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Jade help!!!
Posted by Sabina Rex on May 15, 2015 at 5:03 pmI used to have a beautiful perfect jade but i had a bad hamstring injury couldnt practice the trick and forgot it. Now im struggling a lot with this move. I feel like im close but cant quite get it. Any tips much appreciated, esp tips for no hands jade. Thanks!!
jsheridan replied 9 years, 9 months ago 9 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
Oh man, Tropicalvertical had once went through some great tips… I hope someone can find that thread. It helped me a lot!
Did someone say jade?
I have to put my boy to bed and read stories and stuff for next hour but would love to pop in here later and be a jade nerd.
Meanwhile I just got this cool pic of my jade from above in my showcase solo! Posting it because it helps to have visual of all the stuff I will be banging on about shortly: the twisty push pull secrets I will always be grateful I was taught of how to cheat your way into flat jade
Please tropical vertical begin long speech about jade here:
I promise ill read all of it looking forward to it!!! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
As soon as I saw the thread title I instantly thought: Tropical!
Ok, I LOVE jade and it was my dream move – the trick that made my jaw drop and my skin tingle and made me want to dance on a pole. I never thought I’d be able to do it. I obsessed over it and read, watched everything I could find that was vaguely relevant to understand the mechanics of it so it stopped being magic and impossible and became obtainable and trainable.
I could go on and on, and frequently do, because I love helping pole sisters get flatter jades and am constantly trying to improve mine. The best tips I have are from Aerial Amy, Miss PoleTricksee and of course, Veena. In no particular order:
1. It is not splits. You are not in a flat split. It shouldn’t even be called splits. It is a TWISTED push-pull strength hold with straight legs. Forget splits and oversplits: that’s a totally different ball game. Look at the angles in that pic I took sideways on and upsidedown. See? It’s like a chopsticks. Hips twisted waaaaaaaaay out of square. To be crude, your crotch/shorts gusset is not pointing up. It’s twisted sideways. If you were super talented in the exotic tricks department and could fire ping pong balls from your hoo haa whilst jading, they would hit the wall, not the ceiling.
2. Knee pulls across the chest to the shoulder like a car seatbelt; twist TWIST TWIST your body so the pole locks deep in the pocket above the hip bone below the ribs. Deeeeeeeeep. It’s easier to get flat if you bring knee to opposite shoulder then unfurl the leg from bent, rather than waving it about straightened. Many people seem to instantly get 2 inches flatter if they grab their foot or ankle, not calf, and then crush their boobies into the side of their top thighs.
3. Now arch your chest and push your breastbone up to the side of your thigh: try to push your cleavage to the side of the front leg.
4. That hand on your bum is not there for decoration. It’s SHOVING the hip joint back up into its socket, to quote Aerial Amy, like yo are juicing an orange.
5. And finally. That back leg. Drop it. Drop it more. Don’t point your toes, point your whole leg starting at the hip flexors and point it hard and straight down at the floor. The release will feel weird if you’re doing it right – imagine you are wearing a garter belt. Where the ribbon things that attach the stockings to the belt lie on the top front of your thigh – that’s where you flex, extend and focus. Flex and point like crazy whilst feeling that part of your leg working your quad. Use your glutes to fire the energy all the way down to your toes. Twist, lock, exhale and drop drop drop back leg.
There you go, my jade nerd essay. 🙂
Aha!!! Ping pong balls from the hoo ha!!! Makes so much more sense now!!! Thank you for your instruction and passion, so helpful!
Thank you! Ehat an rxcellent explaination. I shall report here at the end of my practice if my jade has returned after studying these tips
Great explanation Tropical! 💜 I do have something to add. There are different ways to “Jade” I call it Split Hip Hold, my variation and what some (not all) pros see a “proper” jade is not as twisted, and should be done without the hand on the butt. The hand on butt is a bit of a cheat (and that’s ok!!!!!ðŸ‘ðŸ»ðŸ‘ðŸ») I’m only explaining this so everyone can see there’s a difference in jades. Regardless of which one you do the split or the Twisty you don’t need an oversplit.
The focus of my lesson is about getting the proper contacts so that you don’t have to use the hand to push your butt. The goal of my lesson is to ultimately be able to hold this with NO hand on butt. This means you will need more flexibility but until that point a half jade works beautifully!!! 😊😊
I got it twice!! Two lovely perfect jades thanks to this bit: “bring knee to opposite shoulder then unfurl the leg from bent, rather than waving it about straightened.” And about dropping the back leg and it was perfect and even felt easy thanks! I would love to do a no hands jade! But that split kind of seems like a completely different move.
Woo hoo! So happy for you! 😎ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘🙌
No hands non twisted jade I am working on; I have great difficulty getting level in it and end up like this angle /
With my head much lower than my back leg, so if anyone has any badass tip on that shout! -
Jade question to all…..once you are flat and happy with your hold, do you just remove the bottom bum holding hand and use it to pull your leg further? I would like to take my Jade up a level to become no handed!
Mummyof3, that is how I am getting into my no handed jade right now. I very slowly take the pressure off that hand and arm and see if I can remove it. I am finding as I am remove the hand I have to concentrate and pull harder on that leg, and really contract my upper body to pinch the pole between my body and hip. sometimes, I put the bottom hand below me on the pole, like with a gun grip, finger pointing down. then I remove the hand once I feel secure. sometimes I am able to just go straight into the no hands right away. I was wondering myself, how others make that transition. just take it very slow. you will kind of see-saw if you arent secure enough and it gets scary. it takes all my strength to hold it no hands because I have to really pull that leg to the opposite shoulder. it seems like every muscle in my body is working to the max. also, I try to face away from that front leg. when my body twists away from it I can lock into place better. if you feel like you are sliding out of your jade keep in mind you can usually catch yourself quickly by hooking the inside leg into a scorpio. it is much quicker than trying to hook your outside leg. I would appreciate tips for no hands jade as well. I can do it but I am very slow getting into it and it take so much concentration , its like I ‘m trying to detonate a bomb. lots of sweat involved. very tedious
Jade with hand on butt and no hands jade are actually very different contact points and balance, so if you are just learning them, transitioning from one to the other is very hard. One is turning in toward the pole, the other is very slightly turned out. I teach the no hands jade by starting in an inside leg hang, and grabbing behind your knee with the same side hand like an allegra. Then the free hand straightens your leg pulling it downfrom here, you play with either tilting your body back if you tilt towards your leg or squeezing your butt driving your heel to the floor if you tilt towards your head. As you start to feel stable, you start to release your hand slowly, still playing with that balance. Only once you feel secure do you bring that hand all the way down to your ankle/calf
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