Forums Discussions Love sharing!!

  • Love sharing!!

    Posted by TatianaSD on August 25, 2015 at 3:54 pm

    As you all know, I recently opened my new studio DolSue Pole Studio in Jax, well it has kept me on my toes…lots of marketing, promoting, classes, demos and I’m doing this with the help of my son, which he’s not to happy but he loves getting paid. So lately I’ve been so tired and drained that I had to cancel a couple of classes, thank God my students are very understanding, but I know it’s not good business. Last month I went to PR for 2 weeks to see my family and I saw a good friend of mine wearing a patch….very colorful indeed and I proceeded to ask her…she told me they were energy patches and gave me the website and a 1 week Supply of patches to try. Of course I didn’t used them while in PR because I was feeling great. Well I got back on July 31 and August 3 I started back up with classes, privates and 2 parties for the weekend… on top of that my grandmother came to stay with me for 2 weeks, also did my 19 year old niece and 18 year old son!! Full house and 2 teens. The first few days I felt good, happy, and motivated….but by day 6 I was tired, depressed, overwhelmed and 0 energy!! I didn’t even want to get out of bed. So I remembered I still had those “energy” patches my friend gave me…so the next morning I slapped on a patch and started my day. About 3 hrs from wearing this patch, I got a kick of energy….I felt amazing, I wasn’t dragging, I actually poled with my niece an extra hour and then went for a walk. I was so tired by 9:30 I fell asleep and didn’t take my Rx sleeping pills. I woke up at 7:30 am the next morning, I took a shower and slapped another patch on as directed!! Since I started using them I feel amazing!! I’m not a typical person to pop pills or drink Red Bull or anything like that because of my migraines, the chemicals usually trigger my migraines so I stay away from them, but with this patch I haven’t had any withdraws at all…once done my 2 weeks, I stayed off to see what will happened and thank god I didn’t get sick, I still had energy and felt good….but I decided to order more, since now I’m going to Pole Expo and I know I will need as much energy as possible!! So I want to share this site with you and hopefully some of you are willing to try it for a month!! Trust me you won’t regret it….my parents are both diabetics and my dad has had 2 open heart surgery and his doctor told him he can use them…he has been on them for 1 week and he’s lost weight and says he’s not feeling sluggish, tired or sore!! Like I said, I just wanted to share this with everyone and hopefully you guys can give it a try!!

    This is the website with all the info you need….if you become a promoter, you get a discount and there’s no sign up fee either!!

    TatianaSD replied 9 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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