Forums Discussions MORONS!

  • Judy Jovanelly

    March 11, 2010 at 5:52 pm

    ok, now it’s time for jayjay to weigh in, since i thought up the whole girl spot with the prominent g to look like g spot in the first place…. it literally just popped into my head out of nowhere, and i could not believe how cute a play on words it was. to be safe, though, i took a small straw poll among some good friends showing a couple other names. the Girl spot won, hands down.

    lindsayanng has done an OUTSTANDING job of bringing that business name and logo to life. it is beautiful and classy, and if anybody out there needs a graphic designer (webby — you wanna throw in the towel yet LOL), then she is the girl for you.

    i am very sad that our little neck of new england has their panties bundled so tight. the sign is so pretty. but — dumb butt me did not read my lease carefully enough : we were supposed to get the landlord’s approval on any signage we wanted to put up, but failed to do so. had we done so, we would have argued and won, one way or another.

    so…. despite becoming intimate with the statement ‘it made my blood boil’ we are sucking it up and have revised the font. takin’ the high road, and hoping to educate anyone out there who thinks what we are doing is vulgar or dirty. and in the meantime we will also strive to turn our little studio into enough of a success that we can tell this landlord to shove it and go find a bigger space !

  • EVamp83

    March 11, 2010 at 7:14 pm

    I think, if it were my studio, I’d make a big round sign featuring just the G to hang outside. Then use regular font to stick the address of the website to the window, so people know what the full name of the place is. And keep the website the same (logo included). Like, have the G from the logo as a mini logo to hang above the door or something. Idk, just my two pence from the top of my head.
    I hope everything works out!! Good luck on your great adventure!!!

  • lindsayanng

    March 11, 2010 at 7:22 pm

    Thats funny that you mention that because I just designed these stickers:


    We havent printed them yet, but i just HAD to design them..

  • EVamp83

    March 11, 2010 at 7:25 pm
  • lindsayanng

    March 11, 2010 at 7:44 pm

    THANKS – I really love it too..I got some samples coming in the mail, HOPEFULLY they will look just as awesome and we can get some printed.

    I mean, if they hate the letter G, then they should take that up with the people who created the alphabet right? ha.

    Basically the goal in the branding of this company is to make that "G" their trademark. The logo is technically already trademarked.. but the "g" is next…

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