Forums Discussions Major Hip Flexor Pain

  • Major Hip Flexor Pain

    Posted by villainvixen on April 8, 2013 at 6:54 pm

    Don't know what this is about today. Could be from a number of things, but I went to warm up this afternoon. Did Veen'a Hardcore warm up because I hadn't in a while. Immediately, felt pain near my crotch at the joint when I lifted my legs up. I did as many reps as I could before just stopping because it hurt so much. 

    This could be a dumb question, but how exactly do you deal with hip flexor pain? I looked through a few discussions in health and fitness, but didn't quite find what I was looking for. I remember someone saying something about stretching quads, but I'm not sure. 

    Thanks you anyone who comments. 🙂

    villainvixen replied 11 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Saphyre

    April 8, 2013 at 7:43 pm

    Hi there. I have had a lot of hip flexor issues in the past and I still have to baby them. Here is a little info that I hope might help.

    There are actually 3 muscles that make up the hip flexor.

    The Rectus Femoris is part of the quadriceps and runs the closest to the outside of your leg (just inside to hip bone). This muscle helps with knee extension. If you have pain when extending your knee, then it could be that muscle.

    The Illiopsoas is a group of the other 2 muscles. The Illiacus and the Psoas Major. These run from the lower spine and pelvis into the femur. Since you felt the pain towards your crotch, I suspect the Psoas is the one giving you grief.

    The first thing you want to do is use ice for any inflammation that may have occurred. Ice 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off  when you are able. If you are an ibuprofen taker, this could help with pain. Rest is super important, so do that as often as possible.

    Once the pain starts to subside, you can add in some foam roller massage, some heat and some hip flexor stretches. If you have Veena's lessons, she has some great ones.

    Here is a link for the foam roller for Hip Flexors:

    Here is a link for the Lying Thigh Stretch:

    This link is for the deep lunge:

    Hope this helps!



  • CrazyKosters

    April 8, 2013 at 9:08 pm

    I also have hip issues and it hurts to lift my legs up or out, especially trying to do fan kicks. I second the illiopsoas muscle, it could also be bursitis. My hips also pop when i straighten them out or try to lift them. Its so frustrating and annoying. Ive been doing acupuncture and stretching for it which is helping until I try to do something and it gets aggravated all over again. My knees pop, shoulders pop when doing push ups, etc.. I feel like im 70 lol. I'm ready to go to a chiropractor and physical therapy.. If you have pain, you need to rest or it will get worse , trust me..I had the same problems with my right hip and lower back in the army and it took me 9 years to start working out again..Now its the other side!

  • Dancing Paws

    April 9, 2013 at 11:53 am

    If your hips pop when extending your legs, it might be snapping hips. I have it. It's when the tendon or ligament (can't remember) snaps over the bony structures. It sucks, and can cause problems in the long term.

  • villainvixen

    April 9, 2013 at 3:07 pm

    My hips pop every time I lift them. Never realized this until I started pole dancing and had to stretch and warm up all the time lol. Doesn't hurt, just sounds and feels weird. But thank you @saphyre and @crazykosters ðŸ™‚ Luckily I didn't need ice. No inflammation. 

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