what to think of that. I dont really know the politics of why he would say that.

  • Cherished

    September 25, 2014 at 4:20 pm

    I know X-poles were being sold through this site at some point. I have a PS pole which I love but I have to agree with some of the complaints here because I’ve experienced them firsthand (threading issues for me). I didn’t encounter any customer service problems that a lot of Veeners mentioned with PS since I went through a studio who took care of getting replacement peices I needed. It seems all poles have individual problems that are characteristic with the brand and a lot of customers will come on StudioV to see if anyone else had previously dealt with the same thing and how did they resolve it. For me personally going with one brand or the other doesn’t guarantee a seamless purchase. You might get a pole with no issues or you might from either company. I have an Xpole also but I bought it used from someone here so I had no problems with it. I actually dread having to buy a pole straight from the manufacturer from either PS or Xpole because of other customer experiences I’ve read about. It looks to me as if complaints seem to come from both sides and not just PS.

  • chemgoddess1

    September 25, 2014 at 4:20 pm

    No. SV is not backed by X. SV used to sell XPoles and still does but they get very little money from it (just like Roxi gets a cut when she sells a pole).

    Webby has a response about 10 down on this thread:

  • Tigerschic041721

    September 25, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    I think good and bad is mentioned on here for both companies just based off people’s experiences…but I have read other on posts that xpole supports SV. The only reason I don’t purchase platinum is because Xpole accommodates different needs as far as height/location options without having to commit too much (like parts can be ordered if you need to move the pole and the current parts don’t work for the space). I would love a PS star standalone but can’t afford the price tag. As far as their customer service I can’t comment as I’ve only gone through xpole. I don’t at all care for xpole on the service level based on my experiences with them and seems like their website is always messed up plus missing things that should be in stock which is annoying. I love the lil mynx poles we use in our studio although we’ve had some issues with them lately (guess it’s just time to check up & adjust) but again can’t really comment on the service.

  • Webmaster

    September 25, 2014 at 4:43 pm

    This is a blatant lie that Platinum Stages has been spreading for years. The community’s opinions or thoughts have zero bearing on the truth. That truth is that no pole company backs or supports us in any way. Even our margins on the StudioVeena Pole made by LIL MYNX are crazy thin and account for an inconsequential part of our revenue.

    As a website that serves the entirety of the pole community, our interest is in diversity of product. We actually feel that the lack of diversity is a major weakness in the pole community, and would love to see more quality companies step into the arena. StudioVeena.Com benefits only from the growth of the pole world which would be much better served by more pole companies, more pole clothing companies, more studios and more pole businesses in general.

    You’ll notice that there is nowhere that Veena speaks poorly of Platinum Stages. Even the stage pole comparison, that Platinum Stages insisted on, is done from a completely objective standpoint.

    We are tired of being beaten up by a company that we have very specifically not said anything negative about. We both grew up in the American Midwest where the saying goes “if you can’t say anything good don’t say anything at all”.

  • Veena

    September 25, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    This is not the first time this has been brought up. You’re beating a dead horse here people! 🐴

    We have never been backed by any pole company or any company for that matter! We are an xpole dealer like all the other websites and studios out there! We sell our sv pole by lil mynx.

  • Lucca Valentine

    September 25, 2014 at 5:24 pm

    That’s a very strange and unprofessional response on PS end even if it were true..

  • chemgoddess1

    September 25, 2014 at 5:25 pm

    Yeah, this conversation JUST happened with Kori and Kevin. He stated that PS does not have any bad reviews except on here, hence the post. She is pissed because they sent her a defective pole, told her they were shipping her new parts last week, never sent them and now she is outside the 7 day return window. Standard PS games.

  • AllysonKendal

    September 25, 2014 at 5:44 pm

    I am relatively new to the community… and I was never given the impression that you were backed by X-pole. Until it was brought up recently I wasn’t even aware you were and X-pole dealer (but like you said sooooo many people are, and my instructor is as well, which is why I purchased it through her).

    I did get a cute SV card with my X-pole, which had a code for the free 3 day trial. I assume thats marketing and you pay for that… not the other way around. But maybe that leads people to think there is a connection?

    The truth is that products aside… I have both… and like both…

    We have seen time and time again X-poles customer service bends over backwards to keep their customers happy and replace defective parts (as Lucca Valentine can attest to)…

    and while PS is super nice and helpful they do not stand behind their products like Xpole does. SSSSSSOOOoooooooooo many people have the same complaint about their SSA pole being stuck (like mine), and that the connections are clearly defective (or why else would they have switched the design like 4 times in the no so distant past)… and really the only options are to get a new pole or pay to ship it back ($$$) and get a new connection installed. Thats not cheap.

    I think both produce quality products… and good customer service… its just that there is one that goes above an beyond, making it hard not to compare.

    Also, just an observation: I think that if you look at the 2 websites PS looks like it caters more to the sexy/stripper dancing. There is nothing wrong with that. I like that too… But X-pole looks more focused around beauty in strength not just big boobs and little bathing suits. Also I feel like from a safety aspect you’d know right off the bat X-poles are fitness poles are serious about safety.. while PS has a pole that mounts on the hitch of car (not knocking it really, cause it sounds fun). These are just things I’ve noticed. That being said, I know studios seem to love the PS poles for a fixed option. So they are def doing something right.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    September 25, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    allysonkendal, you made such a good point about PS image…when I was first looking for a pole and knew nothing about pole, I was put off by the image of PS. I know that sounds silly but there is something a little trashy looking about their image. I know that has NOTHING to do with the product but it did have an effect on me. Xpole’s image just looked more professional and approachable. maybe they should focus on their marketing instead of putting down Studioveena.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    September 25, 2014 at 9:12 pm

    seriously, I just looked at their website again and their models look like hookers… it makes you question their product when you dont know first hand what their poles are like.

  • korinne

    September 25, 2014 at 9:17 pm

    I’m sorry to “beat a dead horse.” I knew that SV was not backed by any company. I am just tired of getting told lies by Kevin at PS. I do not like x-pole or lil mynx spin mechanism. I prefer poledanzer, but they do not make a removable 45 which is what I need at this point. I have bought 5 poles from them over the past 7 years, and only once has it been a smooth process. Every time something is wrong. And Kevin blames everyone but his company.

  • Veena

    September 25, 2014 at 9:31 pm

    korinne, I’m not even upset, at this point its comical to me that they STILL tell everyone we’re backed by xpole and that we always speak poorly of them. They do it to themselves by behaving like crazy people and making claims like this to justify their poor service!

  • Anonyma

    September 26, 2014 at 12:34 am

    they got bad reviews because their customer service suck…. 7 years ago i had a sex shop and i ordered a platinum stage…the pole was dented and bended…they refused to send me another one… now, ive opened many studios since then and sold many pole to my clients and guess what… they should of send me that damn pole to replace the one that was already damaged. And I am not the only one. Stuff like that made them have a bad reputation, they cant blame it on anybody…duh .

  • XPole

    September 26, 2014 at 4:17 pm

    X-Pole is glad to be a part of the Studio Veena family we have all been friends with Veena and Chris for years. We do what we can to support them just as we do with all of our affiliates and dealers nothing more and nothing less. Any one with common sense can see they also sell Lil Mynx one of our competitors. We are happy to be one of the brands they have chosen to sell to their customers. We do try to read everything here however if you do not get a quick response please email us at and we will do our best to get back to you as quick as possible. There are times when we are slow to respond to customers which we apologize for. We have just added another customer service rep to help with the phone call and emails. As always we would like to thank everyone here who purchases and recommends our products to others along with everyone who competes or performs on our product X-Pole thanks you for your support!

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