Forums Discussions Lap Dance Dilemma

  • SaschaPoles

    February 18, 2009 at 8:38 pm

    ahhhhhhhhh! i love you guys, thank you!!!! flos your comment made my whole day, thank you so much honey!!!!!!! i cant wait till its over so i can tell you how it went and neke you’re the best, thank you for explaining the whole chair thing- i forgot that you guys use couches!!! thats really impressive because ive only ever used armless chairs before. im gonna tell my teacher to tell him to sit up straight and just go with whatever i do- i think he’ll be cool with it…he must be if he’s there right? but seriously though before the dance im gonna tell him that when i tell him to do something make it snappy haha. and you’re right though- im expecting to have to go with the flow during the routine.

    well, tomorrow im going to show my teacher my ideas, do a few rough practices of the routine for her, and show her my outfit- i know she’ll be cool with everything- but im not sure about the hat on crotch thing, she’s never taught something that raunchy before so i want to make sure she’s ok with it before i do in front of the class haha. i wish so bad we could tape it!!! but im not sure the rest of the class would go for it- see the other girls in the class are bringing their boyfriends and husbands and stuff in too- so its not going to be just me and him in a room you know? there’s gonna be a ton of other people too.

    thank you so much guys, seriously your comments mean so much to me!!!!!!!! i feel like i can really rock this routine now thanks you you all!

  • Sparklie

    February 18, 2009 at 9:44 pm

    There is one thing that works for me.. It came from Honey, a girl I work with, and her approach is, "fake it until you make it. My goal when I dance is to make every person out there want me in the worst way no matter if I am their body type or not. Fake the confidence and one day it will happen."

  • SaschaPoles

    February 18, 2009 at 9:50 pm

    thanks sparklie!!!! that’s such awesome advice i’m definitely gonna use that idea!

  • FridaSiren

    February 28, 2009 at 10:07 pm

    Hey there!
    I´m sure i´m not the only one out here who is real curious about how well your dance went…and the cute firefighter?

    Best wishes!!!

  • Veena

    March 2, 2009 at 4:42 am
  • pole-twista

    March 4, 2009 at 12:26 am

    that sounds amazing sascha! now that is a routine lol I have never put thought like that into a dance I am a freestlyler all the way but am trying to learn howw to build a routine i think you just showed me a great way to make routines to my fave jams well i’m sure the guy had a little troube standing after you were through w him

  • SaschaPoles

    March 4, 2009 at 3:04 am

    hi guys! im so soryr that it took me THIS long to write back, school has been really hectic lately….anyways, i was REALLY nervous about the dance because in a way i knew it’d be my audition for the troupe- even though i was already in the troupe i knew my teacher would be watching me and critiquing my style of dance…but it couldn’t have gone ANY more perfect!!!! i hit all the right moves at the right times, i had him so nervous and the class was shocked at the stuff i did lol. at the very end, when i was on my back and he was on top of me, everyone started clapping and he and i started laughing really hard. when we were standing up, im such a nerd- i stuck my hand out to shake his hand and he started laughing and pulled me into a hug. so it went REALLY well, you guys really made me feel like i could do this- so thank you guys!!!! i definitely am letting go of this crush though because its just very bad timing you know?

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