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Kinda slipy new chrome pole?
Posted by Amiloo on January 8, 2013 at 8:36 amHi guys!
So I got my first home pole last week and im finding it kinda slippy! Is this normal? Is there something I should have cleaned it with before use or something?
moonflower replied 12 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
Hi, I had the same problem with mine I only got it in September, I was finding I could do things in my lesson but just slipped off at home. It’s still not great and doesn’t help that my bloke or kids grab it when they pass lol. I use a microfibre cloth( don’t use fabric softener in wash) and cheap vodka helps, I also use a hand grip! I know my friend uses dettol spray on hers and you can get other pole cleaners, but my teacher said the more it’s used the better it gets 😉
Congrats on ur 1st home pole. Ur pole will take a while to “break In” as there’s a protective coatin on in to protect it when it’s being shipped. Veena has a lesson on steaming ur pole every now and thn as that helps to get the protective coating off but using it often helps to break it in aswel. In ur pole instructions it says to clean with class cleaner. xx
You can also try using plain ammonia diluted with water in a spray bottle. Ammonia is the active ingredient in most commercial glass cleaners, but those often have extra ingredients to make the glass shiny, which will get on your pole. You just want the ammonia. It works well for pole cleaning because it breaks down oils. This includes both the protective coating on the pole, and any oil that is generated by your hands or body from using the pole. (Source: my husband, an organic chemist.)
Also, I can't imagine why you'd do this for your pole, but the usual warning applies – never mix ammonia and bleach. The gases produced can kill you.
Soap it up with the blue Dawn dish soap AND rinse it off real good, then steam clean it as well!!!! That should work!!! I wash my hands in Dawn soap as well.
Soap it up with the blue Dawn dish soap AND rinse it off real good, then steam clean it as well!!!! That should work!!! I wash my hands in Dawn soap as well.
Thanks everyone!
Luvlee I have never heard of this blue dawn dish soap!! Maybe its just something you can only get in the states? But im gunna keep a good look out for it!
I agree with luvlee on using dishsoap on the pole AND your hands! I haven't tried Dawn, I think what's important is that you use a no nonsense, regular concentrated dish detergent. So, nothing with moisturizers built in (i.e. Palmolive). You just want something that removes dirt and grease,
But yes, new chrome poles are soooo slippy and frustrating!! I found lightly coating the pole with iTac helped with hand grip moves (don't try a superman though. Just don't.)
Have you tried wiping it down with a damp chamois cloth? Like the ones used for cars. I find the real chamois (not the microfibre imitation) works wonders for chrome.
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