Forums Discussions Just Venting…

  • Joalex

    April 10, 2012 at 8:17 am

    The majority of people don't understand what we do – the athletic ability required and the sense of accomplishment. Never forget that!

    Last week I was at my gym class talking to a girl my age and she asked me what other forms of fitness I do. I told her I do pole dancing, and the look on her face was like I'd just divulged my most intimate secret! She actually glanced around to see if anyone had overheard!

    When I tell people I've got a pole at home, I get a lot of comments like "I bet your husband likes that ;)". I usually say, "Yes, he's proud of what I've achieved, but he doesn't sit there gawping and salivating at me, he's usually in the other room watching Sci-Fi Channel!"

    I wish more people could see the videos on this site, so they could see the beauty of what we do.

  • Jag5303

    April 10, 2012 at 8:48 am

    I always bust out my phone and show the videos of the tricks I’ve learned. After they see it, they change their tone. 🙂

  • Frowning

    April 10, 2012 at 1:34 pm

    I haven't told many people I do a bit of pole dancing as exercise, but thankfully those I have told have been mostly receptive.  If a male friend gets all "Hurr, you're gay now?" then I react exactly the same as when people get judgmental when I say that a few female friends pole dance as a hobby; I show them vids on YouTube of people doing amazing pole acrobatics.  Usually shuts them up.

    I point out to them that I don't do it to be 'sexy' (not that there's owt wrong with that), I do it so that eventually I can be a god damn ninja, and flip off the laws of physics.  Also, it's fun!

  • Devika

    April 10, 2012 at 1:43 pm

    I was hoping we would hear from one of the guys on this topic!  Thanks for sharing Frowning!

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