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Leg warmer suggestions PLEASE!!!
Posted by LyraPole on June 15, 2015 at 11:45 amI’m looking for some high, thigh length leg warmers with stirrups. I have tried Discount Dance, but I feel a 16″ thigh circumference is unrealistic >.< I'm apx 21" and I need something affordable, but good quality. nothing too sparkly, thicker is better. NOT ballet pink/nude. Any suggestions are welcomed! Thank you!!
Mechie replied 9 years, 8 months ago 9 Members · 12 Replies -
12 Replies
I own the second pair. They are not stirrups, but they are much longer which I love. The heels can always be cut out to make them into stirrups. This is what I used to do when I was a hardcore ballet student. If you do cut the heels, just remember to stitch around the hole to prevent unraveling.
These from amazon! everyone in my studio has them.
I’m not sure if these are quiiite long enough but they are thigh length stirrups and pretty cheap =]
bad kitty would have been my FIRST brand choice, but these aren’t nearly long enough D: I’ll check out the others! thanks SO much for all the suggestions! I really like the length! and I have NO idea why it didn’t occur to me to just cut/sew stirrups into a part >.< ...I'm gonna have a new polewear addiction
Danskin thigh high stirrup legwarmers are what I have and love them. Everything else was too short for me or looked too flimsy so I went with an actual ballet company although they are a bit pricey
OH NO. i always type it wrong.
I got these AMAZINGLY LONG and WARM leg warmer (they go all the way up to my crotch…)…everybody in my studio ask me where I got them…and it’s from a “children” dance clothing site (they do have some adults and this is one of them).
I couldn’t edit my respond…but the one I got is 48 inches long~~~ (SUPER soft…even after numerous washes)
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