Forums Discussions Looks Like I’ll Be Poling Through Another Pregnancy!


    April 15, 2013 at 5:40 pm

    Congrats PoleKat!!! You'll have to update me w/ what you are having! R u poling through your pregnancy too?

  • JenLFG

    April 15, 2013 at 8:18 pm

    Oh yay! Congratulations 🙂

  • Lee lee

    April 15, 2013 at 11:34 pm


  • Maria_T

    April 16, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    Congratulations!! I am also pregnant (34 weeks) with my first baby. I stayed pretty active and taught pole classes until about 4 months and also took two Aerial Amy workshops at 4 1/2 months. Besides bad morning sickness, things were going well until my cervix shortened and I went into pre-term labor and I had to have an emergency cerclage placed and was put on bedrest. Things are much better and while I am so happy my baby and I are doing really well so far, I have lost tons of muscle and some of my flexibility. My question to you Organic Angel, how long did it take your body to recuperate from pregnancy enough to starting exercising/poling again? How long did it take you to get your flexibility back (if you lost any) ? I would appreciate advice/tips from anyone thanks and congratulations/safe healthy pregnancies and deliveries to all the SV mommies.


    April 16, 2013 at 2:05 pm

    Hey Maria! Congrats on your first baby~!!

    The biggest thing is NOT to worry! Your body will bounce back really quickly. I nursed my baby and that helped a bunch.I went back at 8 weeks post partum poling. I started 2 days a week the first two then 3 days a week. I used the Alethea Austin stretching vids too days in between. I only got 20 min at a time b/c I nursed every hr about. Everything came back pretty quick. The hardest part was climbing again. Then everything came back, handsprings too the longest to get back and that was 4-5 months post partum and I cheated a little bit at them.(when I look back at that I didn't have correct form)I was shoulder mounting and all. It did take a little while to v invert again. I stopped poling so much at 6 months b/c my baby was reallllly advanced and I was worried I'd miss something lol!!! Ha, but I traveled to workshops all year.I enrolled in a comp at 5 months post partum. I couldn't clear my handspring in my 8 in heels but atleast I got up there! I did showcases too and everything. The biggest thing is to remember it took 9 months for your body to change so allow yourself a lot of time for it to get back to normal. I gained 40 lbs. I lost 30 in the first 6 weeks. I lost 5 inches off of my tummy the first month back poling. So it all comes back nice-especially w/ pole. It's the most core that you can do, and that's why I waited 8 weeks. We had a sono thinking we were pregnant at 6 weeks post partum(!) and it was still really raw in there so take it easy!

    Congrats again. I found it helpful to make a thread about my goals each week. Good luck and let me know how it goes!

  • Maria_T

    April 16, 2013 at 10:42 pm

    Organic Angel, thnk you so much for your response! That is what I needed to know and it is so encouraging to hear how you snapped right back after having your baby. I was wondering how long I should wait after having my baby to start back up. I know I will be chomping at the bit to get back into it but like you said, I should remember to take it easy and let my body heal. I am also planning to nurse my baby so I know at least for the 1st month or so I will need to dedicate my time learning and getting the hang of it. That’s awesome that you are doing showcases and back in great shape after having children. That brings me hope, lol! Thanks to you, Veena, and all the inspiring pole moms who are so strong and look so amazing after having children. I hope I will be like you ladies. 🙂

  • nichtooks

    April 18, 2013 at 2:51 am

    Hi Ladies, i'm also due at the end of september 😀
    Have been really sicky to begin with, but think it's finally gone away now.
    Hoping to put my pole back up soon, but just not sure how I feel about it anymore, because I know i'm already restricted with what I can do. I teach gymnastics and struggled a bit for the first time last night. I now have super flexy legs and splits are a doddle but bending around the middle is now a lot harder even with the little bump I have.
    I know i've lost strength already from being too sick to pole and would be happy to just work on strength and dance but already feel let down by my body. Also trying hard to enjoy seeing my bump in a non covered up form, but just not sure it really suits me around a pole.
    Anyway, must stay positive and start doing some phys again to help me regain some control, especially now that I actually feel human again.
    Hope you guys continue to have good and safe pregnancies 🙂


    April 19, 2013 at 2:44 pm

    hi nichtooks, I know exactly how you feel! I was so sick my last pregnancy.I'd have to lay on the couch often.I also felt really maternal and wasn't sure if at a photo shoot if I should even have the pole in the background(we had a photoshoot right before delivery in the pole studio).

    My advice would be just to do what feels good for you.If you feel good just dancing, do that.If you feel comfy doing yoga or walking, you can always come back to pole once you have your baby. I felt really odd as my pregnancy progressed doing certain moves lol! People also often asked why I was still poling, as if I should quit haha. Your body composition changes as well and that makes every week challenging. Every week you gain weight and then you go to even do something "simple" like climb and all of a sudden it's a little harder. Just doing that though shows how strong you are and if you have fun than its worth it. I love pole too much to put it on a back burner but if for safety or if my doc said I had to than I would. Just do what makes you happy:)

  • Lady Glitter Sparkles

    April 19, 2013 at 11:02 pm

     I'm also pregnant ( 36 weeks). I stopped poling at about 24 weeks. I think cause it's still kind of new to me it was starting not feel right. though I did do a few spins here and there when I went to do the laundry. I've just been doing TKB at the gym. My body was much more adapted to those types of movements so I'm going to do that until about 36 weeks. Definitely looking forward to getting back on the pole. Congratulations!

  • nichtooks

    April 20, 2013 at 1:07 am

    @Organic your comment "Every week you gain weight and then you go to even do something "simple" like climb and all of a sudden it's a little harder. Just doing that though shows how strong you are and if you have fun than its worth it" has really struck a chord with me. I'd not thought of it in terms like that, as pregnant polers we should try to celebrate the strength and flexiness we still have, rather than feel upset by what we cannot do any longer – I'm definitely going to hold onto that sentiment!
    Congrats on being so close to the finish line Bonita, i'm already dreaming about being that far along and i'm just under half way through. Hope your last month and delivery go well and are straightforward for you! Couldn't think of much harder things to do than TKB (if it is some sort of kick boxing like i'm assuming) during pregnancy! 🙂

  • Buffy Diamonds

    April 21, 2013 at 10:05 am

    Hi ladies! Congrats to everyone! I am 18 weeks pregnant and due in September. I just started teaching again, after being super sick in the first trimester.  Getting back on the pole felt exactly the same! It is so good for my soul. Looking forward to getting creative with what this new body can do. Can't wait to meet my little guy or gal!

  • ofezo

    April 21, 2013 at 11:18 am

    Well I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I stopped poling cause it's our first and my husband is freaking out about any workout I do and doesn't want me doing ANYTHING!  Lol.  But after reading about  everyone else's experiences, maybe I'll dust the ol' pole off and give it a spin 🙂


    April 23, 2013 at 6:07 pm

    Hey ofezo. Congrats on your baby! If you don't feel comfy poling, don't. You could always keep it simple, meaning minimal tricks-maybe just dancing around the pole, nothing hardcore Good luck!

    I got my chopstix last night! That's one move I won't be able to do for very long! My jade too goes right out as one of the first tricks that is also difficult to maneuver.


    April 28, 2013 at 5:57 pm

    I most likely won't be poling for a couple of weeks. We lost our baby today.

  • PilatesPoleKat

    April 28, 2013 at 6:00 pm

    Oh no I am so sorry for your loss 🙁 🙁 I am heartbroken for you. You’re in my thoughts & prayers (((hugs)))

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