Forums Discussions Lost my pole mojo

  • Lost my pole mojo

    Posted by HilaryKate aka LolaSlaytor on April 19, 2015 at 3:34 pm

    I know almost all of us have gone through this at some point – feeling like you’re in a rut, stalled, whatever you want to call it. And I’ve been here before too, but it doesn’t usually cause me as much of a problem as it is now!
    I’ve entered a comp in June and I’ve gotta choose my song so I can start working on choreo. I’ve competed a couple times before, and performed before, but in the past, I usually have wound up taking a private lesson here or there to help me with choreo or to work on new tricks and combos. This time around, I’m on a super tight budget… so, no privates to help get me started or help through a sticky spot. That, plus time constraints from work, means that I really have to get going soon in order to have enough time to get a piece ready and clean enough to compete with.
    There are some really great judges at the comp so I really want to be able to get the most out of it and present a good piece so I come out of it with useful feedback.

    My normal process is that I will have a few key tricks/combos/flows that I want to use in my piece. Things that show my strengths, that are at the appropriate difficulty level for my division and that are within my reach to perfect in a given time frame. Then I’ll have a few songs that I like, listen to them a bunch, and then picture where I would want my key elements to fit. Eventually, one song just fits – like a puzzle piece. And then I can work on building my routine around the key elements I identified in the first place.

    But right now, I can’t choose a song. I have like 4 that I’ve narrowed down, but now I’m stuck. I don’t have any new tricks or combos that I’ve been working on that – everything feels like it’s too easy for me or hard enough that I wouldn’t be able to train enough to pull it off in time. I don’t have any mini-flows in my head. So I can’t picture any choreo for my songs… which makes me unable to choose the song. You can see the vicious circle I’m putting myself into.

    Although I feel like I’ve been getting fairly strong lately, I suddenly realized that I’ve lost my armpit grip (like for a Teddy) – I’ve had that for years!! Always has been solid. I saw a bunch of new shapes that utilize that hold that I wanted to try and BAM – couldn’t even stay on the pole.

    I’m just feeling very frustrated and hoping some inspiration will float my way…

    Veena replied 9 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Runemist34

    April 19, 2015 at 4:27 pm

    Hey Lola!
    I’m really sorry you’re having so much trouble. It sounds like you’ve reached a bit of a plateau, and that’s a tough spot to be in- it’s all too easy, or too hard, right?
    I feel like, this time, you’re gonna have to find the passion straight from you! And, that can be kind of difficult, but also lots of fun!
    Do you have any moves, or combos, that feel fun and maybe a little challenging? Do you have some moves you LOVE to do, that fit the bill for the difficulty? Or, are there some moves that are in the difficulty requirement that you’re working on now, that you could focus on, that you love to do?
    Connecting with the things that you really enjoy about pole, and with the songs you love to do that to, I think, will help you form some choreography that you feel passionate about, and don’t get bored or unhappy with when you practice!
    And, it’ll help you hone in on what you can do for your competition 😉

  • Veena

    April 19, 2015 at 10:20 pm

    What an annoying time to have the pole mojo just up and leave!

    I don’t know what level you’re at but there are a bunch of new Quick lessons here that are mostly combos, so looking through those my help. Maybe try messing around more with floor work for a day if you usually go to pole trick, or visa versa. Also If I have more than one song I love I would maybe go with the one that you think the crowd would love the most. I would normally say go with the one you love, but if you like all of them it can be hard to choose. Also have you tried doing a freestyle to each of the songs? Make sure to record them and maybe you’ll do something new that you like, and can use!

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