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Is this really level three?
Posted by Honey1890 on September 30, 2010 at 3:27 pmI am currently taking pole classes in the south and each level is 6 weeks long for 1 hour and 45mins each class. I am at level three and we will not be learning to climb or sit on the pole until level four. Is this normal progression for pole dancing. I have only learned 6 spins and about 12 basic moves such as the step around, static walk, etc….so basically 4 and half months? I feel like she might be taking advantage because there are only about three studios in our entire state….
Honey1890 replied 14 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
if she’s really taking care to teach you proper form and muscle engagement, and wants to maek sure no one hurts themselves, then she could be teaching it slow to make sure you’re all getting it. or, she could be trying to make a buck. it’s really subjective and hard to say without watching her teach a class. it does sound a little slow, esp since classes are 1:45 each, but maybe she is focusing on dance?
i took classes @ sfactor for a long time. we would only learn one new spin a week. climbing came after about 17 weeks. inversions after about 20 weeks. it sounds like she may have patterend her curriculum off that.
now i teach 1-hr classes, 6-week sessions. i genearlly start women on the pole stand (crucifix) after week 4 and progress to climbing as the class is ready. i teach about 2 spins a week, depending on the group and how fast they are picking it up.
Thanks for the reply. We don’t really dance in our class and in my first level three class she decided to make us change our hand position while spinning while previously teaching us another way in our first classes…..saying the way we doing it wrong after thats how she taught us to do it…..which is why i thought maybe i should see if our progression was to slow….i was thinking of switching to online classes….
I think every studio/instructor does things a little differently. That being said, at my studio I learned climbing my first day of level 2. I have not inverted yet, but Fawnia has started showing me correct hand placements and points of contact. Another one of my instructors, Jenny, styles her class based on the people in it. So if she knows the class is going to consist of athletic people or ones that pick things up quickly, she does more complicated moves. Whereas if she has a slower class, then she tones it down.
Big thing is are you enjoying it? Personally, I pick up on things pretty quickly which also means I tend to get bored quickly as well. For me, I need a faster paced learning environment, so I pick my classes and instructors based on that criteria. (Some of the classes at the studio I know tend to be slower paced) But like I said, if you aren’t having fun I would look at other avenues. Veena’s lessons look really good and I have heard really good things about them. So if you are unhappy or feel like you aren’t learning, then I would look into online or other studios/schools.
If I were you, I’d be really frustrated. I joined a pole class about 4 weeks ago (it’s more of a self directed freestyle class, but most of the girls would consider themselves advanced). Now I still consider myself a relative noob on this site still, but I can do a lot of the advanced moves on Veena’s lessons, and I was surprised when I went to lessons to see that I’m probably more advanced than any of the girls in the class, even though some of them have been doing it 3-4 years! (i’ve been poling since Jan). They haven’t even seen some moves I consider fairly basic.
It’s nice to have a class to go to. But if I were you, Id take the online lessons. I’ve been using Veena’s since I got my pole and I’m very pleased. I can move at my own pace, and can still get critique by uploading videos. I go to the class too, which is great – but sometimes get in trouble for trying harder moves and teaching them to other girls!
You could try out Veena’s lessons for a month, (they’re fairly affordable), and see what you think if you haven’t done so already. -
in my studio my instructor noticed that i was zooming ahead of others and getting bored and frustrated so she moved me on to a higher level class. i know that this has happened in other classes too – sometimes people drop in to try out higher level classes to see if they are more suitable.
At the start we had a lot of focus on floor moves, posture and poses etc (instructors are dancers and run burlesque workshops too) but we still had plenty of pole to keep us occupied, but not too much that we got frustrated or hurt. each of our 8 week courses led to a final ‘performance night’ where we would all get together and perform the routine we had learned, incorporating our new moves. Sometimes if one person was more able they would be taught an extra move or variation – lessons always seemed so flexible!
if you’re unhappy speak to your instructor to see if she will move you to a more advanced group – if she is unwilling then perhaps that would suggest money grabbing motives. then again, keeping you happy = more commitment to classes = more money. I always find it odd that studios either hold people back or push them on too much I hope you get it resolved though – poling with others always keeps me motivated rather than working at home!
I took studio lessons for about 4 months and i got frustrated sometimes because I felt that it was moving too slow paced. I would get frustrated alot because I was a little ahead of those in my class but had to continue at the pace of everyone else. So far, I am really liking SV online classes because I can go at my pace and once I nail something I can move on. Or if I am stuck on something I can just practice until I get it right with no pressure. It’s been great. Give the SV lessons a try for a couple of weeks and then decide if you want to continue with studio lesssons…
I’m pretty much starting from scratch with lessons cause I took a couple months off from the pole and am now rusty and just want to work on perfecting the spins I learned in studio lessons and then move on to intermediate lessons. Check out my blog I am blogging every couple of days when I practice to record what I am working on, what I am having problems with and my progress and let’s be pole buddies! We can learn together…
Thanks for all the replies….I had class again yesterday….I dont think i will be taking lessons at this studio after this level. We asked her about level four yesterday and said she we have to pass level three first. But she had already made the list for classes offered for the next session before our level three even started last week and level four was not on the list! Right now level three is the highest level class she has. I think im going to try Veena’s lessons this week and heathmares I would love to be pole buddies! Me and my roomate both have poles we just got a few weeks ago! We havent done strength or flexibility work in any of our classes We feel like our teacher is taking advantage because shes one of the only studios in our state!
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