Is this secret helping us?
I was watching TED talk and one video led to another and I had a thought and now I'm sharing it with you. What will happen if we were brave enough to share that we pole dance with people at the office, friends, family, etc etc? Check out this 3 minute video on TED talk
We found out and then tried pole class doing the same thing that this presenter describes in his talk.
For past few weeks I have come across so many things about pole in different ways – positive and negative talks or discussions. What will happen if we took our movement to the next level? This is what happened with yoga. Men didn't share that they practiced yoga, but now, it's different. Now you see athletes talking about benefits of yoga without being judged. How does Pole get there? It's changing for us polers but is it changing at the rate we LIKE or WANT?
I come here to share my thoughts as I find this community to be so accepting, loving, kind and understanding. So thanks for that and let's discuss this. Maybe we can come up with some great idea to bring about CHANGE that we WANT…
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