Low Suspension Pole Work
Hello All. I wanted to get some feedback on a new idea. Two years ago, I tore a bunch of cartilage in my right wrist while poling. The only way to correct this is surgery, but since it is optional, I have kind of been dragging my feet about it–there is rarely a good time not to have use of your dominant hand. That said, poling has been a real challenge for me, and as such, I’ve mostly been working on flow and floor movement, but before eventually putting on my big girl pants, and going under the knife, I wanted to explore low suspension pole work; the kind of thing that keeps you from having to hang by one arm. This eliminates swing tricks and inversions, but it does open doors for the kinds of stuff Olgo Koda is doing. Does anyone know the names of any of these sorts of tricks or the names of anyone who is really good at teaching these sorts of tricks? Kind of long winded, sorry.
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