Forums Discussions Lap dance routine in less than a month?

  • Lap dance routine in less than a month?

    Posted by stargazermomma3665 on July 23, 2014 at 2:59 pm

    Hello Everyone, I am curious as to if a lap dance routine can be done in less than a month? I have gone over the lap dance moves here but there is no routine and I am still rather new, only 3 weeks working the pole. My husbands birthday is what I want to do it for and I have a song and can kind of dance “sexy” but other than that I have no idea what to do. Any help is appreciated 🙂

    StripXpertease replied 10 years, 6 months ago 7 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • AliceColleen

    July 23, 2014 at 3:22 pm

    I’m glad you posted this – I had the same question!

  • Jessies

    July 23, 2014 at 3:49 pm

    Me too! I would love to learn a routine in a month:)

  • iheartpole

    July 23, 2014 at 4:27 pm

    It is possible! I took a stripper 101 class in Vegas last year and they taught us a simple but super sexy lap dance routine in 30 minutes. Its only a 3 minute (0ne song) slow dance (if your hubby makes it that long before pouncing you) My advice would be to set up a chair and dance on and around it as if your hubby is sitting there- there are also a lot of routines on youtube. Here are some tips that the instructor gave us regarding lap dances. — Make your hubby stick to the “hands off” rule meaning he can not touch you only you can touch him. He will try to break this rule but just kindly take his hands off you every time he does (this is an amazing tease). — Go slow. —. – Don’t be so tough on yourself trying to get the perfect routine no man will ever say “that was a great lap dance but maybe next time try and point those toes a little better” — If you forget what move comes next just stick your boobs in his face. here is a routine I found on you rube

  • stargazermomma3665

    July 23, 2014 at 6:40 pm

    Thank you so much maravillapole!! You’re right though, I am sure he won’t critique me too much, or at all if he wants it to ever happen again lol I am excited to start working!

  • Cherished

    July 23, 2014 at 7:11 pm

    Here are a couple more channels on youtube that have lap dance vids with some sexy move combos:
    Vertical Joes

    Also I think the time will past faster than you realize so the routine won’t have to be as long as you might think, and when you run out of things to do or if you forget what you had planned just start stripping! It might sound silly but it will definitely distract your man from any uncertainty of yourself you might have and hold his attention at the same time. For myself I always have to remember to go s-l-o-w besides it giving a way more sensual dance you’ll need less moves that way!. When I get nervous my first reaction is to speed through my dance and I have to tell myself not to go so fast.

    Also I personally like getting comfortable with a few different combos more so than a full routine. You can even throw in some floorwork moves to add some variety. I would also videotape my practises and pick out the moves to perform for my BF that look sexiest and that I’m really comfortable with at the same time.

  • Jessies

    July 23, 2014 at 8:11 pm

    I found this on YouTube it has a couple hints

  • StripXpertease

    July 23, 2014 at 10:19 pm

    The key is to go SLOW!!! And watch the balls (no foot near the balls! I know some people teach that but yeah… no) Just like pole it looks easy but then you get there and realize that shit is hard!! He should be super low in the chair, (think like when you go to the gyno). His legs are then open and he creates a triangle space with his legs. That is YOUR dance space. Anything outside of that space is fluff. STAY IN THE TRIANGLE! Be gentle, do figure eights with your hips while you rest your forearms on his shoulders and put your hands in his hair. Whisper in his ear…kiss his earlobe… lick his neck. KEEP IT SIMPLE! Grab your boobs, pinch your nipples. If he touches you swat his hands away and he will try ..again and again and again! But you are in control. Trace his lips with your nipple …that is a hot one. Have a glass of ice near by, take a cube, melt it in your hand and then point your elbow up and drip in on your chest (you should be topless btw). Do figure 8’s the whole time. Then turn around. Back up so that your calves touch him (important!) and sway down until you land on his lap, hands on his knees or arms of the chair. Imagine your butt has a big marker in it and draw a few circles from his chest to his nuts! :D. Lean back and put your head on his shoulder. Lift your hips and gyrate a little. Then slide down into a squat looking up at him the whole time. Put your finger in your mouth, then push your rear up first , nose up second. walk towards the bedroom and don’t look back…. AND USE PROTECTION unless you want some babies! 😮 Good luck!

  • stargazermomma3665

    July 24, 2014 at 9:20 am

    Thank you for your tips StripXpertease and I may use them at a later date because they seem way to advanced for me in the confidence area, I am severely lacking in that department. No need to worry about babies, we already have to kids and no more can be made 🙂

  • StripXpertease

    August 14, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    Did you ever do your dance? You should go for it! As far as confidence I understand. keep the lights low…pretend that you are someone that you think is very sexy…like someone famous. 🙂

  • stargazermomma3665

    August 14, 2014 at 4:51 pm

    His birthday is Monday and I will do it then. I found a nice simple lap dance routine in a Cosmo magazine and I am going to incorporate some of the lap dance lessons here on SV also. If all goes well Monday it should be fun and confidence building for me. I practiced a few moves on him because it is really hard to slide off a wooden chair and he liked that part so I am sure he will like the rest 🙂 I will let you know how it goes (without going into too much detail that is lol)

  • StripXpertease

    August 21, 2014 at 11:22 pm

    How did it go???!!!

  • stargazermomma3665

    August 22, 2014 at 9:01 am

    Ugh, I was all ready to do it, practiced many times throughout the day and into the evening. Changed a bunch of stuff around and made it twice as long and then what does my husband do??!!! When I ask if he is ready he tells me he’s tired!!!!! OMG I was royally pissed off. So for his birthday he got to go to bed early lol What really bothers me about it though is he blamed me, and I would go into more detail but I don’t want to bore you but it really wasn’t my fault. So, he will get his dance, but it depends on him being able to apologize for his repeated bad behavior. I have let him get away with it for far too long. I will update when he gets it though lol

  • grayeyes

    August 22, 2014 at 6:04 pm

    Oh stargazer, bummer. I totally understand–that sort of thing happens between my husband and I as well. I just want to scream, “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD THIS IS FOR ME TO DO THIS?!” but somehow that kind of takes the sexy right out of it and makes me feel kind of pitiful…so I just get mad and hurt instead. It turns out we are usually miscommunicating, but it doesn’t make it suck any less when it happens.

    Give it a go another time.

    And to StipXpertise–daaanngg. I’m going to use your excellent suggestions some day! Thanks for sharing.

  • StripXpertease

    August 25, 2014 at 10:18 am

    Ugh ..sorry to hear. I bet it wouldve been amazing. His loss!!

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