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The 2010 Amcut Whoppin Tour, coming to a home near you! With special guests – foam bat for "homey dont play dat" style and a big dose of ‘STFU and let her pole’. Sponsored by both Xpole and PS.
My man is a gamer but not a computer gamer, were still on our ps2. He buys the RPG’s (final fantasy crap), but he only plays them when theres nothing on tv and the kids are asleep. Thats maybe once a month for him.
Im tryin to keep the pole chat low with him but its really hard when thats the only hobby you have.
Disclaimer: I have no kids and I am not married, though I do live with my boyfriend.
These men are being ridiculous. I guess I didn’t realize how lucky I was to have a man that doesn’t feel threatened by… well… pretty much anything. The only time I’ve ever caught a glimmer of a problem from him was when I went out to the pole jam in Columbus. A few days later her finally admitted that he was a teeny bit jealous of all the guys at the bar watching his girlfriend pole dance. See now, that gripe is actually legitimate to a point and, although I will not refrain from pole dancing in public, we were able to talk about it and sort out his feelings on the subject.
I used to be a WoW addict. I did everything a WoW addict does. I would tell friends that I didn’t feel like going out, and spend my entire evening raiding. I would get on to that stupid game with no goals in mind, just flying around doing nothing of consequence, for HOURS. Not that ANYTHING in that game is of consequence! It’s a fantasy world! NOT REAL. Guess what gentlemen… POLE IS REAL. There are real consequences, real progress, real results. There is a body transformation, a self-esteem boost, a sense of accomplishment, and an acceptance in a community of polers. These are all real things that pole provides. You all tell your WoW addicted husbands that your hobby is more legit than any of their ridiculous video games, and since you refrain from bitching at them about time spent on WoW, they can refrain from bitching about your time spent on pole. THE END.
I think the realness of pole might be part of the problem?
My husband and I luckily have an understanding with this, although if we really get into it one or the other of us will throw our respective obsessions in each others faces.
I have pole, my husband likes guns. I want to buy new gloves, he wants to buy bullets. I take my pole down to clean it, he takes over the kitchen table and steals my WD-40 to clean the guns.
But I’m starting to put my foot down with him. ALL he talks about is guns – takes up nearly all of his free time. But I know I can be the same way about pole, and I told him that we need to find something different to talk about other than pole and guns. These were hobbies that we both picked up after we got married, so I find it hard to believe that we can’t find something else to do and talk about together.
So I can see it from both sides. *shrug*
lol i play wow with the boyfriend, but i will admit he gets upset when i want to pole and not play with him. especially lately, i used to play wow every night and now i just dont feel like it anymore, i prefer watching videos and poling. i still play with him at least once a week, cause if i dont he gets all butt-hurt about it, but i try to save my poling time for when hes at work. im sure my neighbors love hearing me playing on my pole at 3am lol. Hes pretty supportive but hes made it clear hes not interested in pole at all and only watches it and cares because i get so excited about it.
random note though, he actually told me the other night that he didnt want me getting too fit cause then it would make him have to workout more cause he doesnt want his girlfriend to be stronger than him physically….so now i have a goal
I’m so sorry for you girls but at the same time I really see me in what you say. Pole is in fact very addictive, i’m just a beginner and I already think (and talk) about that a lot. Lucky for me my boyfriend told me that since I got my pole I look much more happy and relax (wow me relax???) For me it’s the only way and can stop thinking, yes the off switch I’ve been searching for so long is a pole!!!
With 2 kids, a job and a house I have to take time for me and for the first time in my life I DO IT!!!! As long as nobody missing they primary need (food, love, clean underwear ) I don’t see the problem. Have a good talk with him on how much time does he spend with the kids, real time not while watching tv !!! If he want you to cut a few hours to take time for kids he should do the same with Nascar. Good luck to you girls
Haha I tried the whole play wow w/ the hubs to make him happy but after a while I just couldn’t get into it. He doesn’t dislike my poling nor does he have a problem with it, it’s just he doesn’t like me on SV and YT ALL the time!! But It’s nice to have someone to share my passion with!! My husband has been supportive from the start, which I should have made that clear, but I do get the poutty whine about not spending anytime with him and all I want to do is be on internet looking up pole stuff…
atleast im not the only who has tried WoW I played for awhile tho
I’m gonna join Amcut’s Whooping tour!
WoW playing husbands have a problem with the amount of time their wives pole?
Oh HELL NO!I used to be pretty WoW addicted, and I know how much of a time sink raiding is. You should be allowed to pole while he’s raiding – it’s not like he’s going to want to have a conversation with you while he’s in ICC or anything, so he needs to pull his head in! I’m fortunate that I don’t have any of these problems… my boyfriend is a poler, who I met at pole. Sometimes, poling *is* the time we spend together doing stuff we enjoy.
I think part of the problem is pole isn’t something you can generally do with your significant other. Unless you’re lesbian, your partner is probably not into doing pole themselves.
Mine dislikes the pole, thinks it takes too much room, and is bored to death every time I talk about it or ask him to spot me/watch me. He’s obsessed with martial arts, which is similarly boring (however I would help him stretch for martial arts if he wanted me to, he won’t help me stretch for poling.) He also thinks I spend WAAYYY too much money on the pole and going to pole related events/workshops.
Honestly, I’d cut down my pole time if I could find something we both enjoy, athletically.
All I care about is lifting weights, my kettlebells, pole, and maybe dance or yoga if I have time. I won’t do cardio to save my life and I hate anything competitive/combative. He’s a runner and martial artist who won’t lift weights and stretch even in the name of cross training and only likes heavy metal (no formal dancing to that)…
It is very frustrating.
He does recognize it makes me happy so he WANTS me to keep poling but I do consider a counselor (not that he’d ever go) a lot because it seems like he won’t ever make an effort to find a shared hobby with me.
I personally don’t worry about the shared hobby thing. My hubby has his xbox, I have pole. Although I don’t think I spend as much time when I’m at home checking out pole-related things on the internet, etc. but I think that as long as you make some time just to be together – whether you’re doing something or nothing, it doesn’t really matter. Try and have a movie night once a week when the kids are in bed where you both give up your passions and spend a couple of hours on the sofa watching a DVD or something – I find a sit and a cuddle works wonders for us.
wow this thread just caught my eye. I’m so sorry to hear about the last of support from the husbands and boyfriends out there. Reminds me of my x boyfriend anything I was into was stupid and silly. I thank my lucky stars everyday that my man is my biggest fan, no matter what I’m doing.
wow this thread just caught my eye. I’m so sorry to hear about the last of support from the husbands and boyfriends out there. Reminds me of my x boyfriend anything I was into was stupid and silly. I thank my lucky stars everyday that my man is my biggest fan, no matter what I’m doing.
I had a comment here but I will be a good girl. Yes, you are lucky as is he. -
lol chem I can only imagine what your biting your tongue about.
Seriously though he and I both know we are lucky in each other.
Hi minicoopergirl. =)
I’m also married, but I have no kids. My husband has been kinda on the fence w/ my poling since I first took an interest in it, but he’s never been like "this pole has become an evil-presence in our house and I don’t like it!" or anything like that. He seems to have a level of discomfort which I can kinda understand, but at the same time I don’t get it. Then I realize that he probably feels the same way:
"She’s having fun which I can kinda understand, but at the same time I don’t get it."
I don’t know, that’s just my interpretation of it.
I think it also helps to remember that pole-dancing is a taboo visual art-form that is highly sensual in essence. Married men are bound to raise an eyebrow at their wife when she takes an interest in learning how to perform aerial acrobatic moves on a phallic object…while scantly dressed, I might add. LOL That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t, but when I look at poling in this light I can kinda see it from a man’s perspective. I’d probably feel the same way if my husband became a rockstar. I mean, wouldn’t you be just a little concerned knowing there are millions of sleazy women who want nothing more and would do anything to steal your sexy man away? Not exactly the same thing, but I would bet that there is a similarity of perception in the opposite sex when it comes to poling.
It’s a theory. lol
? ~*Serzi
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