Forums Discussions Kitty, Meet Pole

  • Legend

    May 8, 2011 at 2:20 am

    I've had some unconfortable moments while practicing moves like the bum slide and bridges from elbowstand on the pole, but nothing seriuos, fortunately never actually smashed my kitty against the pole…yet.

    My boyfriend does not even care anymore, everytime I get a new ugly bruise he just shakes the head like it's hopeless. When I started poling was worse, some days EVERYTHING was hurting, so sex would be like… "ok honey, I'll just lay here if you dont mind". but hey, my body never looked better and I'm more flexible then ever, complaints are not acceptable!

    I had an embarassing moment a few month back. I started laser hair removal from my armpits, and I went to a season the day after practicing a lot of teddys and yoginis. The lady looked at it in shock and asked what happenned. I couldn't think of anything better to say, so I just said it was from pole dancing. I dont know if she didnt knew what it was and was ashamed/afraid to ask, or if she thought I was a stripper and didn't want to know anything else. whatever the reason the subject died there, so I'll continue to tell the truth, after all, its not a crime 😉

  • bebealles

    May 8, 2011 at 7:09 am

    hahaha, This makes me remember when I started dancing and my husband forbid me to go out with a mini skirt. I was all angry asking what was that about, he was never like that, we live on a bech city, blablabla. And he says – Look at you, people will think I gave you a beef and jail me!!


    And also My second club like 2 months dancing I injuried my leg with a nail they had on the stage, the other day I went to hospital and that was a small village in a small island. The doctor looked at me aaaaaall bruised and was telling me that I should go to police and tell them about my boyfriend, and encouraging me!!

    When I tell him that happened in my job he was like " Oh yeah, I dont believe you ", then I said I was pole dancing and that I was stripper. 

    That night he went to the  club and was talking to the manager till I went to the stage. After that he said me: – If you dont learn how to do that properly You will kill yourself trying!! XDDD

  • chimponaut

    May 8, 2011 at 7:26 am

    A few months into pole dancing I tried to fan kick into a lady sit and let’s just say I didn’t have the arm strength to slow myself down and ease into the lady sit….I full on bashed into the pole =\ It hurt so bad I forgot about doing that move until a few months ago!

  • LisaLove

    March 17, 2012 at 9:16 am

    I don’t see what the deal about going to the doctor is. When I smashed my kitty and went to the doctor I just told him I got in a fight and the girl kicked me there. That I thought was the easiest and best excuse.

  • nymphdancer

    March 17, 2012 at 2:18 pm

    kitty I have the same two piercings and yes if you hit them wrong it is incredibly painful.

  • horsecrazy12987

    March 17, 2012 at 2:45 pm

    I had my sister over last weekend for a pole jam, and I don't remember what I did, but I went up into a move on spinny mode, and came down screaming "OW MY VAGINA!!" I'm pretty sure I blacked out whatever happened in between getting up on the pole and frantically hopping back down. My sister found it all extremely hilarious.

  • XxMissPrissxX

    March 18, 2012 at 4:06 pm

    Kinda of off subject, but imcurious.  Kitty, Nymph… How bad did it hurt to get that area pierced!? Ouch!

  • nymphdancer

    March 18, 2012 at 4:28 pm

    actually it only hurt for a minute or two.Literally the worst part was the moment the needle went in. by the time he put the jewerly in it already caused a bit of a good tingle. Was a bit sore for a day. The triagle which is the one that goes behind your clitoral nerve bundle is a bit ackward to get they have to be able to pull your clit UP and put a clamp on it to be sure they get behind it. If they hit it or the nerve bundle it is extremly painful and will continue to be painful if jewelry is put in it. It is incredibly important for these peircings to go to an expert piecer. I had mine done in Detroit by a wonderful guy there. The placement on them is perfect. I drove 6 hours home with them freshly done and discovered the ridges on the side of the road took on a whole different outlook lol. I will say I was sort of prone to UTI's and they make that happen easier so I try to take cranberry tablets on a regular basis to keep them at bay. I have been lax in that lately and sure enough spent the first part of last week with one.

    I wanted to get a fucette (sp?) but my skin in that area already rips easily so i don't think it would be a good one for me.

  • XxMissPrissxX

    March 19, 2012 at 6:55 pm

    I have always thought about getting the vertical hood. Im such a big chicken tho… imtoo skuuured

  • Krissykiki

    March 19, 2012 at 7:52 pm

    I got my vertical hood done about three years ago, it was barely paintful at all. It healed really quick too. My suggestion is to call up a trusted professional piercer in your city and book a consultation so you can hear the process from them. 🙂

  • nymphdancer

    March 19, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    the vertical hood is not a hard one to have done. I have my hood and triangle done at the same time by an Elyane Angel approved piercer (which is why I went 6 hours alway lol) My piercings have only caused me pain twice and that was from my triangle. I had an open ring and somehow durning sex it got twisted half way through the hole which meant the large ball was pressing on the nerves. OWWWW. after the second time I happened to go to detroit for a pole function and went to my guy and had a stone put in to close the ring. now it doesn't pull through 🙂

    I didn't have to worry about poling right after having mine done I wasn't poling yet. I touched a pole the first time a few weeks later 😉

  • poledanceromance

    March 19, 2012 at 9:13 pm

    Love love LOVE that you went to an Elayne Angel piercer for your triangle. Most people don’t even know who she is. Hell, most people don’t know what a triangle is. I have a vch and had always thought about a triangle but I’m not brave enough. Would ONLY go to an Elayne Angel approved piercer for it, though.

  • Tali Kat

    March 20, 2012 at 3:00 am

    @Horsecrazy  "Fine honey, but don't touch here, here, or here. Ow! Not there either. No, I'm not getting on top–rolling over might chafe my thighs. You know what, I'll just lie here in fetal position and you figure something out."

    Ahahahahahaa!!!! XD So funny!

    I've yet to do a number on myself, as I'm only new to pole, but I'm reaaaalllly hoping not to after reading all this @_@

  • nymphdancer

    March 20, 2012 at 6:14 am

    PDR there is an Eylane Angel approved one in Detroit, just saying! I thought about having my nipples done while I am there this week-end but I'd have to have them done Saturday and I don't think pastie twirling is recommended a couple of hours after having piercings done lol. He already told me I'm not a good canidate for a fourchette which is the other I had been thinking about.

  • Finreah

    March 20, 2012 at 6:20 am

    I don't mean to brag or anything, but Eylane Angel did my VCH for me Best piercing experience ever. She is just as cool and interesting to talk to as you would think she is. And her tatts are amazing.

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