Forums Discussions Just inverted by accident!

  • Audball

    February 11, 2010 at 12:41 am

    Yeah, it took me a while (and a bit of a fall… oops) to figure that one out! I think it looks a bit clumsy, but can only get better!

    …In the meantime, I think I should check out the thread on crash mats! lol!

  • polergirl

    February 11, 2010 at 12:44 am

    Yeah, it took me a while (and a bit of a fall… oops) to figure that one out! I think it looks a bit clumsy, but can only get better!

    …In the meantime, I think I should check out the thread on crash mats! lol!

    Yeah, crash mats rock! I learned the hard way that sometimes cushions just get shoved out of the way by my rapidly approaching head. Thank goodness I have been well-schooled in tuck and roll, HAHA.

  • amy

    February 11, 2010 at 3:03 am

    that was awesome! great job.

    when i invert, and the pole is to my right, i put my left leg in front of the pole and the right behind. and vice versa when i invert on my left. it seemed like your feets got a little confused

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