Forums Discussions Low Iron

  • Saphyre

    August 31, 2012 at 12:54 pm

    Thanks everyone. I feel like I take so much stuff already that I still get surprised when I get these drops. I take a prescription medication that has copper, zinc and folic acid (it's for my rosacea). I take a compounded vitamin that contains B6 and B12 plus other good stuff. I take Vitamin D3, but probably not often enough. Sunshine Diva, thanks for the info about periods, but I only have about 4 periods a year…I plan on still looking for that Vitanica and will also check out the Carnation… So much good advise here…Thank You Veeners!

  • Saphyre

    August 31, 2012 at 12:54 pm

    Thanks everyone. I feel like I take so much stuff already that I still get surprised when I get these drops. I take a prescription medication that has copper, zinc and folic acid (it's for my rosacea). I take a compounded vitamin that contains B6 and B12 plus other good stuff. I take Vitamin D3, but probably not often enough. Sunshine Diva, thanks for the info about periods, but I only have about 4 periods a year…I plan on still looking for that Vitanica and will also check out the Carnation… So much good advise here…Thank You Veeners!

  • PippiParnasse

    August 31, 2012 at 9:22 pm

    I have hypothetical low iron. Hypothetical because I haven't had health insurance since I lived in Europe (and that was many years ago), but I know when I was in high school and college I often got turned away from giving blood for that reason. I've been a vegetarian since high school, and that's presumably the cause. (Not to turn anyone off of vegetarianism, which is AWESOME, you should just be better about taking your vitamins than I am.)

    I feel that the symptoms have gotten better as I've gotten older. It could be hormonal, but I do wonder if I just eat more protein now. I think I'm guilty of having been a "pizza and french fries" vegetarian during my younger days (we all ate crap when we were young), and now I'm more likely to eat beans on a daily basis, often protein shakes, seitan, etc.

    Totally speculative. No scientific evidence. Just a casual hypothesis. But sounds like you need some new ideas for things to try, so why not…

  • scarlett 707

    August 31, 2012 at 9:37 pm

    I've been borderline anemic since high school. basically it just depends on when I have my blood taken & when/what I ate last. I didn't used to get turned away at the blood bank but once in a blue moon but that was back when I was at college & made it a point to eat a spinach salad & oj twice a week. Lately I've haven't been able to give blood for at least 3 years, which is horrible b/c I have a somewhat rare blood type (A-)….

    So now I've started taking the liquid iron supplement- Pur-Absorb by Spatone. I found it at CVS for about $18/pack of 28… I usually take them every morning before I eat mixed in a glass of OJ & Emergen-C, I've even mixed it with just water & Emergen-C & it really didn't taste too much like metal like I expected it would. It's got much less iron than tablets, most tablets are between 30-60mg but the pur-absorb is only 5mg but it's a high-absorption iron water so even though its technically less, your body absorbs more of it. I used to have "those" symptoms that are regular with iron pills (even the low does stuff) but I haven't had any issues with this stuff. It took my body about a week to adjust but that's expected. 

    I would check the pur-absorb liquid iron out it might be just what your looking for… 

  • Dirty Girl POLEtice

    August 31, 2012 at 10:14 pm

    also, one thing i've done, and i'm now totally off iron pills, is I got rid of all of my non stick cookware and bought a set of cast iron skillets.  Being from the south, our family grew up using it, then teflon came out and so many switched, including myself, but several months ago I got rid of all them, which wasn't hard since I kept having to replace them all the time anyway due to the scratches, and bought a set of lodge cast iron.  I haven't looked back!  Nothing sticks to these babies!  I can move from stove to oven and back, I cook everything in them now!  Plus, they give you iron every time you cook! 

  • Saphyre

    August 31, 2012 at 11:00 pm

    Thanks Pippi. Never been a vegetarian,,I like meat too much!  I do limit myself to once or twice a week though. Oh, and I love spinach. I've got 15 years of age on you, but really my age is probably now more of a negative than anything. I have always been an "everything in moderation" kind of girl. I think this is partially why my doctor cannot give me any definite answers. I'm doing everything right, it's just my wonderful body. Doc said it would be impossible to eat enough spinach to get my levels back up! Haha. So, I need to stick to supplements. I am going to give some of the suggestion here a try. 

    Scarlett, I will take a look at the liquid form of iron as well. I seem to do best taking all my stuff at one time of the day, all together. Otherwise, it doesn't happen.

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