Forums Discussions Knee Grip!! ARGH!!!

  • Knee Grip!! ARGH!!!

    Posted by Chinadoll on July 25, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Hey ladies!!

    I cannot tell you how frustrated I am right now. My pole teacher recently taught a trick she calls Starfish. I’m not sure what everyone else calls it, but it’s the one where you’re sideways in a straddle, one leg in front of the pole and the other behind with the spiderman grip (again, that’s what she calls it). She has us get into it by inverting and then getting into a knee grip with the outside knee. Now, I’ve read all the slippery pole posts, because my Xpole has been giving me hell, so I’ve tried warming it up, using dry hands, etc. But every time I try to get into this trick, my knee just slides right down. Even when my pole is super slick, I can usually muscle a climb or a basic invert, but I just can’t get my damn knee pit to stick. Am I not doing the grip properly? Or is this a slippery pole problem? Help!

    Bellz replied 14 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • EvaRut

    July 25, 2010 at 9:34 pm

    Im pretty shure that she is not teaching you the starfish move since you dont hold with our knees in that one.
    This is the starfish https://www.studioveena.comhttp&#58://

    Is what you are talking about the knee hold? This is a knee holdhttps://www.studioveena.com

  • Veena

    July 25, 2010 at 9:45 pm

    Could be the Star?… also called the cupid. If you could post a vid that would be helpful for us to see where the move is going wrong. Could be slick pole, could be grip of the knee pit could also be not bringing the hips forward.

    Here is my lesson for it if your taking them

  • Chinadoll

    July 25, 2010 at 9:59 pm

    It’s definitely not the Starfish then. Maybe it’s just the star, and I’ve seen some girls on here refer to it as the side V. Unfortunately, I don’t have anyone to video tape me doing the move (incorrectly ). We don’t stay in the knee hold position, it’s really more of a transition. She has us invert into a knee grip with the outside leg, and maneuver ourselves into the side v (gracefully, of course). So the woman in the second photo would just grip with her hands on either side of her body and straighten her legs into a straddle. I hope I’m not making it more confusing.

  • EvaRut

    July 25, 2010 at 10:15 pm

    This is the star/cupid. Is this the one you are talking about?

    If thats not the one that you are talking about you might find it there:

  • Tine007

    July 25, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    Sounds like what Jamilla calls Starfish and Wikipole a Side-V??
    I was taught to get in from standing, hooking the top leg, bring the bottom leg behind the pole (we call this side plank, with the knee still hooked) and then straighten the top leg. I’m doing it in this practice at 2:10:
    Once comfortable with it, you can get into it from invert or a side climb and it will eventually be the entrance to superman.

    The prep to gain strength, grip and pain tolerance for any knee grip move I learned in class is to stand next to your pole, hook the inside leg as high as you can get it and squeeze!! Lean your upper body away from the pole, pressing your hips forward. You can start with the inside hand still on the pole, hold on to your ankle or take both hands off. Stay as long as you can. We did this every class and it took me many weeks to be able to do the knee grip without falling off in pain or sliding down.

    Hope this helps, good luck!!!

  • Chinadoll

    July 26, 2010 at 2:23 am

    I can’t believe how helpful you all are!! I heard good things about this online community, but this has far exceeded my expectations. I’m so happy I joined. Tine007, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Thanks so much for the practice tips. EvaRut, that’s not that move I was talking about, but now I wanna learn yours! lol. It looks beautiful! Thank you all for your help!

  • Bellz

    July 26, 2010 at 5:04 am

    haha- and I call that move the pocket knife. So many names!! When I get in that move I start like I were going into the gemini. When you flip upside down and hook the leg- that’s the hold I use for the pocket knife/star/whatever it’s called. I think it really is just about practice. Are you holding tight with your knee? It hurts in the beginning, but you gotta get that tight grip…. Hope you get it soon!
    And yes…the community really does rock.

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