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JK has an instructional pole DVD out!
Angel1201 replied 15 years, 7 months ago 17 Members · 19 Replies
I’m glad the DVDs were finally delivered! Hopefully mine will be waiting in my mailbox when I get back from LA!!
I just received my copy tonight…it is not for beginners however I LOVE the way she breaks down the different parts of the move and shows you each part in slow motion.
I really like this one – new stuff to work towards!
omg someone let me borrow their dvds ;;; rofls .. only halfway joking.. lol
JK video review-
First off let me say that JK is fantastic and I’m so happy she has chosen to share her secrets in a DVD. I love the fact that she is older and she has worked the pole for 20 years with no sign of slowing down. This gives my 38 year old joints hope! LOL.
The DVD appears to be shot at a dark strip club and the lighting/audio isn’t the best. You can often see the cameraman (in a black hoodie) and a couple other dudes in the reflection of the mirror. You can also see the light tower that was used to brighten up the room in the reflection of the mirror. The background music in several sections is the blues. But the overlay music during the moves is more of a modern electronic music.
The movements are broken up in chapters and here they are:
Grips/Momentum, 1 handed flying spins, flying gazelle(also known as pretzle spin), the carousel (think upright spinning pencil), the ball drop(spinning down the pole in a fetal position) , spinning front splits, straddle split mount, cartwheel mount, shoulder mount, spinning superman(spinning V into superman pose with enough momentum to make you spin), the peter pan(inverted spinning thigh hold), spinning swan(a spinning layback), and the JK 1:46 (refers to a move at 1:46 in one of her youtube vids). There is also a bonus section with an interview, a performance, and a pole oddessy which is a slo-mo montage of her moves set to classical music.This is a very advanced DVD. Each move starts off with what is necessary to be successful with the move. For example; ability to hold a tight mid-air ‘V’ with the legs, hip flexor stength, strong pole grip in rotation, standing splits, strong one-handed spin grip. Each moves is broken down and displayed several times, in both regular speed and slo-mo. There is also text that appears during the slo-mo that gives tips on what you should be doing with your body.
I’ve been poling just about 2 years and can already do some of these moves (shoulder & cartwheel mount). I was able to do some of the moves with her expanation when I practiced last night. So far though, Ive only tried the first few moves. The problem I have is that I can’t do full splits which you need to pull off at least 3 of these moves. So I would recommend this vid to people who can do splits, can easily do one handed spins, and have a very strong upper body and core, have no shoulder injuries, and have been inverting and practicing advanced moves for quite some time.
JK is a master of momentum. Her skill is superior and this video lets you in on all her secrets. This vid is definitely worth purchasing, just make sure you are advanced enough to handle it!
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