Forums Discussions June Ontario Pole Jam at LIVE ONCE Studio

  • Layla Duvay

    April 23, 2010 at 12:04 pm

    Yep, I’m a-coming!!! And bringing the Brantford crew! WE LOVE to kick out the jams, lol!!!

  • Becca1

    April 23, 2010 at 1:25 pm

    I’m in! Can’t wait to see the LIVE ONCE Studio – it sounds beautiful! And another chance to dance with the Brantford crew, I couldn’t pass that up – you guys are a blast!

  • pheonyx

    April 23, 2010 at 3:41 pm

    I will have to miss out on this one as I’m perfoming in 14 upcoming shows at Zacada and I’ll be in the middle of a performance while you’re all poling.
    Tell Elisabeth I said hello, she is wonderful and I’ll see her sometime in the near future. You’ll love her studio, it’s gorgeous and she is such a talented and pleasent person.
    If anyone is interested in coming out to see one of our shows ‘Inside Out’ at Zacada Circus School in Stoney Creek please check out the link:
    We have over 20 perfomers partaking in aerial silks, contortionism, triple trapeze, acro, sand art (which is so cool), lyra and chinese pole/pole art. I have personally chorographed the chinese pole routine which includes 20 performers, myself included, and would love to have your support
    Have a blast and I’ll see you all soon

  • Aphrodyte

    April 23, 2010 at 10:03 pm

    Sounds awesome! And a chance to see another studio and meet more awesome polers! I’ve checked out Live Once on the web before and have thought about going to check it out. What a perfect opportunity!

    I’ll bring my chocolate coconut macaroons.. mm mmmmm


  • Aphrodyte

    April 23, 2010 at 10:06 pm

    PS. I’ve always wanted to perform with the circus! Awesome!

  • joni1

    April 23, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    If anyone is interested in coming out to see one of our shows ‘Inside Out’ at Zacada Circus School in Stoney Creek please check out the link:
    We have over 20 perfomers partaking in aerial silks, contortionism, triple trapeze, acro, sand art (which is so cool), lyra and chinese pole/pole art. I have personally chorographed the chinese pole routine which includes 20 performers, myself included, and would love to have your support

    I am so there, What a great opportunity for my husband and 3 kids to go to the circus.

  • Dirndle

    April 24, 2010 at 2:06 pm

    Cathy and I will be there for sure. I was on the Live Once Website – Looks fabulous and I can’t wait to see it in real life. Looking forward to seeing you folks there.

  • jeng

    April 26, 2010 at 12:46 am

    Does anyone know how many people Elizabeth is going to allow to sign up for the pole jam? My folks live nearby and I’ve been to her studio before so I might just have to come back to visit but won’t know until next month if I could come.

  • joni1

    April 26, 2010 at 2:02 am

    Does anyone know how many people Elizabeth is going to allow to sign up for the pole jam? My folks live nearby and I’ve been to her studio before so I might just have to come back to visit but won’t know until next month if I could come.
    The pole jams are unlimited. We usually have 20-30 girls and guys sharing 10 poles. We would all get physically exhausted poling for 3 hours straight so we break to eat, chat and get to know other polers from all over ontario. But there is plenty of opportunity on the pole. So just show up that day if you can make it with the $20.00 studio fee and munchie/fingerfood for our potluck table. You will be quite welcomed. Hope to see you there.

  • Kalli

    April 29, 2010 at 3:47 am

    We want to come for a drop in. What days do you instruct Pheonyx?

  • pheonyx

    April 29, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    We want to come for a drop in. What days do you instruct Pheonyx?

    I don’t instruct at Live Once or Aradia, I am in Stoney Creek at Zacada Circus. Your welcome to take a look at our site at under Pole Fit. I’m the only Pole instructor here so any of the times listed is when I’ll be teaching.


  • Kalli

    May 4, 2010 at 11:09 am

    I was trying to use that quote thingy to tell Pheonyx that I’d like to come to her studio too, but I guess I’m "challenged" using such technology LOL! Anyhow, I will be there for sure. I will find out about KIrsten and Eric. Do we have to register anywhere, or just let everyone know on this SV post that we are going?

  • joni1

    May 4, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    Do we have to register anywhere, or just let everyone know on this SV post that we are going?
    Kalli, The SV girls and guys just need to let us know here on the post and just show up at the jam as always. But if you want to register ahead of time, you can do so at the LIVEONCE site. See you there.

  • Kalli

    May 5, 2010 at 3:36 am

    Okay thanks for letting me know!

  • StephanieStorm

    May 6, 2010 at 2:49 am

    Hi all! I have talked with Elizabeth about this and am excited! I’m planning to be there with some friends hopefully!
    Elizabeth is fantastic and I can’t wait to see her studio.

    Also…just for the record… Felinity studio where I work also has a Pole Dance/Fit Instructor/Felinity Method certification program that is recognized by Can-Fit-Pro! I’m glad that Can-fit pro is finally starting to get on board with pole fitness!

    Also I must check out Zacada… AWESOME!


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