Forums Discussions It all comes crashing down

  • It all comes crashing down

    Posted by SissyBuns on October 11, 2009 at 6:52 pm

    My husband always puts up my pole for me. I took Chaka to va with me and decided to put her up myself because my hubby hadn’t had a chance to and by golly I was ready to pole!!! Plus I need to know how to do it myself anyway right? What self respecting poler doesn’t know how to assemble her own device? So anyway I put her up and decide to have myself a workout. After a few spins I feel that thebpole is twisting like it’s on spin but it’s not. I make a quick mention of it chat then (like a genius) hop back on to finish warming up and that’s when it all cam crashing down. Chaka completely came down and I came down with her. The dome crashed into the wall leaving a huge hole and I totally landed on my arm which now had a bruise and was so sore I couldn’t sleep on my right side lastnight. The best part is that I was in chat with my webcam on so a few lucky individuals got to witness it lmao! It was soo embarrassing and scary at the same time. I had just told my kids to back up becaus I was about to start spinning and luckily they listened and were out of the way when she fell.

    I live in government housing and now have to call the housing office and ask them to come fix the hole and hope they don’t charge me lol.

    Reggie says I am no longer allowed to dance on the pole unless hebputs it up himself. I had to agree lol.

    SaschaPoles replied 15 years, 4 months ago 14 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • FreeTheSun

    October 11, 2009 at 8:03 pm

    Oh no!!!!! Good thing no one was hurt. I’ve only had the pole come down once with me on it and luckily it only hit the counter and dented the dome a little (it still seals well) but ever since I’ve been parinod so I tighten it alot…I’ll prob have dents in my ceiling but i can deal with those. It was scary though cause you know it is happening and there is nothing you can do about it.

  • suncatcher

    October 11, 2009 at 8:47 pm

    OMG Sis, is your arm okay? I had my Hubby make mine permenant, that is my only fear doing pole. i know eventually I’ll need one I can take with me, but worry about this very thing happening. Do you have an xpole? I heard they can unscrew themselves if they are not tightened good enough, same with lilminx. Is that what happened? Hope your pole is okay too.Hugs

  • Trena

    October 11, 2009 at 9:10 pm

    Oh no sissy, you poor thing. Thats shitty! I hope you can get the wall fixed without it costing you anything! Hope your bruise heals soon honey xxx

  • LittleC

    October 11, 2009 at 9:57 pm

    Oh no, Sissy – I hope you are okay! Try to get some rest so that you’ll feel better soon. I had to have Roxy come to my house and show me how to put it up and down, and I am still nervous about my installation skills. It can happen to anyone!

  • staceyanne28

    October 11, 2009 at 10:53 pm

    Scared the hell out of me!!! Don’t ever do that again! lol I’m so glad you and the kids are okay. Hope your shoulder feels better!

  • SissyBuns

    October 11, 2009 at 11:47 pm

    Thanks guys. The shoulder feels better today but the bruise is still there…as an ugly reminder lmao.

    Now I have a "My pole feel on me" story.

  • SissyBuns

    October 11, 2009 at 11:48 pm

    OMG Sis, is your arm okay? I had my Hubby make mine permenant, that is my only fear doing pole. i know eventually I’ll need one I can take with me, but worry about this very thing happening. Do you have an xpole? I heard they can unscrew themselves if they are not tightened good enough, same with lilminx. Is that what happened? Hope your pole is okay too.Hugs

    The xpole is very sturdy and reliable…when installed properly. When my husband puts it up I have no problems. Of course he has read the directions and I was just going off of what I thought it was supposed to be and in a hurry to pole. Stupid…stupid…..

  • Rena LadyBug

    October 12, 2009 at 1:45 am

    We had taken my pole down the other night to clean it and when we put it back up it kept wanting to spin a little on me so we took it down again and redid it, and now it’s fine. I always put weight on it and spin a lot on it b/c I’m afraid of it crashing down on me when I’m inverted! I pray mine never does, esp. since there is a lot it can break! (lets see, Fish tank, possibly back door window, lighting, etc) I can imagine how scary that was! Like you I feel like I should know how to put up and take down my pole on my own. I read the directions but they weren’t always the clearest, which is where the video came in handy — but my husband watched that… He showed me, but I think I’m going to always have him help me. Glad you are okay! I’m happy I wasn’t in chat to witness it b/c I probably would have died!! SCARY! Also, I like that your pole has a name and I’m really considering naming mine

  • amcut

    October 12, 2009 at 2:34 am

    Eheheh. IT IS SCARY.

    Did you feel like you were riding the pole down?

    I remember that’s how I felt when my supapole fell down wtih me with it. we were having a tasty little standing fireman, and then all of a sudden, we were riding down towards the floor.

    That really sucks that you hurt yourself, though. Lets be glad that the pole crushed the wall and not you, though! Usually with post housing (I’ve found), you don’t have to pay for anything less than fist sized – I guess a free PTSD get out of bill free card, or something? So if it’s not TOO huge, it shouldn’t be a problem.

    Otherwise, drywall patching isn’t a huge charge anyways. We had some guy throw his boot hard enough to make a boot sized dent in the wall – and that was only 20 bucks.

  • SissyBuns

    October 12, 2009 at 12:51 pm

    Eheheh. IT IS SCARY.

    Did you feel like you were riding the pole down?

    I remember that’s how I felt when my supapole fell down wtih me with it. we were having a tasty little standing fireman, and then all of a sudden, we were riding down towards the floor.

    That really sucks that you hurt yourself, though. Lets be glad that the pole crushed the wall and not you, though! Usually with post housing (I’ve found), you don’t have to pay for anything less than fist sized – I guess a free PTSD get out of bill free card, or something? So if it’s not TOO huge, it shouldn’t be a problem.

    Otherwise, drywall patching isn’t a huge charge anyways. We had some guy throw his boot hard enough to make a boot sized dent in the wall – and that was only 20 bucks.

    I felt like my spin was getting very horizontal….LOL. The hole is much bigger then fist size. The whole half of dome basically went into the wall. If I have to pay then I have to pay. It’s my fault for not doing the right thing and practicing safe pole! LOL

    Reggie put her back up lastnight and I had a good, sturdy session I’m back in the game!

  • pole-twista

    October 12, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    omg! atleast no one got hurt. after that everything else is minor. even if it costs alot (which i hope it doesnt) bottom line if no ones dead or seriously injured its a good day. had this happen on my peekaboo piece of shit. scared the hell out of myself and was a little hurt but was soooo thankful i hadnt been trying to invert.
    i hope it all works out and really glad to hear your ok. we ladies gotta be careful! we wanted lovely lady lumps not humps and bumps from falling! lol

  • azriel

    October 12, 2009 at 2:53 pm

    OMG Sissy! i’m so glad you’re ok! seriously, that is really really scary! i just made my bf re-tighten my pole after reading your post. Hope your gets better soon & the hole fixed without cost!!!

  • REDKE71

    October 12, 2009 at 6:02 pm

    you need to learn how to set it up properly!! watch the dvd while youre assembling it!! glad you didnt hurt anything other than a wall..!

  • verucablue

    October 12, 2009 at 6:08 pm

    Oh Sissy – please be careful and feel better – go easy while you are healing.

    * PS you have helped me realize I need to have my hubby put up and take down my PS pole – cause I have no clue what I am doing LOL.

  • Dayanara

    October 12, 2009 at 6:16 pm

    DUDE!!! learn how to do it yourself, I put up and take down mine all the time, it has never fail me. I am glad you are ok darling, be careful next time, this was saturday right? damn!!! I left chat too early!! should’ve stayed and watch you!!!! hahahaha.

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