There are still some spots left in my INVERT DRILLS workshop too!
Friday, April 29th from 10-11:30 at New York Pole Dancing.
I've posted 3 videos to give you a little taste of how we get down in Invert Drills.
What’s the key to nailing the gemini, scorpio, chopper, superman,, cross ankle release, handstands and other inverts? Technique, strength, flexibility, coordination, timing and… practice!INVERT DRILLS is a boot-camp style workshop that begins with a 45 minute warm-up and deep stretch focusing on spine mobility plus hip and shoulder openers to maximize flexibility for splits and backbends. The remaining 45 minutes is dedicated to a series of drills designed to simulate specific inverts safely and with a focus on proper muscle recruitment, technique and endurance. Open Level. No inverting experience is required.