Forums Discussions Kicking into an Invert Stance

  • Veena

    May 4, 2010 at 2:01 am

    You will have some tenderness at first….but if your in the right position it shouldn’t be painful all the time. Make sure that the pole is very close to the neck, stay off the spine, but you want the pole way up on the trap (the part of the neck that curves up) The pole should be right by your ear when you look up. If the pole is off near the end of the shoulder you will have a lot more pain then if you keep the pole close. Hope that helps.

  • Rena LadyBug

    May 4, 2010 at 2:25 am

    I’m a prime example of someone who is self taught based on online videos…. and unfortunately I use momentum to get into my invert…. I feel like I should be strong enough, but at the same time I’m not. I can see people doing it, day after day after day, but when I’m by myself trying to walk myself through the move all by myself I just struggle.. Apparently I can’t multi-task!! (Can only think one thing at a time…) I’ve been working on bringing my knees to my chest and when I climb I’m working on using my arms more than my legs and also have been working on my upper body strength w/ my husbands pull up bar, I can see a little result but old habits die hard!! Towards the end of my work out I highly doubt I could do an invert w/o momentum (the only inverts I’ve done w/o momentum I find myself trying to hop into it Sooo not cool). Once you get into the bad habit it’s hard to quit!! So I’d recommend not starting it!!

  • tiggertail

    May 4, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    CKR- cross knee release

    It’s when you sit on the pole then cross when one leg on the other and then…yes you let yourself go back, you can use your hands to help you. It’s kind of hard at first because it’s really hurt your thigh ouch but when you can do that and then go up again (like sit-up) it give you an idea that you’re on your way

    tiffthebest i’m a beginner too and propably do it without knowing because I begin with youtube. Don’t worry about it and work more on your abs it should help. We should always think of doing moves the good way and the safe way rather then learning very fast. I’m pretty sure you’ll get it soon.

  • RoxyPink

    May 5, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    lift lift lift!!

    I have a video somewhere on here……

    ahhhh here it is! Just a few examples of some exercises you can do to help….

    kinda old but…

  • SissyBuns

    May 5, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    lift lift lift!!

    I have a video somewhere on here……

    ahhhh here it is! Just a few examples of some exercises you can do to help….

    kinda old but…" onclick=";return false;

    This video is how I learned to invert properly. It’s a great guide on what to work on to build the necessary strength. I was struggling with the chopper until I started doing these prep exercises.

    Also for SM, I was able to learn it without kicking by doing prances. Lot’s and lots of prances. You keep practicing and each time you get stronger and stronger, then you get closer and closer and then one day you prance all the way up and bam! you just lifted into a shoulder mount!

  • MommaBear

    May 6, 2010 at 12:54 am

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    My hand positioning was ALL WRONG when I was trying to do exercises like these Maybe by gripping right I will increase my hold time and make it past my current .25 second average

    Now I have something to work on during "off" days! Yay!

  • Rena LadyBug

    May 6, 2010 at 3:11 am

    I favorited this video when you first posted it for Sissy!!! I seriously was doing the pole stands last night, but I didn’t have my shoulder up against the pole b/c it was uncomfy.. <– wimp! LOL! But I’m working on all of these, except the last one!! I’m getting closer, and closer, but not there yet…

  • tiffthebest

    May 6, 2010 at 7:34 pm

    You will have some tenderness at first….but if your in the right position it shouldn’t be painful all the time. Make sure that the pole is very close to the neck, stay off the spine, but you want the pole way up on the trap (the part of the neck that curves up) The pole should be right by your ear when you look up. If the pole is off near the end of the shoulder you will have a lot more pain then if you keep the pole close. Hope that helps.

    btw this helped a lot. The pole wasnt in the right position. I still dont understand why I cant do this move tho lol.

  • hipshaker

    May 14, 2010 at 4:22 pm

    Funny, when I first learnt the invert, my instructor called it ‘the kick-up’… Bad habit! Now almost one year in understand how much more difficult inverts are when not kicking into them. Trying to learn aerial inverts seems nearly impossible!

  • reenie aka Mysfit

    May 15, 2010 at 3:27 am

    AHA! I am not the only one who has broke to ribs learning an invert taught incorrectly! I am not alone…..heehee
    Being an ex-gymnast, I figured I would attack it like a pullover. NOT! No good!!!

    Funny thing- when i went to the walk in clinic to get a script for heavy duty anti-inflammatory……the doctor only heard "stripper pole" and had this great big shit eating grin for the rest of the appointment. Didn’t matter how many times I explained I was working out….

    Flash forward 6 months later……….My son has a wicked allergy attack….eyes swollen shut. So I take him up to the clinic~
    Wouldn’t ya know……same little doctor~ Same shit eating grin…..
    Looks at me and says~ Stripper pole!

    Too funny……….

    Definitely no kicking!! When I learned to invert I kicked into it and no one corrected me, result = 2 cracked ribs. Be patient and use those abs

  • aWiiPeanut

    June 1, 2010 at 4:22 pm

    The injury is so true… funny irony…my first pole teacher taught to kick and she was practicing while in class one day and injured herself do a kick invert. It wasn’t funny that she injured herself…just that its shows how the correct way is the only way. =) good luck! you’ll get there!!

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