Forums Discussions Left side help

  • Left side help

    Posted by webstershaw4618 on June 23, 2015 at 2:16 pm

    I am beginner just passing to intermediate and am really, really trying to train on my left too although my studio didnt teach this at the start. Obvs I’ve realised it matters from forums etc. However, I’m finding it nearly impossible! I have zero coordination on that side and everything is beyond messy. I just simply can’t nine times out of ten. My left bicep is clearly smaller than the right even this early and I really don’t know how to address this other than maybe training the left side some other way to even things out physically. Having said that it’s not a strength issue it’s more coordinating things on that side. Even my left lead fireman looks more like postman pat hijacking fireman Sams pole with a full post bag on his head and his hands tied behind his back- blindfolded πŸ™ . Any advice appreciated!! Thanks in advance

    webstershaw4618 replied 9 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Stefana of Light

    June 23, 2015 at 2:25 pm

    Wow I would think studios would be very conscious of the importance on that on subject– training evenly. That is strange. Its not weird, however, for it to feel and seem completely alien πŸ˜‰ I can relate, I was self taught the first year and I did some crazy stuff to my body from not focusing on training even and strengthening outside of pole moves. I don’t have any advice πŸ˜‰ but wanted you to know you are def not alone, this is A key element to being successful at pole. Veena has such an awesome variety in her lessons, I want them back so badly, mostly to strengthen evenly and build new muscle on a much more even canvas:) good luck to you on “the other side” !!ðŸ’ΒͺΓ°ΕΈΕ’Β±

  • webstershaw4618

    June 23, 2015 at 2:34 pm

    Thank you! I love my pole teacher to bits amd she’s become a friend but she just hires a room in a dance studio and really only teaches basics I guess so I probably overused the word studio there lol. That’s kinda why I’ve come to veena as I live on a small island and there’s not so many options so I guess I’m gonna progress self taught. I hate my left side!! Or maybe I hate the right side of my brain! It’s meant to be controlled by the opposite I beleive. Thanks for the support x

  • Stefana of Light

    June 23, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    Haha embrace the leftness if possible πŸ˜‰ I remember being inverted and training the other side and just literally feeling brain dead.. like .. what was I going to do or try to do!??! I’m sure working both sides will become easier with time. Maybe never fully awesome but you don’t have to perfect the tricks on That side , I wouldn’t say πŸ˜‰ best to ya!

  • Veena

    June 23, 2015 at 5:07 pm

    You’re not alone in struggling with working the opposite side. If working on tricks right now is too challenging, try focusing on Conditioning and Strength work using both sides. Either do a bit of extra reps on the weak side or only as many reps as the weak side can do. Once things equal out try working on Pole sits and beginner work, as long as you’re working those you’ll stay fairly equal.

  • kittyface

    June 23, 2015 at 5:47 pm

    I definitely empathize with having an imbalanced invert! I have quite a few inverted tricks on my right side, but on my left I can barely get up, and sometimes miss the pole. I’ve noticed that a big obstacle for me on my left is actually pain tolerance – since I haven’t conditioned the skin much on that side, everything burns a lot more and is harder to do. I’ve been trying to get into some of the inverted tricks on my left side through a side climb-jasmine-inverted trick progression in addition to working on my inverts in order to train that skin better and get my body more used to doing a lot of the same things on both sides.

  • Runemist34

    June 23, 2015 at 5:53 pm

    Hey there!
    I’m also on an island with very little to offer for pole studios, so this is also where I come πŸ™‚ I neglected my left side for a while (and still sort of do, but I’m getting better) and when I actually tried to practice my basic dance moves on the left, I was “left” feeling uncoordinated and weird.
    So, here’s what I realized: I’m training a part of me that isn’t just not used to pole dancing, but it’s not used to ANYTHING! My left side is often neglected during the day as well. I’ve trained the right side to write well, to catch falling objects, to shake my instant breakfast, to brush my teeth… but the left hasn’t had the benefit of my consistent teaching! It’s a little feeble, and confused.
    So, give yourself a bit of room to relax, and feel the flow. Slow down and get in touch with your body, and allow your left side to have it’s quirks, too! The right side you’ll find has different ideas; you’ll be doing a spin and think “Hmm, why do I put my foot that way on this side, but not the other side?” And that is the interesting thing about training both. Each one will do it’s own thing, even if you’re doing the same move.
    Veena’s conditioning and strength training really helped me a lot with balancing out both sides. Patience and consistency, too!
    Good luck! You’ll get there!

  • webstershaw4618

    June 23, 2015 at 6:15 pm

    Thanks everyone. I guess I’ll just stick with it amd maybe start pouring my cereal from the left! That is such a good point! Maybe I’m just expecting too much from the daft side!

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