Forums Discussions KENDRA POLE

  • Charley

    June 12, 2009 at 12:11 am

    I believe it is the X-pol XTREME bottom loading pole (drool!)

    IS the bottom loading X available in something besides the KW pole? I don’t want a KW signature pole plus its a 45mm and I would want a 50mm.

  • branquinha

    June 12, 2009 at 3:20 am

    It looks great and it is made my the x-pole makers…did not really get the video, though. I mean, how come she is supposed to be trying poling as she launches her own sports pole? (I don’t live in the US and don’t watch much telly at all, so have no idea about who she is…)

  • Charley

    June 12, 2009 at 11:45 am

    She’s an ex girlfriend of Hugh Hefner. She’s known for being the silly one on the show The Girls Next Door.

    I have no problem with her persay however am very disappointed that X-Pole chose to do a signature series pole with someone who doesn’t even pole dance, much less being a respected pole dancer.

    If X-pole wanted to do a signature pole with someone I can name loads of people who would have sold more poles – Pantera, Jenyne Butterfly, Tammy Morris, Fawnia Monday, etc. I am very disappointed with Vertical Leisure and their decision to partner with someone who knows jack about pole dancing – I find it insulting to us. I find the numerous times she says "stripper pole" to be degrading to us as pole dancers as women. Not because I have an issue with strippers but because I don’t like the message and image she is putting onto pole dancing. Hell, Carmen Electra would have been a better pick – atleast she has exercise DVD’s.

  • RoxyPink

    June 12, 2009 at 1:02 pm

    Okay, so I took a look at her site and looked at the assembly guide and it looks like the top plate can be permanently mounted…does that mean x-pole will be selling those seperately?? And they have vaulted ceiling adapters now??? It comes with more extensions than the regular x and it’s cheaper?!?!?!?! WTF! I just hope the quality is right up there with the regular X. I would hate to see another crappy pole on the market…and I too think this is disrespectful to all pole dancers..she can’t pole so how is she representing???

  • Charley

    June 12, 2009 at 1:13 pm

    I looked at the instructions too. I would seem like this pole does not spin and while it is a bottom loader it is not the X-pole Xtreme – this KW pole comes with foam to put around the adjuster rod, in the UK the Xtreme has a metal cover for the adjuster rod.

    I certainly looks like a cheaper version of an X and it looks like the dome has been traded for a plate like the PS poles. The pole retails at $249 so it’s cheaper than an X but after shipping and handling $40 – you may as well buy the real X that has spin mode.

    I know I for one am boycotting this pole based on principle. I am so very disappointed with Vertical Leisure. The woman can’t pole dance and isn’t a pole dancer and through her viral marketing is making it look like we are bubble heads who want to dance around a "stripper pole."

    I have no issue with her persay, I think she’s cute and sweet but i think the whole sexpot marketing scheme on behalf of VL is insulting to women who do this to lose weight, gain confidence and because they truly love the art.

  • branquinha

    June 12, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    Indeed, it is really sad that they chose someone who goofs around the pole and says ‘yay, I’m a stripper!’ to have a signature. Even calling it a sports pole won’t help it if they are marketing it in this way. Really sad.

  • Synthemesc

    June 12, 2009 at 5:05 pm

    ugh, the video on the site made me cringe. i think its hilarious she said "I do not want to see Paris Hilton on my pole!" don’t see why not the way they’re marketing it. big let down from x pole

  • maggz

    June 12, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    lol wow, it’s REALLY unfortunate that X-Pole got such a trashy celebrity to promote their pole.

  • cbr600girl

    June 12, 2009 at 7:32 pm

    I don’t think she’ll be using it too much now that she’s annouced her pregnancy! She now has her own reality show called "Kendra". It just premiered last Sunday on E! channel. I like Kendra I find her funny and goofy and she’s always been into fitness and loves to dance! She has a pole in her living room that was put in on her first episode. She did some inverts and the chopper.

  • Angel1201

    June 12, 2009 at 8:14 pm

    I was pretty mad b/c I just bought a new chrome 45mm Xpole 4 days ago. Now I see this pole on sale for $40 less. AND, it’s being pushed by a girl who was in a polygamous relationship with a perverted OLD fart???? Who respects this girl?? She can’t even really pole dance!! It makes NO sense. Anyway, I called to complain and they said that it is NOT the same quality as the X-pole (although the advert would lead you to believe otherwise) plus it doesn’t spin. So I’m OK with it being cheaper, but I definitely have an issue with her promoting pole dance. UGGGGG!

  • MelanieDA

    June 12, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    AHHHH I kind of really want this pole! Lol, it seems to be a version of the X-Pole that solves the problems of the regular X-Pole. First of all, it’s bottom-loading, which is helpful for my 4’11", non-ladder-owning self. Secondly, the ceiling plate looks to be pretty similar in size to the floor plate, which I think would help, given that the regular X-Pole is way too top-heavy. Seems like it’d be easier to get the ceiling plate totally flat on the ceiling, making it super-sturdy. It’s 45mm which is the size I already have and like, AND it’s $50 cheaper than the regular X-Pole! If I find out that it has a spinny mode I might just be in heaven.

    Say what you want about Kendra but I think she’s adorable.

  • MelanieDA

    June 12, 2009 at 8:17 pm

    ugh, the video on the site made me cringe. i think its hilarious she said "I do not want to see Paris Hilton on my pole!" don’t see why not the way they’re marketing it. big let down from x pole

    She said she doesn’t want to see Perez Hilton on her pole.

  • Foxy_Rei

    June 12, 2009 at 10:19 pm

    That video made me feel dumber…

    I have to say I’m rather disappointed myself… I had never even heard of her before seeing this video, and I kinda wish I still haven’t heard of her! She’s a stupid bimbo, looks like her teeth are made of plastic, and I could just feel my IQ points oozing out of my ears just listening to her.

    She’s the stereotype we are all trying so hard not to look like when it comes to our pole dancing and here they are using her to market a pole that might actually be of some good quality! Not to mention she kept calling it a stripper pole when they’re trying to market it as a "sport pole".

    I’d like to think their motivations for doing this are to try to compete with the Peekaboo, Carmen Electra, etc. poles out there by using another bimbo celeb themselves; which if it works, it would be a good thing because this pole looks like it’s much better quality than the Peekaboo ones (even if it’s not as good as a regular X-Pole).

  • rubberstarlet

    June 14, 2009 at 9:02 am

    hmm so its not a full on xpole? the only thing i liked was the top( not so dome-e ) yea the stripper pole thing made me mad. I had to go threw hell to explain pole art to my family/friends. they think i have a second job! Maybe because she has alot of $$$ she can do a signature pole?… or needs $$!! haha i wonder if they will sell vaulted mounts now. but yea, her playing around like a joke will make the sport look bad -_-

  • Charley

    June 14, 2009 at 7:59 pm

    This pole is only $11 cheaper than the REAL X-pole. I think Veena still has them for $300 and free shipping. This pole doesn’t spin either.

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